
curnl scccings. Such courses are also inccndcu to pre pare stud ents fo r e ntrance inw a graduate degree program in church rnusic. Stuuems sc lec cin g chi s crn ph as is will be uirecced co en roll in the foll owing courses: 381 (3), 382 Cl), 383 (3), 38-+ (2). Students corn pl eci ng th ese courses 11·ill not Ix: required co corn­ pi ece the com mo nl v- requir e d coL1r, e in chu rch rnusic ++0. · rhe IJ11d1dor of Srimre degree i11 .l/11sirwich an ern phas is in \\'orship in f\ Iusic is offc red upon cornplc­ rion of the uni ve rsity bacca laureate and major re quirernenrs. f\ lajo r requirements includc: 11.1 A and \V, 11-t A and \\' , 1-t I (8 units of applied study through leve l 22-t), ZOO (four scmeste rs). Z13 A and \\', 21-+ A and\\', i\ lusic HiscoC\· (chrcc courses, choose from 307..,08, 309, 31Z), .123, .l-t.'i , 3-+6, 385, +t0. -t.51 (9 uni ts), -t.'iZ (e ig ht semcs tcrs), Ensernblcs (-+ units), El ecci"es (8 un its). Tm,tl units: 58. Scuuents interested in pursing che \\'ors hip in ii Iusic dcgrcc rnust dc rnonstrate co111mic111ent co thc pursuit of spiri­ tua l g rowth 1 mu si ca l cxcc ll c ncc and thcologica l understand ing. Pmfirimri,,s experted 11p o11 l'lllrrtlll"t' i1110 1!,1, progm111 i11d11de: A'eyborrrd profirimcv ,,q11iv11/e111 to three s1•11tt'sters of d11ss pi11110 I lhi, I 18. I /9: C11i111r profiriml)' eq11iv11- /m1 to 011e sm1es!er of rims g11i111r /0./: \ 'oire profirimry eq11ivrrler11 to 0111' st'llll'Slrr of voio 1 d11ss a11d one smttslff o_(priv11!t t·oire /02. 121. .\ 'otf': Crflldidrr!esfor the Bachelor of Sril'llff dq!/Z'f' i11 , l/11sir 11re exempt /mm rl1 f'ji 11e 1111s req11inwm1. T lli'O yerm of lrfllg11rtf!,I' i11 high srhool the or the .fin-r Joor tfllils i11 rollege 1111'1'! the fon 1 if!,11 lr111gJ1r1[!e req11ireme111 for ra11- didrtlf's for the /Jarhelor of Srienre rft,gtff. St11d1'11!.< !Ill/SI llllli11tai11 fl}_(}(} CPA i11 1!,,, 11111jor and rer"f'ice a 111i11i- 11111111 gmde of'·(,"' i11 each ro111~·e. Th e Brrdrdor o(. l/11sic uegrces arc offered upon compl e ti on o f t he uni, c rsicy bacca laureate and major requircme n ts. Th e major requireme nt includes eo111pl ecing a basic co re of 32 units of music and spec ifi c dcgree requireme nts of an addit ional -t8 units. Th e 32- uni t core co ns is ts of th e fo ll oll'­ ing: I 13 /\ and \\', 11-t A and \\', 200 (fo ur semeste rs), 2 11 , 213 A and\\ ', 21-t ,-\and \\ '. 300 (three se mesters), 30 7. 308, .l09, 3 12, 323, -+ I0, -+-+0. T om i uni ts : 80. Students inte rested in pursu­ in g one o f the,c uegrces lllll St dcrno nstrate a hi gh le\'e l of per­ fo rmance potential and commit­ me nt to rnu sic as a profess ion.

