frorn th e I9th and 20 th ccncurics. Eng lish rn ajn rs on ly. Non-En g li sh rnajors rna y p<.:tic ion in srr uc cor. Rcquirc:d for English and Hurnanicies/E ngl ish majors. Pre requi sites : 100 or I !OA; 11013. 320 Studies in Grammar and Language (3) Introductory language co urse for educatio n st ud e nt s: history of language, g rammati ca l sys tems, usagc/cornposi ti on; reaching ap pli cat ions. Prerequisit<.:s: I00 or I !Or\, 11013; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 l or 252 or consen c. 340 Advanced Composition (3 ) Swdy of the theories of \\'ricing and rherorica l rnode ls. Exccnsi1·c practice in wr iting. Prerequisites: 100 or l l OA, 11 013; 220 or 2.10 or 240 or ZS I or 252 or co nsent. 343 Creative Writing: Poetry (3) Poe tr ) workshop. St udents \\'ill read and critique each other's work, stud y selccccd rnodern and contem porary poerns and investigate the creat ive \\'ricing process. Pe rr11i s sion of inscruccor req uired. Prereq ui sites: l 00 or l lOA, 11 0 13 ; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1or 252 or consent. 344 Creative Writing: Fiction (3) Fi ct ion workshop. Swdcncs will re ad a nd c ritiqu e each other's work, stud y se lected rnodern and co ncc mporarl' shore stor ies and investigate the crc,tt i,·c w ritin g process. Pe rrn iss ion of insrruccor requi re d. Pre requi sit es: 100 or l lOA, I 1013; 220 or 230 or 240 or 2.'i I or 252 or consent. 350 History of the English Language (3) Fo ll ows the c.levc lo prn cnc of the English language from earliest o ri g in 5 co its cur rent sta tu s as a \\'Orld lang uage, cons id e rin g lin g ui sti c, political, soc ial and liter arv influ e nces. Prereq u isites: I00 or 11 Or\. I !OB: 220 or 2.30 or 240 or 25 1 or 252 or consent. 351 General English Linguistics (3) ct ion co the basic con cepts in sc ie ntifi c swell' of lan guage, rnajor a reas o f li nguist ic an,ilys is and severa l su bareas of t he fie ld . Although the prirn arv ern phas is is on 1•:ngl ish, rnacerial from o ch e r lang uages is intro d uced co prov ide a broad pe r spect ive. (. ee INA I, 300) 353 Introduction to TESOL - Adu lt (3) Basic co ncep t s, methods a nd tec h n iqu es of teach ing En g li sh ( ESL or EFL) co s pea ke rs of ocher languages. Introd uces prin -
252 and chrce units of upper di1·i sion writing or co nsent. 420 Studies in Comparative Literature (3) Comparatil'e swdies of a spec ifi c c ultural literature. Sections offe red in areas such as : Africa n, Spanis h, Ru ss ian, J c11·is h, Ger man liccracu rc. Pre requis it es: 100 or I !Ot\, I 1013 ; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or 252 or consc nc. 430 Special Studies in Literature (3) Stud ies in ge ne ral areas of li cer arv ill[ercsc such as fi lm and liter ature, science fi ctio n and folk lore or in such spec ifi c li cerarv co pi es as women's liceracure or li fe writ ings. Prerequ isites : I00 or I I Or\, I !OB: 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or 252 or consent. 440 Studies in Major Authors (3) r\n in-depth study of the works of one or more s ignifi cant auth ors with attent ion co chc chrono logi ca l c.l cvclopmenc of the auth or ' s stv lc, main themes and re lat ion sh ip co the li terary tradition. Sec t ions offered include such authors as: C hauce r, i\ l ilcon , Wo rc.l swo rch and Co lerid ge, Faul kn er and I lcmi ngway. Prerequi s ites: I00 or I IOA. 11013 : 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or 2.'iZ or consent. 451 History of Critical Theory: Plato to T.S. Eliot (3) r\ hi storical 01 en iew of litera ry and c rit ica l theo ry from its ori gins in Greek thought ch ro ug h che la te 19th ccnrnrv. The course 11 ill focus on the changing defin i tions of literature as we ll as the evo lution of c ri t ica l approac hes and deb,ne across cim<.: . Prereq ui sites: 100 or I JOA. I JOB; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or 252 or con sent. J un ior/Se ni or srnn ding. 452 Contemporary Literary Theory (3) An ol'erv iew of chc major co n cepts in the 20th-century li ccra rv theo ry and an introduct ion co the major approaches in contt; n1porary cr itical thcorv, incluc.ling forma l ism, myth cr iti c ism. hermeneu t ics. deconst ruct ion , fcminisrn, psvchoanalyc ic cric icisrn, i\brx ism, post-colonial theory and t he new hi storic ism. Pre requ is ites: 25 1, 252. 45 1 and junior standi ng/con sent. 460 Studies in Literary Genre (3) Stud ies in a specif ic l i ter ary ge nre such as, poc rr1·. drama, t he no ve l and film. Pr ereq ui s ite s : 100 or I JOA , 11 013 ; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or 252 or consent.
