
lntercultural Studies


ing a nd 14 units of competency courses: ARTS 306, ENGL 380, i\JATH 11 7 and 11 8, J\ JUSC 3 10. BBST -1 68 must b e ta k e n as a Bible e lectivc, a nd BBST 465 I ntegration Seminar is required. Certain specific ge nera l educa­ tion courses a rc also requ ired which include: Psychology 200. Ph ys ica l Educat ion 201 , and lllath 11 7/ 11 8. In ad di tion, teac hi ng c re den­ tial candidates must pass the i\ lul t ip le Subject Assessmcnt fo r teac hers (l\ lSAT ) and the Ca li for­ ni a Bas ic Educational Ski ll s T cs r (CBEST) prior ro e ntering t he e lementary cu rri cu lum co urse . Thi s opt ion comb ines t he !CS majo r with t h e Profess iona l Preparation Program and t h e required competency cou rses and meets th e requirements fo r a Pre­ liminary i\ l ul t iple Subject Teach­ ing C redenti a l. The s tudent must cons ult with rh c Schoo l o f Inte r­ cultural Studies and the Depa rt­ ment of Educati on fo r spec ifi cs . All stude nts in the major a re required co ta ke Biblica l Stud ies -158 Theology of Mi ssion as a Bible elec­ t ive. BBST 465 Integration Semi­ nar, e ither Gospe l and Cu lture o r C hurch and i\ liss ion in Context, is required in the senior year. Nolt': For 1he l 11re,rnllilml S111d­ ies 11111jo1J 01J/J•, t\111hropology 200 is prereq11isi1e 10 all 11111hropology w,11,·ew,•od·. S111de111s m•ho desire II co11ce111m- 1io11lm1ifim1e i11 TF.SOL (Teadti11g English ro Sper,l!ers of Orher l .r111- g11oges) are adv ised 10 rherk !he TESOL a11d Applied f,i11g11is1ics ser- 1io11 of rhe c11r11log for req11ire111n1/s . The)' s/2011/d also ro111ple1e c111 appli­ m1io11 /om, 1111d pid, 11p r, h1111dbool.· fro 111 rhe JAi . depr111111mr. Bi o la a nd the Summer Inst i­ tutc of Lingu is tics (S IL) at Biola pro v ide a n umbe r of lin g ui s ti c courses that ca n comprise a con­ ce ntrat ion for ln terc ultural Stud­ ie s majors inte rested in language ana lys is/ Bible translat io n. See TESOL and Applied Lingui st ics sectio n of the cata log for the se course dcscriptions . Field Internsh ip Every l ntcrcultural Stud ies major must participate in a cross­ cultural/ovcrscas lea rning prog ram. This may be fu lfilled by raking an approved ficlcl intern s hip whi ch prol'idcs opportun ity ro app ly skill s stud ied in the classroom in a foreign e n v ir on m e n t S uc h a n ex p e ri e nce may be taken for credit. Studcnts· mav a lso fu lfill th is requirement by 1\art ic ipating 111 an approved Bi o la semester­ abroad program . Those choosing

Crosscultu ral Healthcare

strength of our program. It is the de,irc of rhe facultv that each stu­ dcnt in the prng;n;m II ill find in rhcir part icular carccr choice thc mean, to cffcct i, c cro,sc ultural pcrsonal ministry ,111d c, ·,rngclism. Tel\\ ard that end thc sc hool will pro, ·idc a n inform ation cc nrcr 11 hich will answer inqu irics con­ ccrning mission, and encourage ,tudcnts and facultv to pu rsuc academic cxccllcncc and spiritual maturi[\ "iO that the\ can ca rr v out II itl; competence. the Lord'~ program of discip li ng a ll peop les.

Courses in c lude INCS 430 rcpeatcd with different content - Crossc ultural I lca lth Ca rc De li v­ ery, i\ l aintain ing Yo u r He a lth O1'crseas, Anthropology of Cross­ cu ltu ral Heat h Ca re and 1\l anagc­ mcnt Strategics in Crossc ultural Hca lth Ca re. Global Stewardship Program This co ncentr ation is co m­ plet ed by parti c ipat ing in th e Global Stewardship Progra m in 13clizc or the South Pac ifi c a long with re lat ed co ur sewo rk at Bi o la's campus focus ing on t he ca re for creat ion and susta inable dc, ·c lopmcnt. Co ur ses include Ai'\ TH 403 as we ll as courses taken in tropical ecosvstems a nd susta inable development. Principles & Practice - Theory of Missions Co urses includ e ANTH 36 1, INCS 33 1, 332, 333, 420, -146, -153. 468. -170. Relief and Development Courses inc lu de ANTH -103 , HIST 400. INCS 3-15, 3-1 7, -133, -135, -185. Religious Studies Cou rses include ANTH 330, INCS 4-15 , -153, -156, SOC I -10 2. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Courses in c lud e 11 CS 3 10, INTE 309,42 1, -1-11. -127, -160. -19 2. For t he m inor in TESOL pl ease scc the TESOL and Applied Linguistics sect ion of the catalog. Urban Ministry Courses include l i'iCS 331, -15s. 457, -1 60, -167. soc , :no, 3-16. Interdisciplinary (36 units) A personali zed interd iscip li ­ nary program may be designed bv the stud e n t and thc s tudent' s ad, · isor. Th e 18- unit co re includes: 233 or 3-12, 3 10 or 3 13, 322, 350, -120 and Anthropo logy 200. Fo r thc interdi sc iplinar y program. s ix units of inccrc ultural stud ie s e lectives and 12 uppe r dil'ision units arc to be c hosen from outside of the major in a d isc iplin e t hat s upports th e s tu­

INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Dean: F. Dougla, l'cnno,cr. Ph.D. C hair: ;\ lurray Dcckcr, Pi,.D.

