Modern Languages
Chair: Graciela Perez, i\ l. A.
hi gh leve l of pro fi cicncv in read ing. writing and speak ing. Cul ture, hi story and soc ial structu res will bcco rn e ce ntral issues fo r di s cuss ion as stllde ncs learn anot he r c u Icu re t h rou g h ics Ii tcra cu re . Pre requi sites: 315 and 320. i\l av be cakc n conc urre ntl y with 320 with pe rrni ss ion of in structor. 430 Spanish American Literature Since 1950 (3) Ri;;adings of selected literature of I 950 to rhc present, wi th a focus on literar y de, c lop rn c nt and on understand ing the iss ues and evo lving chinking of Latin Arneri cans as they a re re fl ec ted in rhe sc lcccions. Dc\'e lop rn ent of a Chr istian response, Pre requi sites: -+IO or perrn ission of the instructor. 440 Advanced Applications (3) Continued dcvcloprni;;nc of ora l and written sk ills within the context of an indi viduall y sc lccti;; d spec ifi c area of scn· icc that "ill prm idc the focus of the student 's research and praccicurn. St udents ,ri ll exam ine ex ist in g practices and materials related co the chosen area , and dc\'e lop new rnatcrials and stra te gics for using chem. Field work \\·ill be requiri;;d . Prerequ isite: -t!O. -t20, or 430 or pe rmi ss ion of instructor. (Sen·ici;; I,earning Course) 450 Faith Life and Culture in Latin America (3) H isco ri ca l exam in ation of the Latin Arncrican Catho lic church and its pa rti cu lar expressions of fait h. pract ice, and role in rhc life of the people and soc iccv. Scud,· of che irnpa cc of Proccsrnntisrn over th e past cencu rv . Some atte nti on co non-Christian groups and practices. Fi e ld work required. Pri;;requisici;;: -t!O, -tZO, or -+30 or pcrrnission of in ,truccor. (Se rvi ce Learning Course) 460 Studies in Spanish Ameri can Cultu re (3) Th is course seeks to help the stu dent synthes ize an understandi ng of t he cultures of Lat in Arncr ica . Boc h unconscio us and conscious levels of c ulwrc will be exam ined , as we ll as the imp ac t of socia l class on culture. Attention ,tlso will be given to the fine arts as cxpri;;ss ions of cu lture. Prcri;;q ui s itc: completion of at lease cwo of th e req uired lici;;racure cou rses. 465 Drama: Hi story and App li cation (3) Study of rn edicva L Golden Age and rnodcrn I li span ic drarna, with a foc us on the use of drama
210 Applied Spanish (3 ) A rev iew and app li cat ion of gen era l educat ion Span ish. Co ntent will be persona li zed as we refi ne grarnrnar skill s and deve lop vocab ulary in the process of using ora l and wr itten Spanish co cornmun i cace each stud ent' s fie ld of inter est. Pre requ isite: 201 or cqu irn lcnc or pcrrnission of instructor. 220 Spanish for Spanish Speakers (3) Incensc work on deta ils of ora l and w ritten communi ca ti on, with spe cial attent ion to cv pi ca l prob lcrns i;; nco uncer ed b v s tud e nt s who have not been educa ted in Span ish. Prerequi site: 20 I or eq uivale nt or pcrrnission of inscrucco r. 315 Spanish Conversation and Composit ion (3) Concentrat ion on developrnent of flu c ncv, pronunc iation, and gen e ra l vocabulary as we ll as voca bu lary deal ing "it h each st udent's spec ific areas of inte res t. Spec ial attention ro develop ing wr iting ski lls. wich crn phas is on svncax, c lear cx pr i;;ssio n, and so rnc cre at ive wri t ing. Prereq ui site: 210 or 220 or pe rmi ss ion of instructor. 32 0 Spanish Conversation, Grammar and Composition. (3) Further de vcloprnent of the skil ls of 315 wit h e rnph as is on writti;;n cornrnunicacion. rc fin c rncnr of grammar and synrax 1 and irnprovc rncnt of speaking skil ls. Dcvc lop rnenc of rnini-dramas fo r comrnu nicacing spir itua l trut hs. Service project requi red. Pre requi site: 210 or 220 or pe rmi ss ion of instruccor. 380 Directed Research (1 -3 ) H ispa ni c lan guage or li ceraw re determ ined in consul tat ion with t he instr ucto r. i\ lay be repeated fo r a rna ximum of thr ee unit s. Pre requi s ites : 210 and co nsent or the instruccor. 41 0 Spanish American Literature (3) Sekcted rea din gs f rorn re cog ni ze d La tin An1crican ,vritcrs . Ernphasis on dc, ·c lopin g a hi gh leve l of read ing and speaking pro fic iency cove ring all genres . Cu l ture, hi sto ry and socia l structures wil l become cent ral iss ues for di s cuss ion as stlldcncs lea rn co unde r stand anot he r cu lture through its lite rature. Prc rcqu isici;; s: ., 15 and 320 or permi ss ion of instructor. 420 Spanish Literature (3) Re pr ese n ta ti ve readings fr o rn recogni ze d Peni nsul ar writ e rs, with emp has is on dc, ·c loping a
A Badwlor of. l 11s degree i11 Spa11- ish is offered upon the corn pletion of uni\'t.:rsicy baccala ureate rcq uirc rncnts and the Spanish rn a jor.