,Vore: Ca11didares fo r the Bae/re­ /or of 11111 .ric degree it1 !l/11sic are exempt from the f ine arts req11ire- 111e111. S111dm1s i11 the degree pro­ gm111 11111st 11111i111ai11 11 2.00 CPA i11 the 11111jor 1111d rereivf' 11 111i11i11111111 l(r11de of "C-" i11 each co11rse. C1111did111es for the Badtelor of ,l/11sir degree 11,e exempt from the gen­ emf ed11rario11 req11ire111e111 i11 fo reig11 /a11g11age, litem111re 1111d 11eed rake 011/y five 1111irs i11111111he111atirs 1111d/orscie11re. Specific add iti onal req uir e­ me nts for the Bachelor of i\ Iusic dcgrecs arc as fol lows: Music Education (55 un its) l02 (except voice principal stu­ de nts), 11 8 and 119 (except key­ board principa ls), 320 (4 units), 320G (1·o icc principals exe mpt from "G."), 32-+. 334, 3-+3, 345, 390, -+20, -+ 70, applied music 1-tl , -+21 (8 un its through level -t68), ensembl e (8 scmcs ccrs). Keyboardists rnusc take 260 A/B. Profess ional educa­ tion courses: 15 units Edu ca tion 30 I, 330, 3-t I, -t25, 435. "/"h ose .ft11de111s i111eres1ed i11 a 1mrhi11g rn!l!e111i11/ sho11 /d be advised 1h11111// single s11b;ea 1eadti11g crede11- 1i11/ progr11111s 11re 1111de1go i11g revi­ sion. Co11s11/1 the Ed11ratio11 Dep1111- 111m1 fo r derails 011 mrre111 progm111s. Performance Piano (48 units) I02, 260 NB, 280, 3-+ 1. 343, 345. 350 A, 360, 370, 380, 420, 430, -t90, app li ed mus ic 1-+2, 422, 423 (20 units through le vel -t78), chambe r mu s ic e nsembl e (4 semes ters), music el ectives(-+ units) Organ (48 units) IOZ , 180, 260 A/B, 280, 341 , 3-+3, 345, 350 A, 370, 380 (2 units ), -t.30, -t90, app li ed music 142, 422, 423 (Z0 units through leve l -+78), ensemb le (8 semes te rs: chora l, 2 units; chamber, 2 units; elect ives, -+ units), music electi ves (2 units) Instrumental (48 units) 102, 11 8, I 19, 34 1, 3-t3, 345, 370, -+20, 430, 490, app li ed rnus ic 1-+ 2, -t 22, 423 (20 units throu gh level 478), c nsc rnblc (8 seme s­ te rs) , music e lecti ves (5 units) Voice (48 units) . 11 8, 119, 15 1, 152, 25 1, 252, Z.'i3, 254, 34 1, 3-+3, 345, 370, 430, -t90, Applied i\lusic 1-t2, -t22, 423 (20 unit s t hr ough leve l 478), Ensemb le (8 semesters) , mu s ic electives (2 units) . .Vore: \ 'oice pnfon111111ce s111de111s ru•ho plan ftmher gr11d11a!e s111dy are mro11mged to 111ke co11rses i11 Fre11ch , Cen111111 or I 11rlir111 si11ce proficie111y

i11 two of these is 11s1111//y 1eq11ired fo r e1111,111ce i1110 grad11a1e progm111s i11 vocrrl pnfon1111111e. Composition (48 units) I02C, l 18, I 19, l Z0, 181, 320 A-D, 3-+0, 3-tl , 3-tZ, 3-t3, 34-t , 3-tS, -t 90, app li ed s rnu y in prin c ipa l in scrurn c n t o r vo ice (5 unit s), App li ed i\ l usic 1-+2 , -+22, 423 (16 units through le\'cl -+38), Ensem­ ble (6 scrnescers).

