
Re, ·olur ion and inte rn at ional rel a­ tions in the modern world. 422 Renaissance and Reformation (3) 1-:uropc from the lace 1-hh ro early 17th ccnru r~. Stress o n c h a nges inau g u ra t ed b\' the Rc na issa ncc and Refo rmat ion ; rise of nati on-scares and fo und a­ tions of modern European soc i­ ety. Offcrcd alrcrnarc \'Cars . 424 Twentieth Century Europe (3) Europe in rhc era of World \Var I. the ri sc of Communi sm, Fas­ cism and I l irler's 1"a1. i Pa rry: \\' o rld \\'ar 11 and t he pose-wa r period: the Co ld \\' ar and t he co l­ lap,c of rhc communist s,srem. 430 History of the Jewish People (3) Post-b ibli cal period ro the pres­ ent: social, po litical and cultu ra l hisror, of rhc Jew in rhc i\ liddle l,asr, Europc and rhc Amer icas; Anti-Semitism. the I loloca usr, the State of Israel and Arab- Israe li ren,ions in the conrcmpo ruy wo rl d. Offered alrcrnarc years . 441 History of the Middle East and Islam I (3) Political. soc ial and cultural history of the l\ l iddlc East wit h a n emphasis on Islam ic ci, ·ili zarion to l-+53 . Special em ph as is on re la­ tionships of\ Iuslim and non-i\ lus­ li m peoples und er Islam ic rul e . 442 Hi story of the Middle East and Islam II (3) Politica l. social and cultural history of t he :-.tiddle East with a n c mpha s is on Is lami c civ ili za tion from 1-t53. Spccial cmphas is on t he dc,·elopmcnt of rhc :. li dd le Eastern srnrc sysrcm fo ll owing the First \\'orld War. Spec ial cmpha­ sis on the Arab- Israe li confli ct. 443 Special Topics on Middle Eastern Hi story (3) T opics on 1\liddle Eastern hi sto ry in cluding indi l' idu al reading in historical lircrawre. i\ la\' be repcared with a different topic. 445 Africa : History, Peoples and Culture (3) African socier~ and culture from an riqui rv t0 rhc prescnt. Empha­ s is on regiona l di\·cr~ ity, with par­ ri c u lar focus on thc e ffc crs of l s lam i1.a ri on, Afr ican d iaspo ra. co lon ia l ism. Ch ri sr ianiLa ti o n, modcrniLation and nationhood. Spec ia l emphasis on contc mpo­ nn) re li gio us mcffcmcncs.

Prercquisite: I li sro rv 105,207 or 208 or Pol iti ca l Science 205. 360 Economic History of the United States (3) Growth and del'e lopment of the Am c ri can eco,wm,· from the Colon ial pe ri od co conrc 111po rary r im es. 1-: mpha s is o n s uc h d) na111ic fac tor, as pol i t ica l, socia l, legal. rcc hn o log ica l and international dcn:lopnH;nrs ,1ffccring changcs in ag ri cu lrurc, tran s porrario n, com muni cat ion, commerce. industry and finance. 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) Institution and practi ce in genera l and spec ifi c methods of reaching as an a~.'.'>i:,,tct nt to profcs:>ors of largc clas,cs. T aug ht joinrh· by in st ructors fro111 the Edu cat ion

Wa r 11 era; co ntemporary prob­ lems includin g cco nom ic ,e;ro11 th and cultural conflic t. 401 The Rise of Modern America, 1877-1920 (3) Posr-Cil'il \ \'ar economic growth , i111111 igrar ion, rra ns-i\ l iss i,s ippi sc rr le menr, in du s triali zat ion. 11rbani 1-at ion; Amc ri ca 1 s ri~c co world powe r, Progress ive Era and World \\ 'ar I. 402 The United States Since 1920 (3) Shaping of A111eric,111 socia l, cco nomi c, po litical, re li g io us and inte ll ectual life and fore ign policy in the era of th c twenties. Ncw Dea l, \\'o rl d \Var 11 , Co ld \\' ar: emphasis on Ame rica ·s new role in a wo rl d of global inrc rdepend cnce. 403 California History (3) Exp lor,1tion, co lon izat ion and geog rap h,; indigenous peo pl e : t he i\ lex ica n period; srarc hood: rhc soc ial, econom ic and political d c , ·e lopm en rs in th e 20t h cc n­ tu ry. Examination of c..:ont<;mpo­ rary Ca li forn ia d i l'ers i ry and regional iss ues. Lab fee: $ 15 ln rcrrc rm and Su111mcr on lv. 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and deve lopment of Ame r­ ican fore ign re lations from the Rcl'­ olurion to the present. r\na lvsis of the conduce of fo re ign rel ations. irs object ives and limi tat ions. 408 The Church in the Ameri­ can Experience (1-3) ,\ n.:ligious hi sron· of t he l lnired Sca res from th e colon ia l to rhc contemporary pc ri od, emph asiz­ ing rhc C hurch's effect on and its response to Puri ta ni sm, the wcsr- 11·,ird mol'cmenr. soc ial and inrcl­ lcct ual fe rment. indusrriali ion. immi g ra tion , urbanization and war. Offe red alte rn ate yea rs. 410 American Constitutional Law (3) An examinati on of the princip les of the Ame ri ca n co ns riwri onal s,·srem looki ng prima ril y at U.S. Su preme Court dec is ions and the h iscorica l dc, c lopmcnr of const i­ tutional law. Attent ion also g iven ro th e judicial branch and its ro lc in American gol'e rnmenr and pol ­ itics. parricu lar h· its co ntinuin g inrc rpre rarion of the U.S. Co nsti­ ru r ion as th e framewo rk for American democracy . 420 History of Russia (3) Ru ssia fr om t h e or ig in of the nation to th e conremporarv Sovie t srn rc. Analysis of Cza rd om, rh e

