the latte r will not get additiona l academ ic credi t but wi ll rake th ree more units of e lectives within the major. Whi cheve r option a s tll dent chooses to fu lfi ll thi s require ment , must be prc -ap prO\·cd by the stud ent's academi c adv iso r.
nation a l law and h um an ri ghts, nati onal poli cy and globili 1.ation. 347 Micro Issues in Relief and Development (3) Thi s co1 11·sc deals II ic h mi cro iss ue s in devc lop111 ent ,uc h as gende r, agr iculture, hea lth , liter acy, sho re-te rm missions, rok of expat ri ates. ch ild sponso rs hip , appropriate tcchnolog,, m icro ente rpri se, national lea der s h ip emergence, com111uni ty endanger ment, m igrati on, diaspora commu niti es and refugee rcspon,c:. 350A/B Fi eld Internship (1, 2) F ie ld int e rn s hip pro, idc: s a n opportunic, to de, c lop cross-cu l tura l confidence and competence in a field e nvironm e nt while e:--p loring specific geograp hi cal, cu ltural and career arc,1s of inter est. !'repa rati on for fi e ld inte rn sh ip . 350.\ is taken in sprin g scrncstcr; and 3.'i0 B, actua l fie ld expe ri ence and portfoli o, is taken in fa ll se111cster. T hi, course may not be taken in conjunct ion with a sc111csrcr abroad srndy program. Prc: rc:quis itcs: 23.l, 322, Anthro po log) 200, a nd o ne other ICS course. Required fo r all empha ses. 360 Short-Term Mission Leader ship (3) Pre pa ratio n to effecci, c l, lead a shore-term mission ream (ST:'- 1), including ream training and prepa ration, models of 'T \ I sen·icc. sp iri tual and cul tural issues, analy sis of the ST\! parad igm, a nd a,scssment of s· I' \ I cffccti,·cncs,. 420 lntercultural Communication (3) Prin cip les and processes of com municat ing from onc..: c ulture to anot he r. Focus on different pe r ceptio ns, 11ays of thinkin g, va l ues, non- , cr b,11 express ion, lan gua~c cxprc\\ion and <.,u h-groups within a cu lture as chcv re late to the media and t he mes~agc. (Sec also Communication -1 72.) 421 Multicultural Communica tion (3) Studv a nd ana l)s is of iss ue, of crossculrural co111m uni car ion bctll'Cen e thni c groups primar il y rc,i cling 11·ithin the Un ited States. (Sec also Communicatinn -1 73.) 425 Spiritual Conflicts in Cross cultural Context (3) The stud,· of histori ca l and con tc111porary 11orld1 icll' beliefs in th e ex iste nce and act i, it ) of spiri tual be ings or forces. The course es tabli shes for the crossc ulru ra l ,rnrkcr b iblica l, then rctica l, an d pract ica l g uid c: lin es in dealing wit h spirit bel iefs and conlli cts .
332 Peoples of the World (3) A st ud y of spec ifi c cultural areas with an e mph asis o n c us tom s, soc ial st ru c tures, re li g i on, arcs , and hi sto ry. \la , be repe a t e d with differe nt co ur se conte n t. Areas of spec ialty ma,· include: His1u1y, Ptoplt and Cult11!'l's of l.ffli11 A1111'/"im !listo1y. P,,opler111d C11/t1rres of S11h-S11hrm111 ,ljiim
430 Seminar: Topics in Inter cultura l Health Care (3) i\ la y be re peated with differe nt conte nt. Crossmlt11ml !-!ta/th Care Deliv i' t)'. T heo ri es and skill s rel ated to hea lth teac hing, ph ys ica l asscss rn ent , preparation and utilization of indi ge nou s hea lth care. .l/ai11tai11i11g l'o11r Hmlth Ckn serts. Prepara tion for li ving over seas: health y life stv lc, prc, ·c n tion of disease, me ntal and spiri t ua l b urnout, initial treatme nt whe re the re is no doctor. .\ 111hropolog_1• of Crossmlt11ml /-/ea/1h Care. Th e anthropolog ica l stud y of probkms of illn ess and hea lth ll'ith emphas is on the culwral context of health ca re programs. . l!a11age111e111 Stmtegies i11 Dvss m/111ml HM/th Can'. Pre paration for sc r\'ing orga ni za ti ons in\'olvcd in plann in g and impl eme ntin g hea lth care sys tem s at th e di stri ct and vill age le vel. 433 Community Development Models and Strategies (3) b:xpo, ur e to va ri o us models of deve lopment projects and practice, assessment of strategy, and contact 11 ith de, elo pm c nt spec ia li s es. /I lay be offe red as a field course. 435 Project Design and Assessment (3) Examination of the planning and des ign process of a de, clop111ent project, gra nt writ ing, project super vision, partn e rship iss ues, working 11 ith governments and l'\'GO's, and model s fo r assessment. 445 New Religious Movements (3) Examines the role of religion and be lief systems as t hcv affect t he appearance and direction of a , ·,ui cry of rc, ·i ra li za ci on mo\'cmcn ts fou nd in Afr ica. Nort h Ameri ca , Brazil, ,\ sia and the Pacific. 446 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3) Th e bac kgro und, o ri g in, dcl'c l opment and sprc:ad of che C hri st ian faith from th e a pn s t o li c peri od until today. 450 Theology of Mission (3) A ,tudy of th e ccnrrality of God 's rcdemptil' C acts in behalf' of mankind from bot h t he Old and . ·c ,, 1 ~c!'-lta mt.: nts) with emphasis on t he ir app lica ti on to the mi s s ion of the C hur c h in mod e rn times. (Sec Bibli ca l Swdie:, -1 58.) 451 Principles of Church Growth (3) A bas ic understa nding of church growth concepts as rel ated bot h to th e loca l congregat ions and to the cask of II or ld wide evangclization.
