s is 1 arra ng ing a nd co mpos iti o n projec ts w ill be included. 350 A Advanced Keyboard Skills (1) Thi s course is designed to teac h church se rvice pl aying ski lls at a n a dnrn ccd leve l to piani s t s a nd orga ni st s. Areas of work includ e : harmoni zatio n , tran s po s iti o n. mod ul at ion. im prol'isar io n. hYmn pl ayi ng. accompanving (solo and chora l) and repe rto ire . 360 Piano Accompanying (2) Srn d y and performance of pian o acco mpanim e n t for voca l and inscrum<.:ntal li te rature; di sc us s ion of sty les a nd performance practi ces: expe ri ence in publi c perfo rm a nce. 1\l av be re peated one rime fo r c re dit. 370 Junior Recital (0) Pr eparat ion for juni o r level a ppli ed rnajor 30-minutc recita l. Graded o n a credit/no c redit ba s is. Fee: $25 . 381 Church Music Principles - Philosophy and Practice (3) i\lus ic of th e Bibl e . i\ l us ic in eth nic a nd multi cu lrnral churc hes. 382 Church Music Leadership - Administration (3) Planning and o rga ni z ing ,,·o rsh ip ,c rvices and o th e r c hurch e , ·cncs i nvo ll'ing mus ic. Con ductin g mus ic e nsembl es and cong rega tio na l s inging. \\'o rking with the p asrn ra l sea ff and vo lunteers. Communi ca ti o n sk il ls . Emphas is w ill be placed on erh ni c and mul t ic ul wral contexts . 383 Congregational Music (3) fl ymnf-i, so ngs, pra ise and wor ship music, et hni c 1nusic, acco n1- panimcn cs. 384 Church Music Literature (2) C hoir , keyboard in sr rum cnrs. drama resou rces. a rt . svmbo li sm , banne rs. aud io-\' isual techniques. Emphasis w ill be pl aced on cr h nic and m ulti culwral contexts. 385 Worship leading (2) \ 'a ri o us fo rms of wors hip and the fun ct ion of so ng and drama in wo rs hip will be examin e d , hon in g music and wo rsh ip-l ea din g skill s and al so prm·iding hi scori ca l and phili so phi ca l perspect ive. 390 Opera Workshop (1-3) The s tud y a nd perfo rmance of chan1bcr operas, one-ace opera s, sce n es from major o p eras and se lected Broadwa y mu s ica ls . Open to a ll st udents bv audirio n .
394A/B Music/Opera Theatre: Acting for Singers (2) Thi s co urse is des igned ro dc\'c lop ac ti ng skill s in s ingers who wish to perfo rm on the lvr ic srngc. Sw dents wi ll be caught techniques for rexr and characrc r ana lYs is and" ill explore \'ar ious music-theatre styles rhrough o bscnation and im provisation, and ,,·i ll ap pl y these concepts to th e pe rfor m a nce of excerp ts from contemporary music
An ana lysis and acri,· iry co urse chm examines contempora ry music as it relates to composing, arranging a nd perfo rmin g in pop and ja zz sc, les. Issues add ressed will include pop and theatre songwriting. voca l and sma ll instrume nta l e nsemb le arra ng ing and the pe rformance of conccrnporar, styles as they relate co t he ir use in schoo l and church set t ings. ,\ lay be repeated with di ffer ent content. Prcrequ isirc: I 14AJ\\'
308 Music History and Literature: Mid-Baroque Through Classic (2) A h isto ri ca l and crir ica l survey of the per iod including imporcanr co ntributi o ns in music lircraturc. theorv and pcrfo rmance pract ice. Spec ia l ,ment ion II ill be g il'en ro th e anah·sis of selected voca l a nd instrumenta l work,. Fee: $20. 309 Music History and Litera ture: Late Romantic Through Early 20th Century (2) A hi sto ri ca l a nd cr iti cal s urvey of t he period in c ludin1; important concribuci ons in music litt.:raturc, theory and performance pra ct ice. Specia l attention will be g il' cn to the ana lv,is of selected voca l a nd instrumenta l 11orks. Fee: $20. 310 Elementary Music Workshop (2) Instruction in materials for reac h ing mu\ic in the c.;lcmcn tar y sc hoo l. (l\°on-n111,ic rnajors , by permission.) 312 Music Theory/History and Literature of the 20th Century (3) Th e st ud y of 20th ce ntury t heo ry pract ice and com pos iti o na l tec h niques II it hin the co ntex t of t he bro a d rnn1;e of 20rh cen tu n ·
or dcpartmc nr permiss ion. 334 Philosophy of Music Education (3)
theatre.: and opera repertoire. 41 0 Music Cultures of the World (3)
