480 Research Seminar (3) Special stud ies in hi sco r y for lll ajors uti li z ing che techniques o f pro bl clll-so l,· in g, resea rc h a nd forma l wric ing. No n-lllajors ma y unde rta ke spec ia l s tud y in s pe c ifi c geograp hi ca l a re a s; Larin Amer ica, Europe , As ia , U nice d States, i's"ear East and Afri ca . Pre requ is ite: 327 o r consen t. 488 Internship (1-6) Des igned fo r " public hi srory" ex p e ri ence s uch a s hi s tori ca l preservacion. a rc hiva l re sea rc h , work in museums, etc., as well as other work-re lated ex pe ri ence thac fies into che st ud e nt' s p la nned caree r trac k. Proposa l desc ribin g objecci,·es. co ll atera l reading and a nti e ip arcd bene fit s to be app roved by facu lty advisor and Ca ree r Sc n ·iccs during semes ter pr ior co registra t io n. Units to be co unt ed cowa rd e lec ci ve c re dit be\'ond chc 30 units requ ire d for histo ry and soc ial sc ie nce majors. \ la\' be ta ken more than once for a max imum of6 unics each. 490, 491 Honors Program (3, 3) 1\ year- long independent research project for hi story majors culminat in g in a n h o no rs ch cs is. Firs t semesccr : read in g a nd re sea rc h unde r supc n ·ision. Second semes te r: drafci ng and writing fin al pape r. GEOGRAPHY COURSES (HGEO) 301 Cultural Geography (3) \\' or ld c ultural region s: stu d y of c ultural force s and their interac tion wic h the ph ys ica l e n v iro n ment to p rod uce rhc va ri c ci cs of cu lcura l Lind sca pe: popul a ti o n d istr ibuti on, ge n e ral la nd-use, ~cttlcmcnt pattern, cranspo rcati on and co 1T1muni cat ion; accc nci on gi\'c n to co nte mpo rar y cn\'iron mcnta l conce rn s. 310 Studies in Geography (3) Co n tincncal a re as st udi es b y regio n s emphasizing ph ys ica l, c ultu ra l, eco nomi c and hi s tori cal dim e n s ion s w hi c h g i\' C geo gra phi c pc rso nalicy to indi vidual reg ions and na ti ons. One or mo re sccc ions o ffe re d eac h yea r in art.:as s uch as Lat in America, :-.Jorih Ame ri ca n, Europe and As ia. i\ lay be rcpcaceu wich dif ferent concc nc (sect ion citl c) .
Philoso phy and Lice rat urc: 30 1,302,303, and three addi t ional upper di vis ion units in phil osoph y with approva l of the Humaniti es Commi ttee.
C hair: Todd C . P ickett, Ph.D.
460 Seminar in Rel igious Traditions (3)
FACULTY Professo rs: Buss, Doland , Pete rs, Smith , Wil s hire Assoc iacc Professors: Buchanan , Ciocch i, Frankwicz, Pi ckett, Rood Ass ista nt Professo r: T c nEl shof
S ig ni ficanc reli gious crad irions offered ll'ith different focus and content, such as: ,\ sia n Rcl igiou, Traditions, the Evangc lical T ra di tio n. :-- ta,· be repcated " ith a differen t focus . Prerequi site: 105, 205 o r Po liti ca l Science 205 . 462 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3) The background, original de, cl opmcnt and sp read of rhe C:hrist ia n re li g ion : emp h as is on the mod e rn era, especialh conrclll porary growt h d\'namics a nd c hurc h s tructure in Africa, A,ia a nd L at in America. Offe red sp rin g semeste r. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Iss ues in the contclllporar,· "orld addressed from an in terdisc ipli nary soc ial science and Biblical p c rs pecri, e. l'rcrequis ircs: Senior standing. 470 Studies in History (1-3) Topics in h istory including indi vidua l reading in h istorical litera ture . i\ lay be rcpc,rted wich a dif ferent topic.