FACULTY Assoc iate Professo rs: Di ckson, Dunbar As -isra nc Professor: Pe rez
MAJOR Spanish (39 units)
The Spanish rn ajor cons ists of 39 units . A core of 33 units, 24 of which muse be upper division and include: 3 15,320, -t!O. -+ 20, -t 30, HO, -t.'iO, -t 60, an d a rnini rnurn of 9 unit, from -t 6S. -t 70, -t85, -t90, and six units of Corn nrnni cac ion 280 and Hi sto ry 312. Two progra rn-r c lHcd serv ice learnin g projects rnusc bi;; corn p ieced pr io r ro g ra dua tion. All Spanish co u rses arc caug ht in Spanis h.
Th e i\ lodcrn Lang uage Deparcrne nc seeks co prm·iclc effec ti ve language training in rhc con text of che Chr istian faith anu the cu ltures of the respect ive languages chat m;; offer. Ac che gencrn l edu cat ion k:, ·e l we Jesire co provide an undcrscancling of the nature of lan guage as wel l a; a rn oderate \cvi;;I of cornrnand of chi;; selected language (French and Spanish). For the stu dent "ho is serious about develop ing a rn astc r) of a language, we offer a Span ish rn ajo r and rninor char arc st rong!\' focusi;; d on prepa ration for sen·ici;; in Spani sh-speak ing contex ts. The obji;;cci vi;;s of the Spanish rn ajor are: I) co deve lop the Spanish language and cultu ral sk ill s of scu clcncs who see k to bi;; sen·ant, in Span ish-s peaking en\' i ronrni;;ncs in the L·s and abroad; 2) ro pro, ·i dc signifi ca nt hands-on experi ence in sen ing in these cn\·i ronrnents: and 3) to guide chi;; stu dents' dcvc lopmi;; nc of the holist ic intcgraci, c reasoning char is neces sa ry to successfull y se rve ochi;;rs. Competency Requirement In fo lio" ing the genera l educa tion sequence of courses in foreign languages the stude nt must ha, ·c a mi nirnurn grade of "C" (not "C-") to enro ll in subsequent courses.
A ,1/inor in Spanish requ ires a rninimurn of 18 units includ ing: 2 IO or 220, 3 I5, 320. -+ I0, 4-tO, and one or rnorc of Spa nish -t20. -t50. ll i,to ry 312 or ln tcrcultural Scud ics 332 (Latin Ame ri ca onl y). One app rm·ed program-related serv ice learni ng project is ri;;qui rcd.
Students desiri ng co e nro ll 111 Spanis h arc st ron g!\ advised to do ,o du ring their f'res hrnan and sophorno rc years. Placcrnenc in Spanish c lasses will be based o n a rnandarorv dcpa rcrncnc asscssrncnc. Students ente ri ng t he prograrn with less t han two vca rs of hi gh sc hool Spani sh or one sc rncstcr of college S pani sh wi ll auromat ica ll y be placed in ch c first course. Students wh o do not mainrnin contin uous enrol lment in the program rnust be rcccs ccd and pl aced accordingly. ,\ '01e: 1\ rh.H111t'e111t 1 111 .from 011e ,-0111:ff in the lovc'er di,:ision st'qnell(,: to the next ru·i/1 reqniff de1111111stmtion ofprofirieMy. 101 , 102 Elementary Spanish (4,4) Th e fund arnencal s of pronuncia tion. g ramrnar. co nversat ion and read ing. Taught with c rnph as is on communi cat ion, comp rehens ion , readin g and writi ng. Fou r hours i;;ach week . Eich e r scrn cster. 201 Intermediate Spanish (4) Advanced grammar, compos iti on. inc reased fac ilicv in readin g and con\'crsac1on. Four hours each week. Ei chi;;r sernc,ce r.
Adrnissio n co t he Spanis h major or minor program requires: J\. Corn pi ece Spanish 210 or 220 in t he se mester prior to admi ss ion with a g rade of 13 or hi gher or a sat isfac tory sco re on a normi;;d placement cxa rn g i\'c n by the ckparcrncnt. and 13. File an app li cat ion, with an essa,· in Span ish co t he deparc rncnt . An intc n ·icw with de part me n t facu lt,· is required. Thi s procc,s norrnal ly should be com pleted bv th e end of the Fres h man vea r. Prc requi~ ice co urse work or approved cqui,·a lc ncs a re : Spa ni sh 2 10 or 22 0 a nd Anch ro pologv 200 (to fu lfill t he Behav iora l Science requirement) .
Course Description s · 8 1
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