An inl' es ti gar ion of philoso phies of mu s ic education and t h e resulting aest heti c impli cat ion s fo r teac hi ng m us ic in a ll g rades. (,\ lu sic majors.) 340 Special Studies: Theory/ Composition (2-3) One or more co urses offered pc ri od ica ll y in such areas as arranging. jazz theorv, ad, ·anccd computer music. Prerequi site: 2 14A/\Y. 341 Counterpoint (2) Empha,is on 18t h ccnwrv two an d three-, o icc te c hnique s . Analys is of rc prc~c nracive litera tu re a nd writing of s hort sty le piecc:s. Pre req u i:,itc: 2 l 4AJ\\'. 342 Orchestration (2) A srnd y of orchcsrrn l ins trume nts with t;m ph a~is on a working knowledge of ranges and idiomar ic qua l irics/capac i t ics of each. I nc ludcd arc numerou s sco ring project,. Pre requi si te: 2 14,-\J\\ '. 343 Form and Analysis I (2) Th e analys is of mus ic fro m the l'a ri o us commo n pract ice pe ri ods, with emp ha s is on f un dame ntal for mal ;, cructural co nce pts and p rocesses. Prerequ is ite: 2 14AJ\\I. 344 Form and Analysis II (2) Focuses on s rndi cs in re du ctive to nal ana lyc;; is: .:;cc analysis, ser ial ana lys is; t0nal axe,, s ummari o n ser ies a nd golde n proportion anal ys is; and demit,· ficld/sound mass/micropolyphony. [n vo l,·cs a dctailed srnd y of selec te d semi nal 20 th-cent urv wo rk s. 345 Computer Music I (2) Emphas is on synrh cs izcrs, i\ 11D1 , seq uenc ing. acou,rics, mulri-track reco rding. effec ts processors, m ix ing, an d e lec tro ni c and compute r mu s ic li rcracu rc. P rerequi s ite for non-music maj o r:,: 2 I 4A/ \\ ' and basic computer litcrnc,· . 346 Pop Theory (1) Ana lys is of popu la r music. exam inin g musical elements, in s tru me ntati o n and stv le . Song analv-
An introdu c tory swdy of th e inter re lat ions hips between mu s ic and c ul tu re through the examinati on of the mu sic of nir) ing cultures. lhs ic e lements of music as t he , · arc fo und in wo rl d cu lwres "ill be swdi cd wirh specific application to rhe wo rk of rhc church. 420 Special Studies in Music Literature (2) An in-deprh swd,· of music li tera ture as it rc larcs co ,pcc ific instru me nts, ensembl es, pe ri ods of his to ry, geogra phi ca l locat io ns. indi l'idua l compose rs or ethnic g roups. One or mo re sec ti ons offered c,·ery year in areas such as piano literature, chora l literarure, organ li terat ure, instr umental litcrarurc (str ings, woodwind,. hrnss, percus s ion in s crum cnrs), American mu s ic, the sympho rw, t he str ing quartet. rhc concerto. the sonata. 421 Applied Music - Private (1) Appl ied instruction in composi ti on, piano. organ, harpsicho rd, vo ice, br ass instruments, s tr ing in scrum c n ts 1 woodw ind instru mcnt s, and p e rcussion instr u ments. Fee: half hour lesson $260. 422 Applied Music - Private (2) Applied instruction in composi ri o n , piano. organ . harpsichord. \'Oicc, bra!->s in .;;rrumc n rs. string inst ru ments, wood\Y in d insrr u m c ncs, and percussion in <itru mc ncs . Fee: hour lesson $520. 423 Applied Music - Private (3) Ap pli ed in st ru c ti o n in compos i tion, pi ano. organ 1 har ps ichord 1 \'Oicc, bra ss inst run1c11ts. ,;r r ing in srrum c n ts 1 woodwind in ,;;rr u mcnt s, an d p e r cuss i on in st ru ments. Fee: ho ur lesson $520. 430 Pedagogy (2) l·'or t he pri l'a tc reac he r. Pract ica l procedures in training a studcnr in genera l mus ic iansh ip 1 mcn1or iza t io n, proper practice habits, sight reading and othe r areas peculiar co specific instr uments . S ur, ·cy of g raded literature and rncthods.
rnu,ic literature. Fee: $20. 320 Music Education (1)
A Bras" B. Pcrcu"ion: C . Strings: D . \\°oodwi nd ,: F. Fretted l nstru rncnrs. Preparation for teaching in strurnental rnw,ic in elcmcnca r) and sccond arv sc hoob. 320G Marching Band Lab (1) Wo rk s hop in prcparat io n for teachin g marching band princi ples and techniques in the inte r mediate and sccondar, sc hoo ls. 323 Basic Conducting (2) Bas ic conducti ng sk ilb: the ps, c hol og, of conducting: observa tion of chora l and o rches tral re hearsals. 324 Advanced Studies in Conducting (2) One or more sect ions offe red pe ri odically in rhe areas of chora l and in s trume nta l conducri ng. Contin uat io n of rhc object il'es of i\ ll "SC .,23 rc latcd s p ec ifi ca ll v to the tec hni ca l and interprctatil'c skill s of cithc r chora l or instrumenta l condu cting. Prc rcq ui s ire : 323. 330 Contemporary Music Issues (1-3) One or more co11r,cs offercd peri od ica ll y in , uch a reas as: arra ng in g, song" riting, performance practice. electronic tec hn o logy.
Course Descriptio ns · 85
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