
Designed for cransfer-c lrnllengc students. 303A Nursing Assessment of the Client - Theory (2) l mplcmcncacion of nur s ing assessment co recogn ize prob­ lc111 s affecting adaptive cq uilib­ riu111 in t he client. (C") 303B Nursing Assessment of the Client - Clinical (1) Clinical application of nurs in g assess111cnc 11ich adu lt c li ents in inpatient and community set­ tings. T o be taken concurrent !\ \vich NU RS 20 1 an d 303A - Th eory. Graded on a c redit/no credit basis. \lust earn at lease a "C' ' (2.00) for credit. (C*) 320 Directed Individual Studi es (1 -3) Pe rmits ,cudcnts co pursue specia l interests rel,1tcd co the profession of nursi ng. Open co clin ica l nursi ng 111ajors onlv with written consent of insm,ccor. \ lay be repeated II ich different concenc. j\ laxim11111 of six units mav be taken for cred it. 321 Cl ini ca l Enr ichment (1-4) Opporrnnicy for addit iona l appli­ cat ion of the nursing process in se lected health care settings. Offered Intcrter111 and Summer Sc hool. ;\ lav be repea ted with different content and written con­ sent of instructor. Open co clini cal nursing 111ajors only. Graded on ,1 cred it/no cred it basis. i\ lusc earn at lease a "C:" (2.00) for credit. Prerequisite: :---:ursing 201. 340A Mental Health Nursing of the Client/Family - Theory (1.5) Concepts related co famih· cen­ tered nursing of adults with men­ ml health problems. Focu, is on application of the nursing proces;, to rc;,core adapci,c equi librium. Prerequisite: 202, 204. (C") 340B Mental Health Nursing of the Client/Family - Clinical (2 .5) C linical application of the nurs­ ing process II ich clients in mental heal ch sett ing,. To be take n co n­ c urrent h · 11ith NU RS .HOA - T heo ry. G radcd on a crcd ic/no c redi t basi,. :'-.fuse ea rn at least a "C" (2.00) for cred it. (C") 342A Nursing of the Childbear­ ing Family - Theory (2) l 111ple111cncacion of the nursing process ucili;,ing ,1 fam il y cen­ tered approach co ch il dbearing and maternal hea lth promotion. Prercqui,iccs: 202. 204. 303. BJOS 282. Fee: $ 15. (C•)

Each swdcnt is assessed for liability insurance through the llni, ·crsi ty when particip,uing in clinical courses. The llnivcrsicv and coop­ cr<.tting agencies as~umc no respon­ sib il it,· for illness or accidents occur­ ring during the school progra111. Swdencs 111usc arrange for the ir own m1nsporcarion co cl ini c,tl agencies as the llni, ·crsic, docs not provide rransporrac ion. Stu­ dents 111ust ha, c a , ·,did dri, ·cr's l icense, current insurance and ha,·c access co a , ·chicle ch rou1;h­ ouc the clinical nursing progra111. Parking fees arc the responsibility of ch c studen t. \ 'alid health ca re prol'ider CPR certification i~ required and muse be renewed annual!, throu1;houc the clinical nur,ing program. T hcor1 and clin ical muse be taken concurrently in course, with a c lini cal component. One unit of chcor\' equa ls one c lock hour, and one unit of clinica l equals three clock hours. Because of their importance, it i, mandatory co attend cour,e and clinica l orientations to proceed in nursing courses. t\ student mu,c earn a minimum grade of "C" (2.00) in microbiologl', scaciscics. BBST -+65 health care ethics. and in each nursing course, and main­ ta in a cumulatil'c GPA of 2.00 in order to ptogrcss in nursing. Student, will be permitted to rcpc~lt nursing co1irscs one time on ly. Stutknts 11·ichdrawing more than once at a foiling lcl'cl (C- or below) or failing rno courses ma~ be dropped fro111 the nursing pro­ gra111. l lnsafc clinical nursing prac­ ti ce, regard less of GPA. is ground for dis111issal from the nur,ing pro­ gram. Students II ho 11·ichdra11 from nur,ing in good standing will be readmitted on a ,pace-a,·ai labl c b,tsis. Transfer-challenge students have equal accc,s for open spaces in nursing cour"cs. l e is recommended that 111icrobiolog\' (Biolog\' 282) be taken prior co :---:ursing of the Cl ient/Fami l) I and 11. Student, will not he adl'anced co lel'el 11 without 111icrohiology. :--.Iandacor, >IL:-S: achicl'e- 111enc exam, 11 ill be taken throughout and at the comp letion of the nursing program .

