
342B Nursing of the Childbear­ ing Family - Clinical (2) Clin ical application of the nurs­ ing process in pro, idin g famil , centered rnatcrnal hea lth care in acute and community st.:t tin gs. T o be taken co nc urrentl y \\'ith 1\l l RS 3 -1 2A - Th eo ry. Graded o n a credit/no credit ba,is. i\lus r cam at least a "C" (2.00) for c re dit. Fee: $30. (C") 344A Nursing of the Older Adult Client/Family - Theory (2) Implementation of the nur , ing proc ess to facilitate adaptive equil ibriurn in t he o lder adult cli en t/farni l,. Prere qui s ites : 202, 20-1. 303, BIOS 282. (C") 344B Nursing of the Older Adult Client/Family - Clinical (2) Clinical ap pli ca tion of th e nur,ing proc ess in prornoting adapt ive cquilibriurn in the older adult client/fa mil y . To be taken con­ c urrcntl , "ith Nl l R.S 3 4-IA - Th eorv. Graded o n a c re dit/no c re dit ba,is. i\ Iust ea rn at lca,t a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C•) 362A Nursing of the Childrear­ ing Famil y - Theory (2) lrnpl erne n rat io n o f the nur , ing; process utili1,ing; a farnily cente red approach w c hildrearin g. c hild health prornot ion, and care of the ill c hi ld. Prerequi sites: 202, 20-1 , .'l 03, .'l6-I , 1310.S 282. (C') 362B Nursing of the Childrear­ ing Family - Clinical (2) C lini cal application of the nursing; process in pro, ·iding farnily ce n­ tered child hea lth care in ac ute and cornrnunity sett ings. T o be taken concum:ntly with N l lRS .'l62A - Theori. Graded on a c redit/no c redit basis. i\lust ea rn ,rt least a "C" (2.00) fo r c redit. (C") 364A Advanced Nursing: A Pathophysiological Approach - Theory (2) l rnpl e rnen tario n of the nurs in g process u, in g a farnily-ccnrered approach with adult clients expe­ riencing compl ex di,turbances in adaptive eq uilibriurn . Th e pri­ rnarv focus is on pathophysiology in the ph, sica l s ubs,stem. Pre­ requi site" 202, 20-1 ..'l03, BIOS 282 . Fee: $ 15. (C") 364B Advanced Nursing: A Pathophysiological Approach - Clinical (2) C lini ca l a ppli catio n of the nurs­ ing process in prm iding co rn pie~ care to mul t icultural clients in the ac ute m ed ica l- s urg ic a l set­ ting. T o be taken concurrently

dent, \\'ill ha,<.: e qu a l access fo r op<.:n s paces in a ll nurs in g; co urses . 6. Engli,hllOAand ll OB must be comp leted before starting the chall enge; p rocess. It is recom­ me nded that t he other req uired non-nursing prereq ui s ites arc com­ pleted as outlined in the stand ard c urri c ulu m c hart for th e nursing major before entering clinical nurs­ ing courses (except 30 unit opt ion). Tran sfrr c red i t fo r no n-nurs in g courses will be granted b,· the Reg­ i,uar's Office as indi cated in the uni vt: rsity cata log. If a given nurs­ ing course from a regionally accred­ ited nur~ing program i5 compa rable in content and lc,el to a gi, ·en course offered b,· the Dt:partme nt of Bacea laure:m; N ursin g;, tran sfer c red it " ill be g;rantcd. 7. All candidates w ill partici­ pate in a transition sem inar co urse (1\u r,ing; 300: Profess io na l N urs in g .Sem inar ) designed ro facilitate socia li 1.ation in to bac­ ca l aureate profc:-i~ iona l nursing . Thi , cou r,e must be successfu ll y compl e ted prior to en ro llme nt in an y clinical nur'iing course.

