all req u ireme n ts fo r admi ss ion to th e uni versity . Biol a pre- nursing students meeting a ll req uireme nts for ad mi ss io n to cl ini ca l nursing, who have a cumulati ve GPA of 3.0 and have take n at least two fu ll -time semesters at Bio la, will be given pri or ity fo r ad mi ss ion to the nursing program . Be fo re be ing acce pte d , students must complete the pre req ui site college courses with a mini mum grade of "C" (2 .00). T hese courses include anacomy, ino rganic and organ ic/biochemis try, commu nication ( 100, 170, 181 or 280), Eng li sh 110A and 11013, first aid , phys i o logy, and psyc ho logy. Stude nts also are required to earn a cumula t ive GPA of 3.00 on all pre-nursing college cou rse work. Stude nts with a cumula ti ve GPA of 2.50 to 2.99 may be conside red for admi ssion on provis iona l statu s if space is avail able in the program and if the re is reason to ant icipate the stude nt will be ab le to compl e te t he progra m successfu ll y. Add itional facto rs con side red in th e applicat ion process inc lud e th e fo ll ow ing: tota l tran script evaluation, sma ll grou p inte r views, a br ief wri tten biographica l sketch and a brief extemporaneous writin g ass ig nme nt , re fe re nc es, pre nurs in g exam in a ti o n , SAT sco res, a nd wo rk ex pe ri e nce . A departme nta l app licat ion fo rm is to be co mpl e t ed a nd fil e d in th e department with an appl ication fee of $25 by January 1S. T he re is an addi tional late fee of $ 10 fo r app lica tions received after the established deadl ine. Decisions regarding stu de nt acceptance into clinical nursing a re made by the nu rsing fac u lty. Before sta rting cl inical nursing, stu d e nts will be req ui re d to subm it comp le ted hea lth forms and proof of c urre n t ce rtifi cat io n in ca rdi opul monary certification fo r health care profess ionals. App lica nts whose educa ti ona l and profess iona l expe ri e nces qua l ify them fo r adva nced standing are we lcome . Those in te nd ing to c ha ll e nge nursing courses should ma ke a n a ppo intme n t w it h th e Departme nt of N ursing as soon as accepted by th e Uni versity. After Being Accepted Into Biola's Clinica l Nursing Prog ram A swdent is req uired to have, at hi s/he r own expe nse, a yea rl y phys i ca l exami na tion and specific labora to ry rests and immu ni za t io ns by Ju ne 15. Lare fees a re assessed. Sw de nrs wil l no t be perm itted in t he c lini ca l agency w it ho ut t h is.
in promoting the quali ty and avail abili ty of health care services for all persons. ' r'o effect posi ti ve changes nurses must pa rri cipa te in all aspects of the health ca re del ivery system includ ing: (1) eva lua ting th e ade quacy of hea lth ca re scrl' iccs fo r the community; (2) projecti ng needs fo r additiona l o r new services; and (3) rak ing appropri ate action to insu re adequacy of serl'ices. Th is requi res nursi ng involvement with commu ni ty act ion groups and with local and national legislative processes. \Ve believe init ial prepara ti on of profess iona l nurses to mee t the hea lth ca re needs of soc iety is best accomplis hed thro ugh the lea rn ing acq uired in bacca lau rea te educa ti on. As nurse ed ucators it is ou r responsibility to p ro,·ide an c nl'i ron m e n r wh ich fac ili tates t h e lea rni ng necessarv co pn.: pare grad uates for profess ional prac tice and advanced professiona l educat ion. Consistent with our be li ef about the natu re of pe rsons, we be li eve studcncs and faculty members arc uni que ly created by God and e ndowed by God with dignity ,rnd worth. As C hri stian educato rs we value the distinctive cu ltura l. ethnic, and social backgrounds of each pcr son and recognize that chi s d iversity enriches ou r learning environment. le is the role of the educator to pro vide a lea rni ng climate of Christi an caring which: (1) enhances students ' ab ilicics to usc their own un ique lea rning styles effecti ve ly; (2) pro motes studcnts' accomp lishment of personal goals; and (3) fac ili rarcs stu dents' ut ilization of resources and pe rso n a l suppo rt systems to e nhance thei r ab ility to meet the ir individ ual learni ng needs. It is our bel ief that the goa l of learn ing is behaviora l change in the cogni t ive, affect ive, and psychomo tor domains. Lea rning is a purpose ful , dynami c process and invo lves changes in knowledge, skill s, atti tuclcs, va lues and/or bel iefs. Learn ing occurs more efficie nt ly, is more pervasive and more e nd uring when the lea rner acrivch· partic ipates in a ll phases of the lea rni ng process . Previous exper ie nce prov ides th e fo u ndatio n for cur rent learn ing. Learn ing is facilitatcd when expe ri e nces move from the fam ili ar co the unfam iliar and from simple to com plex. I,earn ing \\' hic h emphas izes d iscovery of orga ni z ing princ ipl es rat her than specifi c content fac il i tates t he tran s fer of learni ng to novel situations. Wc be li eve cr it ica l a nd c re ative thin king a rc essent ial fo r the
util iza ti o n ac ti vit ies require d to fulfill th e res ponsib il iti es of bac ca laurea te profess iona l nurses in a
pro fess iona l nu rse. Development of th ese sk ill s is foste red in a sup po rri ve lea rnin g e n v ir o nm e nt which (l) provides oppo rtunity fo r invo lveme nt in c ri t ica l thinkin g a nd probl e m so lving th ro ughout the lea rning process; (2) st imu latcs t he processes of in q ui ry and di s covery; (3) provides ex pos ure to a va rie ty of problems in a va ri e ty of settings; (4) e ncou rages ma tu ra t ion of th e ab ility to ut ili ze in te r na l and extern al eva luative feed back; and (5) promotes increasi ng self-d irec ti on and indepe nd e nce. T he ed ucato r as a ro le model en ha nces the lea rn ing process by demons tr at in g C h ris t ian ca ring and t he sk ill s of inq uiry a nd d is cove ry . Ac t in g as a n ex p e r t learner, fac il itato r, a nd reso urce person, t he ed ucaco r g u id es th e s t ud en t lea rm:r th ro ugh the edu cat iona l expe ri e nce . \Ve be li eve chat ed ucat ion is a l i fe lo n g process w h ic h fac i l it ates t h e o ngo in g deve lo p me n t o f th e lea rn er's potent ialit ies for cont in ued growth as a person , c iti ze n, and profess io na l nurse.