basis. i\ Iuse ea rn ac leas e 80% on lab exams co receive credit. (C*) 202A Nursing of the Client/Family II - Theory (4) Co ntinu atio n of !\URS 201. l rnplemcncacio n of the nursing process to facil icacc adapci,c equ i­ librium in the cl ient/fa111il y. A pri- 111ary focus is on pachop lws iologv in the physica l subsvsccm. Prereq­ ui sites: 20 1,303. Fee:: $ 15. (C") 202B Nursing of the Client/Family II - Clinical (3) C lini ca l application of the nr1rsin1; process with adult clients in acucc 111 ed ica l-surg ica l and com111unicy set tin gs. To be ta ken concur­ rently with N L. RS 202A-Theor\' and 202C-Nu rsing t\pplicacion Lab. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. i\ lusc ea rn at lease a "C" (2.00) for cred it. Fee: $30. (C*) 202C Nursing of the Client/Family II - Nursing Application Lab (1) Laboracorl' practice of c lini cal sk ill s necessary for seeond-scmes­ ccr nursin1; srndcncs. In cludes foc used di sc us s ion groups and com111unicy he:rlth experiences. To be t,tkcn co ncurrencl,· with :---:CRS 20ZA 11 - Thcorv and 202B II -C l inica l. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. :-, Iuse earn at least 80% on lab exams co rece ive credit. (C*) 204 Essentials of Clinica l Nurs­ ing Pharmacology (2) l "sc of the nurs ing process in the administration of 111edicacion. To be ca ken co ncurr enc l, 11 ich NU RS 202 - Theory. (C*) 230 Clinical Topics in Nursing (1-3) Allows stude nt;, co exp lore issues re lated to nursing prior to attaining uppe r-di, is ion scaws. Requ ire, written consent of instructor. \ la\ be repeated wich different content

nursing major rl!quircs tht: com­ plc ci on of: Biological Science 2.52, 28 1,282: Che111iscry 11 2 (tota ling 16 science unit s); Nu rsi ng 11 0. 20 I. 202, 20-+, 303. 3-t0, 3-+2, 3-+-+, 362. 36-t, 366, -+-+ I. -+-+2 , -tS0, -t.5 1. -t52 and -t60. Supporting courses: Three units of each of chc follow­ ing: Psychologv 200, intcrculcural s tudies o r sociology, a nd sta ti st ics. ,\'ore: The ge11er(I/ erl11/'r1rio11 req11ire111n11 jiJr II foreign la11g11r1g,(' for 11111-sing 1J1ajors is f'if,•o years of the s11111e high sd100/ lr111f!Jlr1ge orfo11r 1111ir., of rt m!lt'[!:e la11g11age. ,\'11rsi11g 111r1jo1s ttl<' exe111prJim11 ge11eml er/11cario11 1eq11i1e- 11w11S o/ lirem/111<' (3) r111rl hisro,y (fo11r ofeighr 1111irs rel/11irprf). The annual Co111111 ic111 ent and Pinnin g Sen·ice i, financed by assess in g each clinical nursing scuclenc $ 15 per vca r.

COURSES (NURS) 110 First Aid/CPR (1)

Thcorv and ski ll, for Card iopu lrn i­ na rv Rcsuscirnc ion (CPR )/A uto­ macic External Defibril lation (A l~D) fo r t he professional re s­ cuer. First aid theory and sk ill s in '·responding co emergenc ie s.' ' Th is course will pro,· ide Amer ica n Reel Cross ce rtifi catio n for ( 1) CP R/AED fo r th e professiona l res­ cuer and (2) first aid respondi ng co emergenc ies . i\ lcccs prerequi site requ irc111cnt for adm issio n into clin ica l nu rsing. Fee: $ 15. 201 A Nursing of the Client/Family I - Theory (3) Implementation of the n urs in g process co fac ili tate adapti ve eq ui - 1ibriu m in ch c c li e nt/fam ily. Includes normal growth and devel­ opment of the adolescent through the older adu lt. Fee: $ 15. (C*) 201 B Nursing of the Client/Family I - Clinical (3) Clinical ap pli cation of the nursin1; process wit h adult clients in in pa­ tient and communi ty sett ings . T o be ta ken concur rc nclv with N l l RS 201 A-Theory and 20 1C-Nursing App li cat ion Lab. Graded on a cred it/ no credit basis. i\ Iuse earn at least a "C'' (2.00) for

for a 1naximum of nine un its. 232 Clinical Experiences in Nursing (1 -4)

Allows students the opportunity to gain add icion ,rl clin ical nur,ing experience prior co mcaining upper­ d ivision Statlls. Requires II rittcn co nsent of instructor. i\ l av be repeated II ich different content fo r a maxi111u111of 12 units. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. \lust earn at least a "C' ' (2.00) fo r credit. (C") 300 Professional Nursing Seminar (1-3) A cransicion sem inar designed ro fac ilicacc socia li zat ion into hac­ ca laureace professional nursing.

credit. Fee: $30. (C*) 201 C Nursing of the Client/Family I -


Application Lab (1) Laboracory pract ice of c lini ca l sk ill s necessary for first-semeste r nu rs in g students. To be ta ke n conc urr ent ly with NU RS 20 1A-T heory and 20 113-C lini cal. G rad cd o n a credit/no crc d it


A Hr1d1tlor of Sr·iente rlep-ee i11 .V111:,.i11g is offered upon co111ple­ cion of the unin:rsit~ baccalaurc­ ,ttc and 111ajor requirements. The

88 • Course Descr ip tions

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