Re, ·olur ion and inte rn at ional rel a tions in the modern world. 422 Renaissance and Reformation (3) 1-:uropc from the lace 1-hh ro early 17th ccnru r~. Stress o n c h a nges inau g u ra t ed b\' the Rc na issa ncc and Refo rmat ion ; rise of nati on-scares and fo und a tions of modern European soc i ety. Offcrcd alrcrnarc \'Cars . 424 Twentieth Century Europe (3) Europe in rhc era of World \Var I. the ri sc of Communi sm, Fas cism and I l irler's 1"a1. i Pa rry: \\' o rld \\'ar 11 and t he pose-wa r period: the Co ld \\' ar and t he co l lap,c of rhc communist s,srem. 430 History of the Jewish People (3) Post-b ibli cal period ro the pres ent: social, po litical and cultu ra l hisror, of rhc Jew in rhc i\ liddle l,asr, Europc and rhc Amer icas; Anti-Semitism. the I loloca usr, the State of Israel and Arab- Israe li ren,ions in the conrcmpo ruy wo rl d. Offered alrcrnarc years . 441 History of the Middle East and Islam I (3) Political. soc ial and cultural history of the l\ l iddlc East wit h a n emphasis on Islam ic ci, ·ili zarion to l-+53 . Special em ph as is on re la tionships of\ Iuslim and non-i\ lus li m peoples und er Islam ic rul e . 442 Hi story of the Middle East and Islam II (3) Politica l. social and cultural history of t he :-.tiddle East with a n c mpha s is on Is lami c civ ili za tion from 1-t53. Spccial cmphas is on t he dc,·elopmcnt of rhc :. li dd le Eastern srnrc sysrcm fo ll owing the First \\'orld War. Spec ial cmpha sis on the Arab- Israe li confli ct. 443 Special Topics on Middle Eastern Hi story (3) T opics on 1\liddle Eastern hi sto ry in cluding indi l' idu al reading in historical lircrawre. i\ la\' be repcared with a different topic. 445 Africa : History, Peoples and Culture (3) African socier~ and culture from an riqui rv t0 rhc prescnt. Empha s is on regiona l di\·cr~ ity, with par ri c u lar focus on thc e ffc crs of l s lam i1.a ri on, Afr ican d iaspo ra. co lon ia l ism. Ch ri sr ianiLa ti o n, modcrniLation and nationhood. Spec ia l emphasis on contc mpo nn) re li gio us mcffcmcncs.
Prercquisite: I li sro rv 105,207 or 208 or Pol iti ca l Science 205. 360 Economic History of the United States (3) Growth and del'e lopment of the Am c ri can eco,wm,· from the Colon ial pe ri od co conrc 111po rary r im es. 1-: mpha s is o n s uc h d) na111ic fac tor, as pol i t ica l, socia l, legal. rcc hn o log ica l and international dcn:lopnH;nrs ,1ffccring changcs in ag ri cu lrurc, tran s porrario n, com muni cat ion, commerce. industry and finance. 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) Institution and practi ce in genera l and spec ifi c methods of reaching as an a~.'.'>i:,,tct nt to profcs:>ors of largc clas,cs. T aug ht joinrh· by in st ructors fro111 the Edu cat ion
Wa r 11 era; co ntemporary prob lems includin g cco nom ic ,e;ro11 th and cultural conflic t. 401 The Rise of Modern America, 1877-1920 (3) Posr-Cil'il \ \'ar economic growth , i111111 igrar ion, rra ns-i\ l iss i,s ippi sc rr le menr, in du s triali zat ion. 11rbani 1-at ion; Amc ri ca 1 s ri~c co world powe r, Progress ive Era and World \\ 'ar I. 402 The United States Since 1920 (3) Shaping of A111eric,111 socia l, cco nomi c, po litical, re li g io us and inte ll ectual life and fore ign policy in the era of th c twenties. Ncw Dea l, \\'o rl d \Var 11 , Co ld \\' ar: emphasis on Ame rica ·s new role in a wo rl d of global inrc rdepend cnce. 403 California History (3) Exp lor,1tion, co lon izat ion and geog rap h,; indigenous peo pl e : t he i\ lex ica n period; srarc hood: rhc soc ial, econom ic and political d c , ·e lopm en rs in th e 20t h cc n tu ry. Examination of c..:ont<;mpo rary Ca li forn ia d i l'ers i ry and regional iss ues. Lab fee: $ 15 ln rcrrc rm and Su111mcr on lv. 