c iples of second language learning along with tec hniqu es fo r teach ing bot h se parate and integrated ski ll s co ad ul ts or postseco nd ary students. (Sec INTE 421). 354 Introduction to TESOL - K-12 (3) Exam in at ion of rat iona le , meth ods a nd rna cer i,11 s for teaching En g li sh in elementa ry and sec onda ry m u lei Ii ngua l c lassrooms. Assessme nt, t he role of thc pri marv language, and techniques fo r reac hing oral and 11Titten language arc also cove red. (Sec INTE 422) 360 Studies in Arnerican Lit erature (3) Spec ifi c eras and mo,·cments in Ame ri can li terawre. Two or more sect ions offered everv yea r. The sect ions include Arn cr ica n lite ra ture from Colon ia l America, the Consc icucion co th e Cil' il \\'ar, th e Civi l \\'ar co the New Deal. and the New Dea l co the present. Prereq uisites: I00 or 11 OA, I IOB. 240. 370 Studies in English Literature (3) Specific eras and rno1 e me ncs in l•:ng lish li te ratu re . Two or more sections offered every year. T he sections include: i\ led icl'a l li ccra cure, Re nai ssance litera ture, 17th cent ury lirernt ure, Romanti c ism, \ "ieto ri an literatu re. Earlv 20ch cent urv liceracure, anc.l Co ncem porarv litera ture. Prerequ isi tes: 100 or I JOA. I !OB; 220 or 230 or
471 Honors Seminar (3) An honors resea rch project devel oped in consultation wit h a facu lty ad1·isor and approved by an Eng- 1is h facultl' committee w hi c h inc lu des the dcparcmenc c hai r. Srndents seeking co extend th e ir p revious \\Ork in a pa rti c ular aut ho r, pe riod . genre, or c riti cal app roac h through the de1·c lop mell[ of more advanccd resea rch and writing skil ls arc encouraged to app ly. Thi s course is es pc:c ia ll y recommended fo r chose plan ning co cont inue liccran srndv on t he gra dua te level. l nrcresccd s tu dents should submi t their qualifi cat io ns a nc.l proposah co t he course intrucwr whose ap prorn l is required for cnrollrncnc. Pre req ui sites: 100 or I IOA. I !OB; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or 252 or con sent. Ju nior/senior standi ng. 490 English Practicum (1-3) Practi ca l ex per ie nce in En g li sh teaching, editi ng anc.1/or research at th e co ll ege lc1·cl. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: 100 o r I IOA, 11013; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 I or 252 or consent. ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) All non-nati ve speakers of Eng COURSES - li sh will be able co cou nt 12 uni ts of ESL instruction at the 103 le1·cl and above coward graduat ion. For srn dents pursu ing the 13.A. degree, the I2 uni ls of ESL \\'ill sa ti sfy the for e ign language requ irement. For stu dents pursuing chc 13.S. dcgrce. four uni ts will smisfv the fo re ign language req uircrnent and an addi tional e ight uni ts can be counted as clecci1·es. 103 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Foundations of Academic Writing (4) 105 English For the Non-Native Speaker: Oral Skill s (3) 107 English for the Non-Native
240 or 25 1 or 252 or consent. 380 Stud ies in Ch ildren's Literature (3)
Readi ngs in chi ldren ·s liccracure, in cluding consid erat ion of forms. themes and c riti ca l approac hes. Prerequis ite" I00 or 11 Or\. 11013; 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or 252 or consent. Ill[endcd for Education majors onl y. 400 Introduction to Shakespeare (3) Scud ies of a sc lect ion of Shake s p ea re's p la ys. pr ov id in g a n 01 erl' iew o f Shakespearcan tragedy . corncdv a nd historica l drama. Pr erequisi t es: 100 or I IOA, I !OB: 220 or 2.10 or 240 or 25 I or 252 or conscnt. 410 Studies in Specialized Writing (3) Stud ies in spcc ialized a reas or genres· of \\'r ici ng. Sect ions mav be offered in areas such as: tec h ni ca l wri ting. book edi ting, play- 11·ritin g, \\'ric ing for childre n o r adva nced sc udics in poetry or fi c t ion. Prerequisites: I00 or I IOA. I 1013: 220 or 230 or 240 or 25 1 or
Speaker: Foundations of Academi c Writing (3)
109 English for the Non-Native Speaker: W ri ting Workshop (3) .Vore: See ro111se desn-iprirJ11s 1111der E11glish /,011g11oge Sr11dies .1Nrio11.
Course Descr ipt ions · 73
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