323 Ancient Greece (3) 1-1 isror,· of Ancient G reece from the i\ li noan-i\ lvcc nacan cu lru rcs to the He ll e ni stic pcriod; em ph as is on the lircrarure. n;ligion, an and mode, of thought of rhc per iod. 324 Roman History (3) Roman hi story from its beginning to t he fall of the 1'mpirc; Rome's pare in the prepa ration of the i\ l cd i tcr ran ean 11orld for t he spread of C h ri,rianiry: Rome's conrribu rions to \\ 'esrcrn c ivi li za­ tion. Offered alrcrnarc ,ears. 325 Themes in American History (3) Sections offered each year o n suc h ropics as: the American South. the American \\ 'est, \\' omen in Ame ri ca. t he Asia n Amer ica ns. 327 Hi storiography (3) Phil osop hi es and problems of hi story; hi storica l methodology. Dcl'elop 1rn.:nt of thc histo ri ca l discipline and in trod uct ion to research and\\ ritinp;. 328 Introduction to Public History (3) A sur,c, of thc app li cat ion:, of h istorical concepts and skills out­ side of acadcmic sett ings, includ­ ing the areas of cultu ral resou rce managcmcnt. public policy, husi­ nc,;;~, i nformation management, museum swdies, editing a nd comnu111 iry/fami l, histor,. Pre­ requisites: 105 ,in d 205. 331 Great Asian Civilizations (3) S urH:y of lnd o-r\nan. C h inese and Japanese c i, ili1.,1tions from anc i ent ci n1cs to the pr ese nt. stressing t he rcligio-philosophical dc,·c lopmcnts and the ir impact upon cu lture. 332 Studies in Asian Civilizations (3) In -depth stuth of specific regions of As ia; one or mo re section, offe red c, e rv \'ca r in such areas as: l\lodern India. Pac ific Rim ~ar ions. :. l odc rn Japan, a nd :\ lodcrn Chin a., he repeated with a different focus. Prerequ i­ site: 205. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) A srudi of se lecrcd po litical theo­ rists. Emphas is on suc h wri ters as Pl ato, Aristotle. Ch ur ch Fathers . .\u gusrine. Aquinas, i\ l achia, c lli , Lurhcr. Cah in. I l obhcs, L ocke. Burkc, l3 cn­ t ham, :. larx. N ieb uh r and others. Readings in pri111an so ur ccs.

and I listo r\' Dcpa rrmc nrs. 390 History of Mexico (3)

S ur l'c\' of t he histo ry of :\lcxico from p rc-Colomh ian rimes ro the present. empha sizi ng soc ial, cul­ tll ra I, re li g ious a nd political dc,clopmenr,. a, we ll as rcla­ rions berwecn :\ lex ico and the United States. 391 Latin America: History, Peoples and Culture (3) Scud ) of crhno-cu lrural grou ps - hi ghl and l\ layas, Afro-Cuba ns, Japanese, Brn1. ili ans. ctc. - an d ,oc ia l groups such as uni, crs iry s rud cnrs . ur ban s lum dwe ll ers (/ave/ados), crc; eco nomic acr i, ·i­ rie,, soc ial praericcs. rel igion and arcs. l,mp hasis on both hi storica l facro rs and contcmpo rar\' dcvel­ op 111 cnrs. 392 Latin American Revolutions (3) Re, o lurionar, 111 0, e men rs a nd regimcs in 20t h centur\' Lat in Amer ica: :-. tcxican Rc,·oluri on of 1910. Castro's C uba, Sand ini smo (Nica ragua), Sendero (Peru ), Zap­ arismo (;\ lcxico). ,\nalvsis of inter­ nat iona l, rcgiona l and loca l factors, as wcll as of revo lutionary culture and sca rch for soc ial just ice. 395 Twent ieth Century Through Film (3) Hi ghli ghts of 20t h-ce ntur y hi s­ rorv as cap rurcd on film. Histor i­ ca l understanding d cvL: l<>p c d th rough read in gs, leewrcs a nd discussion. 400 Studies in Developing Nations (3) Regional st udi es in the Third \\ 'or ld; stress on indigenous cul­ rurcs. European cx plorari on and co lon izat io n; indepen d e nce 1110,c111cnrs in the post \\' orl d

Course Descriptio ns · 75

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