
102 Voi ce Class (1) For the s tud e nt with no prev io us vo i ce rraining who desi res to s tud y a ppli ed m us ic . Fee: $60 . 104 Guitar Class (1) r o r the s tudent with no prev ious tra ining in g ui ta r. Survey of dif­ fere nt st y les of pl ay ing, cogecher w i th music theo ry as rel ated tu th e in strume nt. Firs t pos ition c ho rd s, ba r chords. right and left

and American so ng from tht: 19th thro ugh the 20th ce ntu ries, as well as songs o f prominent composers in the Nat ional sc hoo ls. 253 Lyri c Diction Ill (1) Lvric dict ion is caught in four semesters. Al l courses a rc I- unit lab cou rses meeting two hours per ,,·c:ck. 'l'h,cse courses arc gcarc:d for swdcnts s tudying clas­ s ical , ·ocal technique whose vocal reperto ire consists of foreign lan­ guage :1s well as Engli s h. and who , therefore, must learn co accu rately prono un ce a nd articu­ lat e fo reign languages, a nd t o k now t ht: meaning of vc rv word in t he text in o rd er to convey it acc urncc ly . In t he t hi rd se mester (1\ l u s ic 253) F re nch diction and

211 Improvisation: Concepts/Practice (2)

sixth chords, ra ised supe rtonic/ra ised submed iant seventh chords. e tc. , as wel l as at-s ight s imple figured-bass real ization and sightread ing from an open sco re. Re quire d fo r B.1'vl. Compos ition students. Fee: $90. 141 Applied Music - Private (1) App li ed instruction in com pos i­ tion , p ia no , o rga n. ha rp s ic hord , voice, brass inscrun1 ents, sering in s truments , woodw in d instru­ mcnt s1 percuss ion in st rument s 1 concl uct io n 1 and im p rov isat ion. Fee: half hour lesson $260. 142 App li ed Music - Private (2) Ap pli e d in str uction in com pos i­ t io n , pia no 1 o rgan, ha rp s ichord , vo ice, brass in s trum e nt s. s tring in st rum ents, woodw in d in s tru­ me nts, percus s ion in s trume n ts. conduct io n , and improvisat ion.

The study of foundational co n­ cep ts and principl es of improvisa­ tion. Thi s co urse is designed to in c lud e la borarorv ex per ie nce in dc,·c:loping improvi sationa l s kill s fo r the mu sic major on hi s/he r prin­ c ipa l ins trument or voice in both large and small settings. Prerequi­ site : 113 A and \\ '; 11-t A and W. 213A Sight-Singing and Dicta­ tion Ill (1) This co urse centers o n the app li­ cat ion of s ig ht -s inging a nd dicta­ tion sk ill s acquired in I 13A and 11-t A, with particu lar focus on dom inant a nd non-dom inant sev­ e nth c h o rd s, a lt e red n o n-har ­ n1 o ni c tone s, secondary domi­ nants and c hromat ic me lodics . 213W Music Theory Ill (2) Thi s is the fin,tl sc:mcstcr of com­ mon-pra c tice diatonic harmony. Emphas is is on \'Oice leading a nd ha rmonic progressions including a lter ed dominant s, borrowed c hords. the 1capol irnn Sixth c hord . augmented chords a nd mod ul at io n. 214A Sight-Singing and Dictation IV (1) This course centers on the ap pli­ cat ion of s ig ht -s ing ing a nd dicta­ tion skil ls to complex diaroni c a nd c hromatic and modulating melodies. dominant a nd non-dom­ inant SC\'cnth c hords. altered non­ harmoni c tones, secondary domi­ nants. the Neapol itan Sixth c hord. a nd a ugmented s ixth chords. 214W Music Theory IV (2) This course is ce nter ed on t he stu d y o f c hrom a ti c harmonv of t he 19th ce ntury; Impressionism, a nd oc he r early 20t h century prac­ tice s; contem porary popular har­ monic practice and its symbo ls . 251 Song Literature I (1) ' I 'hi s is the first of two semes ters in the survcv of song liceracurc from the i\ l idd le Ages through the 20th centurv. This course will cover the hiscory of solo song literature from the i\ li dd lc i\gc:s through the C las­ s ica l pe ri od , and the hi sco ry of the German lied from Sc hub ert t o Schonberg. 1-:mphasis will be placc:d on how solo song influcncc:s or is influen ce d by major St) le

hand technique. Fee: $60. 113A Sight-Singing and Dictation I (2)