History (30 units)
The Humaniti es Hi story major cons ists o f a wea l of 30 uni cs. of which 2-1 mu st be uppe r di \' ision . Ei ghceen units in Histo ry, and cwo conccnmrti ons of s ix unics in both Eng li sh and Philosoph v, fo r a tota l of 30 units. Of rh e .30 uni ts, 2-1 muse be upper div is ion. Th e s tu de nt wo uld seek hi s/her inte rests a nd be g uid e d by ch c faculcy ro take lll ost of the ir courses in one o f chc a reas of ex pc rci sc with in chc History Dc part!ll c nt : T he scudent is required to take History 207 and 208 (one of which wi ll meet the ge neral ed ucation hi s tory re quireme nt ) b efo re cak in g uppcr-di"i s ion courses in hi swri. The studcm is a lso req uired m cake e ithe r History 480, Resea rch Semi na r (tl1rce units), o r I li swry -N0- 491 , Senior Ho nor P rog ram (s ix uni ts), as a '·ca pstone" course in the concluding yea rs of hi s/ he r pro g ram. St ud e nt s who use this e mphas is as a pre-semin ary pro gram of study, may wis h m incl ude Hi story 32 1, History of rh e Ch ri st ian Church (three units) and one of the bibli ca l languages as th e ir fo r
The D e partments o f Eng li sh, Hi story a nd Philosoph y offe r a n interd epart mental m a j or in humanities. le cons is ts of a con ccnt racion of 18-2 0 unics in one a rea and two support a reas o f s ix upper div is ion unics eac h. T he a rea o f conce ntra tion is basically an emphasis in the des ired fi e ld but offers lllore flc x ibilic v t hrou g h ad \'i se m e nt of th e 1lumanici es Comm ittee . The obj ec ti ve of chc humani ties major is to provide the studcm with a broader p e rspec ti ve in sclccced libera l arts uisciplines than is pos s ibl e w ich a s in g le s ubje c t matte r. Courses ta ke n co sat isfy the genera l educacion n.:quircmem cannot be c redited to th e major.
A Bachelor of Arls Degree i11 H11mr111i1ies is o ffered upon com pl e tion o f the university baccalau rea te and humanities major in one of ch c foll owing concencracion, . English (30 units) The Human iti es Engli sh !llajor cons is ts of a coral of 30 units, of which 2-1 mu st be upper di vision. Eighteen units in Engl ish arc re quired, 12 of w hi ch mu s t be upp e r di v is io n. Th e Engl is h requirement includes Eng li sh 2-10, 25 1 and 252. An additional 12 uppe r-d ivision units lllUSt be cho se n frolll the Hi story and Philoso phy cou rses li sted bel ow. Student ma y choose tu rake a ll 12 units in o ne co nce ntration of Hi sto ry or Philosoph y: History - Choose 3-12 units of any History Department electives. World Civili:;:,a1io11 I a11d I I are prereq11isi1e 10 1ali11g 11pper-div isio11 to111Jes i11 His!Ot)', Philosophy - Prerequisite 214 for general education. Choose 3-12 units from: ■ Phil osophy and Reli g ion: 302 , 41 3 and s ix add it iona l upper di,·is ion uni cs in philos
e ign language requ irement. Philosophy (32 units)
The 1-luman icics Phil oso ph \' major cons ists of a tota l of 32 units of which 2-1 uni rs must be uppe r di vis ion. Twenty uni ts in philoso phy beyond th e genera l ed ucat ion rcquir e m c nc, n f which 17 unit s mu s t be uppe r div is ion , a nd two conccmrntions of six upper di, ·is ion uni ts each in literature and hi stor\'. For rhc major, th e st ud ent lllUSt ra ke Philosophy 30 1, cic he r 302 or 303, and cwo units o f 350 Philoso ph y Seminar. Conce ntrat ion in li tera ture, chc s tudent wi ll consult hi s ad vi sor about which co urses will most like ly comp le me nt hi s s rndi cs in phil osophy. Conccntracion in hi sto ry, the s tud e nt w ill se lect o n e course from H isco ry 323 or 324, and one course from 1-1 iscory 3 13 o r -1 22.
ophy with approva l of the Humanities Committee.
76 • Course Descripti ons
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