Sections wi ll be offered in areas such as : pi ano, orga n, voice, w ind and orchestra l instru111cnts. 440 Church Music (2) The bibl ica l founda ti on fo r church 111usic; its h ist◊r i ca l clc,·c lop 111 ent; curre nt trend s; the devc lop111ent
potent ial for clvna111ie growth and development throughout thei r lives, and with the right to make decisions which influence their wellbeing. All persons req uire social interaction co achicvt..: and maintain wellbeing. ' I'he fa111i lv \\'ithin the context of irs cultural cnviron111cnt is the fu nda menta I unit chrou1;h which the sociali zation process is ad\'anccd. Wc belic\'c chat cming, as exem plified in the life of Jesus Christ, is rhc essence of nu rsing. The focus of nurs ing acti\'itv is the three client sysre111s (persona l. interpersonal and co111111unirv) ,rncl the dynamic inter ac ti on between chem within the co nt ext of their c 1wiron111 cnr. These three systems also arc incer accing constantly with internal and extern al srrcssors which may affect the intcgrirv of the svstc111s. Ir is our view that the purpose: of nursing is to suppor t a nd promote the processes char faciliracc the systems' abil ities to achie\'c and maintain adapci, ·e equi librium. This is aceomplis hecl t hrough use of rh c nurs ing process which is ongoing and invol ves assessing. diagnosi ng, planning. implcmcncing. and evalu ating. l':ffecti\'e use of this proce,, enab les t he nurse to "·ork with cl ient system~ at \'ary ing locat ions on the hcalch-illncss cont inuum. N ursi ng is a dynamic profes s ion based on a gro\\'ing body of sc ient ifi c knowledge. I t is o ur belief that Bibli cal stud ies, together with the bcha\'ioral, bio logical and physical sciences are fundamental ro the dc\'e lop111enc of nursing's 0\\ n unique body of knowl edge . Nursing is bot h arc and sc ience; its uniqucncs~ docs not reside in ,tn y spec ifi c compo nent of theory or acc ion 1 but can be found onh- in the" hole. As one of the major health care professions, \\'C bclie\'e nu rsi ng is accouncablc to Goel and ro socicr:y for pro\'ision of quality health care serv ices in a broad \'aricry of scr ri ngs. Baccalaureate nu rses e ndeavor to 111ccr chis responsib il ity th rough in \'Ol\'Clllent in leader shi p, coll aboration, educat ion. and research utiliz::1tion acti\' i tics co i111provc clinical practice, influence health care polic ies, and further the dc,·clop111cnt of nursing science. In a rapidly changing \\'Orld, adequate and equitable clcli vcrv of hea lth care is a critical prob le111. \\'e believe that equal access t0 health ca re se rvices is the ri ght of C\'ery indiv idua l in soc ietv. Through its unique contributi on, nurs ing ca n and must be an cffccti\'c socia l force
Chair: Rebekah Fl eege r. Ph.D.
Ensembles 001 Biola Chorale (1)
FACULTY Associate Professo rs: Fleeger, Gcwe, Westcott (Assoc iate Chair ), Zukerbcrg Ass istant Professo rs: Ada 111 s, Cozad, Scyffc
Perfo r111 ance of standard chora l literature represe nti ng a va ri ety of sty les and period s. l\ lc111bc r ship bv audition. Fee: $ 125 . 002 Chamber Music Ensemble (1) Enco111passcs a wide va ri etv of cha111ber gro upi ng and cha111ber 111u s ic literatu re. The fo ll ow ing ense111b lc co111binat ions arc co111- 111 onl v organized under this head in g : brass quintet , woodwind quintet , flute c nse111ble, ser in g quartet , pe rcussion cnse 111bl c, piano chambe r e nsembles. Open tO keyboard and other instrumen tal stude nts by aud it ion. 003 Symphony Orchestra (1) Performance of standard cha111bcr mu sic literature encompass ing a wide va ri ety of s rvles and peri ods . 1\ le111bc rship by audit ion . 005 Chamber Choir (1) Pe rformance of standard chamber cho ir li tera tu re re prese ntin g styles ranging from t he Rena is sance th rough t he 20th century. l\ lc111bcrship open to all students bv aud it ion. 007 Jazz Ensemble (1) To provide 111usic education majors and othe r interested students expe ri ence in jazz tech ni ques and li tera ture. A large vol ume and wide ,·ari cry of li terature is played, d iscussed and eva luated as to its prospective use at the va rious levels of second ary and co ll eg iate cclucacion. At least one pu b li c performa nce per scmcsrc r is schedu led. j\ lcmbcr ship by aud ition. 008 Symphonic Winds (1) Performance of sta nd ar d wi nd c nse 111bl c literature. For adva nced wind and percussio n players. l\lc111bcrship bv audit ion. 009 Handbell Choir (1) Pe rformance of a wide spectr um of handbcll litera ture as se parate ense111b lc and in co njun ct ion wit h oche r instrumenta l and vocal ensem bl es. l\ l c mb crs hip b y aud i tion . 01 0 Vocal Jazz Ensemble (1) Pe rforman ce of sta nd ard voca l jazz 111usic represent ing che broad ra nge of jazz st yles which ha ve developed over the past ce ntury in chi s cou ntr y. 1\ l e 111b crs hip open to all scu de ncs by aud ition. 012 Women's Chorus (1) Performance of a va ri ctv of litera curc and srvles fro111 Rena issa nce through th~ 20th Ccncury. l\ lem bershi p open to a ll women s tu dents by audition.