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and deve lopment of Ame r ican fore ign re lations from the Rcl' olurion to the present. r\na lvsis of the conduce of fo re ign rel ations. irs object ives and limi tat ions. 408 The Church in the Ameri can Experience (1-3) ,\ n.:ligious hi sron· of t he l lnired Sca res from th e colon ia l to rhc contemporary pc ri od, emph asiz ing rhc C hurch's effect on and its response to Puri ta ni sm, the wcsr- 11·,ird mol'cmenr. soc ial and inrcl lcct ual fe rment. indusrriali ion. immi g ra tion , urbanization and war. Offe red alte rn ate yea rs. 410 American Constitutional Law (3) An examinati on of the princip les of the Ame ri ca n co ns riwri onal s,·srem looki ng prima ril y at U.S. Su preme Court dec is ions and the h iscorica l dc, c lopmcnr of const i tutional law. Attent ion also g iven ro th e judicial branch and its ro lc in American gol'e rnmenr and pol itics. parricu lar h· its co ntinuin g inrc rpre rarion of the U.S. Co nsti ru r ion as th e framewo rk for American democracy . 420 History of Russia (3) Ru ssia fr om t h e or ig in of the nation to th e conremporarv Sovie t srn rc. Analysis of Cza rd om, rh e
323 Ancient Greece (3) 1-1 isror,· of Ancient G reece from the i\ li noan-i\ lvcc nacan cu lru rcs to the He ll e ni stic pcriod; em ph as is on the lircrarure. n;ligion, an and mode, of thought of rhc per iod. 324 Roman History (3) Roman hi story from its beginning to t he fall of the 1'mpirc; Rome's pare in the prepa ration of the i\ l cd i tcr ran ean 11orld for t he spread of C h ri,rianiry: Rome's conrribu rions to \\ 'esrcrn c ivi li za tion. Offered alrcrnarc ,ears. 325 Themes in American History (3) Sections offered each year o n suc h ropics as: the American South. the American \\ 'est, \\' omen in Ame ri ca. t he Asia n Amer ica ns. 327 Hi storiography (3) Phil osop hi es and problems of hi story; hi storica l methodology. Dcl'elop 1rn.:nt of thc histo ri ca l discipline and in trod uct ion to research and\\ ritinp;. 328 Introduction to Public History (3) A sur,c, of thc app li cat ion:, of h istorical concepts and skills out side of acadcmic sett ings, includ ing the areas of cultu ral resou rce managcmcnt. public policy, husi nc,;;~, i nformation management, museum swdies, editing a nd comnu111 iry/fami l, histor,. Pre requisites: 105 ,in d 205. 331 Great Asian Civilizations (3) S urH:y of lnd o-r\nan. C h inese and Japanese c i, ili1.,1tions from anc i ent ci n1cs to the pr ese nt. stressing t he rcligio-philosophical dc,·c lopmcnts and the ir impact upon cu lture. 332 Studies in Asian Civilizations (3) In -depth stuth of specific regions of As ia; one or mo re section, offe red c, e rv \'ca r in such areas as: l\lodern India. Pac ific Rim ~ar ions. :. l odc rn Japan, a nd :\ lodcrn Chin a., he repeated with a different focus. Prerequ i site: 205. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) A srudi of se lecrcd po litical theo rists. Emphas is on suc h wri ters as Pl ato, Aristotle. Ch ur ch Fathers . .\u gusrine. Aquinas, i\ l achia, c lli , Lurhcr. Cah in. I l obhcs, L ocke. Burkc, l3 cn t ham, :. larx. N ieb uh r and others. Readings in pri111an so ur ccs.
and I listo r\' Dcpa rrmc nrs. 390 History of Mexico (3)
S ur l'c\' of t he histo ry of :\lcxico from p rc-Colomh ian rimes ro the present. empha sizi ng soc ial, cul tll ra I, re li g ious a nd political dc,clopmenr,. a, we ll as rcla rions berwecn :\ lex ico and the United States. 391 Latin America: History, Peoples and Culture (3) Scud ) of crhno-cu lrural grou ps - hi ghl and l\ layas, Afro-Cuba ns, Japanese, Brn1. ili ans. ctc. - an d ,oc ia l groups such as uni, crs iry s rud cnrs . ur ban s lum dwe ll ers (/ave/ados), crc; eco nomic acr i, ·i rie,, soc ial praericcs. rel igion and arcs. l,mp hasis on both hi storica l facro rs and contcmpo rar\' dcvel op 111 cnrs. 392 Latin American Revolutions (3) Re, o lurionar, 111 0, e men rs a nd regimcs in 20t h centur\' Lat in Amer ica: :-. tcxican Rc,·oluri on of 1910. Castro's C uba, Sand ini smo (Nica ragua), Sendero (Peru ), Zap arismo (;\ lcxico). ,\nalvsis of inter nat iona l, rcgiona l and loca l factors, as wcll as of revo lutionary culture and sca rch for soc ial just ice. 395 Twent ieth Century Through Film (3) Hi ghli ghts of 20t h-ce ntur y hi s rorv as cap rurcd on film. Histor i ca l understanding d cvL: l<>p c d th rough read in gs, leewrcs a nd discussion. 400 Studies in Developing Nations (3) Regional st udi es in the Third \\ 'or ld; stress on indigenous cul rurcs. European cx plorari on and co lon izat io n; indepen d e nce 1110,c111cnrs in the post \\' orl d
Course Descriptio ns · 75
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