S ig h t-s in g ing d iaconic me lod ies, major and minor sca les and tr iads using moveable tonic solfcgc. Tran­ scri bing ba s ic diaconic me lod ies, cadences and progressio ns. Read­ ing, per for ming and transcribing rh ythmic patterns in s impl e, com­ pound and irregular meters. 113W Music Theory I (2) The study of the follow ing mus ic fundamentals: elementa ry aco ustics, keyboard layo ut , inter­ vals, sca les. key s ignatu res, triads. figured bass, diatonic vo ice- lead ing, cadcnccs 1 e lementa ry harmonic progress ion s, meter. rh ythm , t ime s ig natures a nd sta ff notation. 114A Sight-Singing and Di ctation II (2) Usi ng 11 3A materials as a founda­ tion, th is cou rse w ill encompass the sight -s ing ing and transc ribing of d iaconic and s impl e chromatic melod ics with g reater rhvthmic complexity, triad s i n al l i nver­ s ions , d om inant seven th c ho rd s a nd a ltered non-hMmonic tones . 114W Music Theory II (2) A stud y of common-p ractice d ia­ to ni c harmon y with e m p has is o n vo ice leading and harmon ic pro­ g ression. In c ludes pa n-writin g, non-h a rmo n ic cones, cadences, figured bass a nd Roman analvs is. 118 Keyboard II (1) Keyboard technique and li te ra­ tu re for the non-kcvboard major. Graded o n a c redi t / n o c redit bas is . Pre requisite: I 00 or per­ mi ss ion . Fee: $90 . 119 Keyboard Ill (1) Keyboa rd tec h niq ue a nd litera­ ture for the non-kevboa rd major. G raded on a c rc:dit / no credit bas is . Pre requisite: 11 8 o r per­ mission. Fee: $90. 120 Keyboard IV (1) Adva nced funct iona l keyboard sk ill s fo r the compos ition major. Included will be s uch sk ills as the playing of four-voice progress ions incorporating secondary d ominants, 1eapol irnn

grammar will be co,·c red. 254 Lyri c Diction IV (1)

Fcc: hour lesson $520. 151 Lyric Diction I (1)

Thi s semester wil l be a re,· icw of t he pronunciation and grammar of a ll languages o,·e red in the fir st three se mester s . and will cove r t he pronunciat ion of Latin a nd Spani sh. as we ll as t he proper pronunciation and art ic ul at io n of the Eng li s h language. 260 A, B Keyboard Sight Reading (1, 1) Analvsi s of s ight reading skill s and procedures. Emphasi s on dc,·e l­ o pm t:nt of abilit y to read with mu s ical understanding and ade­ quate tluenC) at first s ight. Pre­ requisite: consent of in struc tor. 281 Movement and Dance for Musical Theat re (1) The st ud y of spec ific stv lcs of movcmc..:nt used in musical t heat re performance. lnclud c:d wi ll Ix tap, jazz and a comb in a tion of othe r basic dance styles common to mus i­ ca l theatre performance. ' ['his acti\'­ ity class require, a fee and docs not meet the gent:ral education require­ ment in Physical Educat ion . 300 Concert Music (0) Attendance at specified number a nd tYpe s of concerts each se me ste r. Three se m esters required for g raduat io n. Graded o n a credit/ no c redit ba s is. 307 Music History and Literature: Medieval Through Early Baroque (2) t\ hi sto rical ,tnd cr it ical stud,· of t he period including im portant cont ributi ons in m usica l literature. theory a nd perfo rmance practice . Special attention will be given t0 the ana lysis of se lected voca l and instrumental works . Fee : $20.

L y ric di ct io n is taught in four semesters. All co urses are I unit lab courses meeting two hours per wee k. These co u rses are gea red for students stu dving classical vocal tech niqu e whose vocal repcrro irc cons ists of fo re ign la nguage as well as Eng li s h , a nd who, th e refo re, mus t lea rn to acc urate ly pronounce a nd art icu late fo re ig n lang uages, and to know th e meaning of every word in the text in order to convey it acc uratel y. Intcrnationa l Pho­ netic Alph abet. as it appli es to the languages studi ed, and the pronun­ ciation and bas ic gra mmar of the Ita li an htnguagc, wi ll be caught. 152 Lyric Diction II (1) Germa n diction a nd grammar wi ll be covered in t he sc:cond semes te r. 180, 280, 380 Performance Seminar (1) G ro up performance, d iscuss ion of performance practi ce and per­ formance evaluat ion. Poss ible sect ions of voice, piano , organ a nd va riou s wind and o rchestral in st ruments. i\ l ay be repea ted for up to 3 uni ts credit in t he same area of pe rforma nce. 181 Introduction to Composition (2) A wr it ing co urse des ig ned to p ro­ v id e opportun ity for deve loping basic skill s in the manipulation of mu s ical ma teria ls . 200 Concert Music (0) Atte nd ance at spec ified numbe r and types of conce rts each semes­ te r. Fo ur semeste rs req uired for g radu at ion. Graded o n a c red it/ no c re di t bas is .

trends of the rnrious periods. 252 Song Literature II (1)

Thi , is the second of two scmc,­ tc rs in the s urvey of song literature from the i\ liddlc Ages through the 20th century . Thi s course: w ill cove r the history of French. Briti sh

84 • Co urse De scr iption s

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