of a church music progra111. 450 Music Practicum (1-3)
Fieldwork exper ience in 111usic und e r t he s upervi s ion of the 111usic fac ulty and professiona ls in t he field. Ope n to junior a nd senio r 111usic majors with t he con se nt of the music faculty . 451 Music Ministry Internship (3) Limited t0 juniors and se ni ors, rhe internship will provid e praeirica l experience, se rving in n1usic min is try at an a rea church. 1\la y be repeated in a second church set ting fo r a maxi111u111 of six units. 452 Worship Music Seminar (0) P rofessiona l 111us ic 111ini s tcrs, 111u s icia ns, t heo log ians and pas to rs will share views on wo rship with opportun ity t0 dia logue with g uest speakers. Thi s cou rse is ava il ab le o nl y to B.S. wo rship 111aj o rs, o r by pcr111is s ion of the Conscrvat◊ry chair. 460 Principal Applied Instruction (1-3) Beyond degree req ui rc 111 ents, any 111 us ic degree obj ect ive . Sa111e areas of instr uction as un de r 121 and 131 above. (For 111usic 111ajors.) 470 Senior Recital/Final Project (0) Preparat ion fo r senior- level 111usic ed ucation 111ajor (30-111 in ute recital). Graded on a credit/no credit bas is. Fee: $40. 480 Directed Research (1-3) In dependent srndy in areas such as history, li teratu re, pedagogy, c hur c h 111u s ic . Eac h s tudent assigned tO a fac ulty 111 e111bc r fo r guidance and eva luat ion. Prereq ui sites : j uni o r or se nior sta ndin g and consent of in s tru ct◊r. 482 Music Research Methods (2) Th is co ur se is designed ro d eve lop th e s tud e nt 's 111u s ic resea rc h sk ill s and to provide oppo rrnni ty for indi v idual researc h projects in preparation for t he int e ll ectua l dc111ands of
Biola University offers a B(lrlte lor of Srimr:e deg1ee i11 ,V1mi11g wh ich is accrcclircd bv the Californ ia Boa rd of Registered 'Jursing, -WO R St reet, Su ite -+030, Sacramento, CA 958 1-t , (9 16) 322-3350; and the Natio nal League for N urs in g Accred iting Com111ission, 61 Broad wav, 33 rd Floor, New York , NY 10006, (800) 669- 1656, cxr. I .53. ·1 'he program is designed tO prepare graduates for a ca rccr in profess ional nursing. T he generic student may se lect a four or fi, ·c yea r option. The Nurs ing Ocpanmenc should be co ns ulted fo r t hese options. Gradu,1tcs of licensed ,·ocarional. diploma and associate degree nurs ing programs may be admitted as tra nsfe r students and eval uated individuall y. Policies arc available fro 111 chc Nu rsing Dcparrmcnr. Clinica l nursing expe riences arc provided wit h the cooperat ion of hospirn ls and age ncies th roughout both Los Angeles and Orange Cou nti es. In co111pl iancc with Stace Board regulations, ch c ca ndidate " ·ill be eligib le to rake the examina tion required by the Board of Rcgis tcred Nu rsing for liccnsurc as a reg istered nurse . Upo n grad uat ion. applicat ion can bc 111adc for certifi cat ion as a publi c healt h nur se. Both acceptance to and contin ua tion in rhc nursing majo r wil l be de termined by the scudenc's prepa ration, perfo rmance ,rnd personal inrcgritv, as assessed bv the faculty ofchc Department of Nurs ing.
The ph ilosophy of the Deparr mcnt of Nu rsing is in agreement with that of the Un ivers ity. As such, we be li eve nursing is co nce rn ed with the wel lbeing of the total per so n. Each indi vidua l is an inte grated. un ique person, created in God's image, and endowed by Goel with dignity and worth. T he entry of sin into the world has ph1ecd a constra int on the ind i,·idual"s total wellbe ing which can onl y be reme died by the power and lm·e of Goel through faith in Jcsus Christ. Goel has created a ll persons with the
grad uate- leve l stud ies. 490 Senior Recital (2)
Pre pa ration for se ni or- leve l pcr for111ancc 111ajor (60-111inu re recital). Graded on a credit/no credit basis. Fee: $40.
86 • Course De scr iption s
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