broad va riety of sett ings. Program Objectives
T o de monstrate the Ch ri s ti an ca ring wh ic h is essent ia l to t he pract ice o f pro fess iona l nu rs in g th e gradu a te is expected co: I. Base nu rs ing pract ice on a p h il osophi ca l fo und at io n co ns is te nt with Bio la Uni versity and the De partme nt o f Bacca la urea t e lursing beliefs about the natu re of persons and the nature of nursing. 2. Integra te k nowledge from Bib lica l stu d ies, and the be hav iora l, b io logica l, a nd phys ica l sc i e nces coge rh e r wit h kn ow le d ge from nu rsing sc ience and ut ilize t hi s kn ow ledge as a bas is for nursing prac t ice. 3. Base nursing pract ice on a fo rmul ation of th eore t ica l knowl e d ge in co rpo ra tin g comm u ni ca rion/colhrbora tion, reaching/lea rn ing, cr iti ca l thi nking/prob le m so lving, and leadershi p/advocacy princ ipl es. 4. Co ll ect re leva nt data sys te mat ica ll y fr o m a l l p e rtin e nt cl ient systems, the environ ment, and the resea rch knowledge base; uti lize thi s data e ffect ive ly co pro vide safe, compe tent nursing ca re. 5. De mo ns trate ap p li cat io n of sy nth es ized conce pts re lated co C hr ist ia n ca ring, stress/ad apta t io n , deve lo p menta l , i nt erac tio na l and sys te ms theo ri es in t he purpose ful and systemat ic use of th e nursing p rocess to fac ilitate o pt im a l ada pt at io n th ro u g h a ppropr iate use of t he preve n ti on, res torati on, and co nse rva ti on modes of interve n tio n w ith th e th ree cl ie nt sys tems. 6. Id e n t i fy a n d utili ze know le d ge o f t he re leva nt c ul tural , eco no mi c, e thi ca l, legal , po lit ica l, soc ia l. and sp iritu a l fac tors a nd t he interacti ons be tween th e m t ha t affect the pract ice o f nu rs in g a nd th e d e li ve ry o f hea lth ca re se rvices. 7. Demonstrate persona l and p ro fess iona l deve lo pm e nt a nd C hr is ti an comm itme nt consis te n t with th e goa ls of Bi o la Un iversity an d bacca la u reate nu rsi n g edu ca ti on.
Th e mi ss io n of t he D ep art me nt of Bacca laureate N ursing is to p repa re s tu de n ts to become competen t nursing p ro fess io na ls wh o in tegrate C h r is ti a n ca rin g inco the ir nu rsing pract ice.
l. To pro\' id e a bibl ica ll y cente re d libera l a rt s a nd p rofes sio na l ed uca t ion as a fo u ndatio n fo r profess iona l practice, ad va nced cduq ri on, and service co socie ty. 2. To deve lop grad uates who va lu e indiv id ua l d ive rsi ty, who respec t each pe rson as unique ly c reated in God 's image, and who e ndeavor co ass ist cl ients to mee t the ir needs. 3. To provide a broad th eory base as a fo un da ti o n fo r th e dynam ic nurs ing practice which is re quir ed to mee t c u rr e n t a nd future hea lth care nceds of society. 4. To foste r the spiritual com mitme nt, mora l d iscernme nt, inte l lectu al inqui ry and competence in c rit ica l and c reat ive th inking essen ti a l for con tin ued growth as indi vid uals. c itizens, and profess ionals. 5. To pre pare grad uates who arc safe, competent practi t ione rs and who a rc eq uipped fo r invo lve me nt in leaders hip, advocacy, col laborat ion, ed uca ti on. and resea rch
Admiss ion in co Biola Un ivers ity does not guarantee ad miss ion into cl inica l nursing. Stude nts des iri ng to be ad mitted co the Department of Bacca laureate N ursing must meet
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