An fntermlr11rrt! St11dies .l!i11or is offe red with th e compktion of 18 units, 12 o f"·hi ch mu st be upper divis io n. including Anthro polo gy 200. The qudcnt is expected to take BllS' I' -1 58 for Bibl e e lecti ve. Students m ust co nsult \\·ith depa rtme nt ad, iscr.
Peoplts 1111rl C11/111n's of {,'!ti1111 Peopll'S /I/Id Cult11n'S ~r /11r/i(I l\'0111m i11 lslm11ir C11/t11res Peo/1/es ~( !s/11111ir \\'odd .\'ati,:t' Peoples uf. \11!l'!1m
333 Discipleship Multiplication (3) E.,ploration of th<: foundational iss ues related to globa l miniscr,, emphasiz in g c hurc h p lan tin g strategics fo r ente ri ng and lcal'ing an area . A holistic app roach to min istry des ignc:d to empowe r nat ion als for mini str~ and U\ ing teamwork with die in ves ti gat ion of spiritual gifts. skill s and life c~pe ricnce. 334 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A s ur vc, a nd analys is of rh e strengths and II eakncsses of l':tr i o us c hurc h planting st rateg ic:s . J-:mphas i1. ing key factors which the chu rc h planter ca n implement in a g il'cn crossc ul tura l context with strategy for turning m·cr the lead ership to the loca l ch urch. Prereq ui sites: 3.B or consent of professor. 338 Urban Church Planting Models: L.A. Excursion (3) Participa nts go beyond the c lass room to ac tu al urban church pl ants in the greater L.A. area, and the , l' is it ,in cl dialogue w ith those i1wo lvc d in planting c hu rc hes erossc ulrurall y. These case stud ies pro, ide practica l way:, pastors, 1'11 peop le, pa rac hurch peop le, and mi ssiona ri es prepare rhcmseh cs and their congregat ions for inte n t iona l church planting in ct hni ca lh di,erse commu ni ties. Fee: $SO.for Summer only. 342 Contemporary International Christianity (3) An in trod uc ti on to t he co ntempo rarl' wo rld wide: Ch ri st ian mn,·e me nt, focusing on soc ial polit ica l iss ue <.;, inter nati onal relations and re li gious movements as the, rel ate to mi ss iologica l iss ue s. 345 Development Theory and Culture Change (3) Ke y theo ri es, model s and macro conce rn s in dc,·e lopmcnt, hi stor ic 01c rvicw of the practice of relief and dc:vc lopmc nt. Expl ora tion of top ics such as debt, popu la ti on, pove rty. envi ronment, trade, inter-
(For addi1irJ/lfll ru111Jt'j. to /J,, 11sed i11 the 1111ljor, Sff the. l11thropology and Sociolof!c,' ser1io11s of1hemtalog.) 233 Foundations for Global Studies (3) b:xp lorat ion of t he foundational issues related to international and int e rcultural min istry, including foundational modc:l s of g lobal C hri st ian witness. s piritual gift edn ess. charac ter de:, e lopmc nt and sp iriwal fonrntti on. partner in g with nat ion a l leadership reams a nd partnerships a nd career cracks in g lo bal se rvice. 310 General Linguistics (3) Int roduct ion to the basic concepts in the sc ie ntifi c stud y of language:. major areas of linguistic analysis, and se, ·cra l subareas of th e field, in c ludin g la nguage in societl'. 1-- lare ri al from English and a va ri ety of ot he r languages is used ro provide a broad perspective. 313 Language & Cultu re Learning (3) T echniq ues and acci, icics to he lp a per so n be a more s uccessful indepe ndent lea rn e r of a spoke n language and the cultu re 11ithin which it is used. Practi cal exper i e nce in lan g uage and c ulture lea rnin g in a foreign-speak in g communi ty. Fee: $ 100. 322 Interpersonal and lntercul tural Adjustment (3) Exp loratio n of the crossc ultural trans it ion p roc<:ss, foc using upon healthy adjustment as a sojourne r in a new culture. Attent ion give n to und e rsta nding and app lying grace to onese lf and ot he rs, di sce rning cu ltu ral va lues, conflict stvlcs, socia l strat ifica tion and cele bration. 331 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A stud y of non-ca ucasia n ethnic gro up s in Ame ri ca in li g h t of their h isto ri ca l and soc io-cu ltural bac kgrou nd. Prac ti ca l fie ld expe ri ence in an ethni c community .
78 • Course De scripti ons
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