art ists as well as its own wide ly­ known fac ulty. Masterclasses and Artist-in-Residence Program Opportunities for participat­ in g in ma srcrc lasses with guest art ists arc ,rva il abl e an nua ll v. Of spec ial note is t he ongo ing se ri es o f masccrc lasses and recitals by ll'Orld-rcnoll'ncd artis ts, \l c na ­ hcm P rcs, lcr. pianist, an d Bas il \ 'endrves, violi st. Opportunities Off Campus Thc ,cature of I ,os Ange les as a mu s ic ce nt e r pro1·idcs exce p­ ti ona l opportunities fo r hear in g the world's lcad ing artists, as we ll as ou t s t a ndin g co ll ege a nu chu rch music performances. Service Opportunities The Los Angeles rn ccropolirnn area furnishes rnanv opportuniti es for remune rat ive se rvice in music. Th ere arc frequent openings fo r compete nt organises, church choi r di recto rs, so loists, accompan is ts and in!')trumenca li srs . Scholarships i\ lu s ic all'ard s in \'ary in g amounts arc a, ·ail able to qua lifi ed swdcnts. Comp lete information is an1ilablc by II ricing: Cha ir, Con­ scr\'at0ry of \lusic, Biol a l 1 ni"c r­ s icy, 13800 Biola A,·en uc, La i\lirada, Ct\ 90639-000 1.


For chose students interes ted in a formal, cohes ive mu s ic cur­ riculum but who arc not interested in mus ic as a major, a i\ lusic i\ linor is ava il able. Th e i\ l us ic i\ lin o r requires 23 units, specifi c require­ ments arc: ■ l\lus ic Theory: I 13A*, 113\\' *, 11-tA, I 1-t\V ■ Keyboard: 11 8 for non-key­ boa rd minors (pre requi site: f\ IUSC l 00 or proficicncv ), Sight-read ing 260 for key­ boa rd minors

Cond uct ing: 323

■ ■

Concert I\ Iusic : 200 (-+ scmeste rs)

Applied f\lusic 141 , princ ipal in strurn cnc, compos ition or vo ice: 4 un its t hrough leve l 22-t Ensembl e: -+ (as ap propri ate to appli ed principal) f\lu s ic El ecti ves : -+-5 (nvo cou rscs). i\ Iuse choose from among the following with instructor 's approval : i\ lusic 1-1 isto ry: 307, 308, 309, 3 12: 41 0; 382 or -t40

COURSES (MUSC) 040 Foundations of Music Theory (1-3)

'T'hi s is a preparato ry co urse designed for entering students with lirni ccu background who do not meet thc rcquirernents for i\ l llSC 11 3A and/o r r\lLISC 113\\' . The content includes the stud y of key­ board lavom, clef,;, note identifica­ tion, key and time signatures, intcr­ n 1l s, bas ic notation and elcmcntarv s igh tsi ng ing and dictation. Noc counted toll'ard units for gradua tion. 100 Keyboard I (1) lior the non- rnusic major, des igned co dc\'elop ge neral keyboard fac il ­ ity. Also for the mu sic maj or as preparation for e ntrance co i\ IUSC 11 8. Gradcd on a credit/no credit basis. ( llnics ea rn ed bv the ,rnrsic majo r may not appl y cowa rd music degree requirements .) Fee: $90. 101 Introduction to Music (3) Elcrncncs of rnusic and media of perfo rmancc in hi stori ca l pe rspec­ tive. Pnn·idcs basic background in music li terature. For the non-rnusic rnajor. Offered each semester.

* F1111y -!tvel s!1111da1d req11ired. ** Sophomore B.A. 11111sir degree prn.fi1-ie111y tfq11i1 fd. See Co11snvr1101y 0./}ite for s!r111d111-ds desrr -ip1io11. Nore: The ,l/11sir .lli11or req11ires IOI l 111rod11/"lio11 10 ,1/usir forfi 11e /111S C.f•: Special Programs/ Opportunities Ensembles The Co nse rvato ry pro vide s oppor tuniti es for experience in sev­ era l rypes of vocal and in strumental e nsem bles, including the Bi o la Chorale, Chamber i\ lusic Ensem­ bl es, Svmphon y Orches tra, Svm­ phon ic Wind s, J azz En se mble , Wome n 's Cho ru s and \loca l Ja zz Ensemble . All arc ope n to non­ mu s ic majors as well as mu s ic majors by audit ion at the beginning

of each sc rncsccr. Concert Series

The Conse rvato ry co nce rt series features outstand ing guest

Cours e De scr iptions· 83

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