FACULTY Professors: Cook, Dollar.

Douglas, I la, 11 ard, Kraft Associate l'roks.~ors: 1\lc~andcr. Lingenfelter. l'cnnO\er, Russell. Steffen · Assistant Prnfcssor: Decker



,\ /J11rhdor of, \ rls d1,gra i11 fllll'l't11l111ml S111di1's is o ffered upon complet ion of the uni ver­ si r, bacca laurcace and majo r n.::quircmc.:nts. lntercultural Studies (36 units) The inrcrcultural studies m,1jor rcquire, thc complet io n of .,6 units or which Z-1 must be upper di, is ion. The I8-unit core includes: 233,3 10 or 3 13 , 322, 350, -157 or -158 and Anthropo logy ZOO, 11 ith the remaining 18 units choscn to support the part ic ul ar c:ircc r intcrcst of rhc student. lntercultural Studies Concentrations Students arc strong!\· encour­ aged to choose t he majoritv of their clectiu.~~ in one or two con­ ccnm1tions. · I'hcsc concentrations crcatc an emphas is in a particular carccr field. Focusing your ICS dcgn.:c on ,1 specific area of st udy or interest a ll ows future c mploy·­ ers ro rccognize special skills in :111 arca of cxpcrc ise in you r co l­ lege c,pcrience. The fo ll ow in g arc our emphasis offer ings. Anthropology - Theory and Application Courscs include A:S:TH 200, 220. .,00. -10 I. -103 . -100. Applied Linguistics and Bible Translation C:ourscs include 1:s;CS 310, 313, l:S: t\L 30 1, .,OZ, -103. -105, -137, -1-16, -152. -153, -15-1. Area Studies Thi s conce ntrati on provides studcnts with personal cross-c ul­ tural cxpcr icncc b, studYing abroad ti,r onc semestcr in one of the c i<rht programs offe red at Biola. Arca;'°'of study include C hi na. Bcli;,c, Egvpt, Russia. I londuras. Cost:t Ri ca. Japa n and thc South Pacific. Church Planting Cour)C'> include 3.)3. 33-+, 3.,8. -160, -151.

Th e objcctil'cs of the under­ graduate department of Intcrcul­ turnl Studies i, fi, c-fold: (I) to cn,tblc students to dcmnn,tratc a kno11 ledge and understanding of the theological, hismric.11, ,ociologi­ ca l, anthropological and lin _g uistic issues of the crosscultur,il commu­ nicacion of the gospel: (2) to enable students to demonstrate a pcr,onal rcsponsibilitY co the mandate gi, en bv the Lo rd Jcsus Christ to make disciples of c, ·cr, nation bascd on an understanding of both ln,nrnn be in gs and culture: (.'\) to equip Christian profc..,.,ional"i co \crn; in a broad range or I oc,1tions: (-1) to facilitate the gnl\\ th of Christ-like character and assist student, in their spiri tu al formation: (S) ro increase student und cr,tandin,g of linguistic and cu ltural di, cr..,ir:. \O that tl1c: will relate more meaning­ ful!) to pcoplc \l'ith a different lin­ gu ist ic and cultur,tl background and be encouraged to anal: 1.c and de, ·e lop Chrisri,111 pcrspccti, c, toward crossculturnl problem,. The carcc rs open to lntcrcul ­ tural Studies nujors arc di, er,c, and include. '.'!Uch an...:a'-1 a\ rn,...,...,ion..., oum;ach, crosscultur:d health ,cn - ices. dc,·elopmcnt programs and agencies, social \\'clforc. rr,rn..,larion work. information research. bilin­ gual and multiculrur:tl cd11c,1rion, c rossculwral communicarion,. and public and foreign ,en ice. The lntcrculrur,11 Studies major is designed to allo11 students m pur­ sue options which II ill best prcparc them for the ir career objccti, cs. The intcrd iscipl inar) concentrat ion offer, a uniquc opportunir, to com­ bine Intcrculrnrnl Studies,; ith othcr d isciplines in rhc l ' ni1 cr,irv ro prc­ parc the studcnt for ca rccr, such as b icultural cducation. crossc ulturnl mas~ media communications. social work. crosscultural counseling, mi'i­ sions poliric:d liaison. urban program adm inistration, etc. :\ l issions outrcach has bccn the major thrust and rhc spiriwal

dent's ca reer objccti,·cs . Elementary Teaching Credential Program

The int crcu ltu ral s tudie s/ teachin g e mph asis majors mu st co mplete the interdiscip lin a ry core a long with l 'JCS 33 1 and 332, the profess ional preparation program of 2-1 units w hi ch include 12 units of student teac h-

Course Descriptions· 77

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