E xamp les in c lrrd e c riti ca l ca re , emergenc y room , inccn s i, ·c ca re, pediatri cs, ma te rnity, medical-sur­ g ica l. missions. T o be taken con­ currently " ·ith l LlR.S -150 -The­ ory. Graded on a c redit/ no c redit "C 11 bas is. f\ lu sc ear n at least a (2 .00) fo r credit. (C*) 460A Nursing in the Community - Theory (4) Nursing thcorv re lated to the heal t h of comrnuniries. Pre requi sites: 3-10, 3-12, .'l-1-1. 362, 36-1, 366. F cc: $ 1~- 460B Nursing in the Community - Clinical (5) C linical app li cation of the nurs­ ing process with indi, ·iduah, fam­ ili es and communities to promote and maintain adapti,·e equilib­ rium. ' l 'o be ta ken concurn;nrly with Nursing -1 60/\ - Th con·. Graded on a c red it / no c redit basis. i\ 1us r earn at lea st a "C' ' (2.00) for credit. Fee: $30 . TRANSFER/CHALLENGE POLICY For transfer nursing s tud ents, re gis tered nurses, li censed , ·oca­ tional nurses and othe r applicants wirh health profession backgrounds. General Policies I. Transfer students " ·ho have nor ,·er started nurs ing cou r, es should ap pl y as a ny other swd c nt for the program, m<.:eting all pre req ­ ui sites as ourlim:d in th e Uni ve rsity cata log and Standard C urri c ulum C hart for the nursing major. 2. Ap pli ca nts pl anning to chal­ leng;e nurs ing courses must firs t be accepted b,· and fulfill all matr ic u­ lat io n req uirem e nt s of Biot a l ' ni­ ve rsiry. ' I'he De partme nt of ;-,; urs­ ing sho uld be contacted at the time of application to t he ll ni versitv. 3. Separate a ppli ca tion mu st be made to the Department of N urs ing . A $25.00 nonre fund ab le application fee made pa va bl e to Biol a Ll nive rs icv , D e part.ment of N ur s in g rnu sr acco mp a n y the application . Ir is reco rnmend ed that this be done co ncurrentl y w ith application to the Uni versity. Final acceptance into nurs ing \\'ill nor be made until official accept­ ance to the Unive rs ity is gra nted. -1 . To be considered for accept­ ance into the nursing; program. a ll a pplicants muse ha ve a rninirnum c umulati ve GPA of 3.0 (m a, be admitted pro, ·is io nall y with a GPA of 2.5-2.99 if spac<.: is available) . 5. Tran s fe r-challenge s tu­ dents who have met prerequi sites comparable ro th e ge neri c s tu-

wi th Nll RS 36-li\ - Theor y . Graded o n a c redit / no c redit basis . i\ Ius t ea rn at leas t a "C" (2 .00 ) for credit. Fee: $30 . (C") 366A Critical Care Nursing: A Pathophysiological Approach - Theory (1) Continuation of:'\J l ' R.S 36-1. lmpl c­ menrarion of the nursing process us ing a fam il v ce nrered approach \\'ith adu lr clie nts ex pe ri e ncing criti­ ca l di sturbances in adapti ve cquilib­ ri um. Th e prima ry foc u s is on pathoph'>iology in the physical s ub­ sys tem. Prerequisite: 20-I. 303, 36-1, BIOS 282. (C*) 366B Critical Care Nursing: A Pathophysiological Approach - Clinical (2) C linical app li cat ion of the nurs ing process in prm·iding complex ca re to multi c ulwrnl clients in a c riti ca l care setting. To be taken concur­ rentl y with \\'ith N L' RS 366A - Theor y . Gradcd o n a c redit/ no c red it basis. '\ Iusr ea rn at least a --c-- (2.00) for credit. (C") 441 Introduction to Nursing Research (2) Th e research process ap pli ed to nursing includes prob lem defini­ tions and bas ic research d es ign. Each s rndcnt works on devclop­ i n g a b as ic re sea rc h pr o posa l. Prerequisites: 3 -10. 3-12, 3-1-1. 362, 36-1 , 366. Statistics . 442 Applied Nursing Research (1) Opporwn ity to c ritiqu e literatu re, cont inue work o n resea rc h pro­ posal o r parti c ipate in a research project. Prerequi s ite: -1-11. 450 Leadership/Management in Nursing - Theory (2) Com bin es thcof\ of leadership and nur, ing ca re deli, ·ery svstem, with is:,, ucs and trend,;; in nursing. Pre req ui s ites : 3-10. 3-12, 34-1..'l62, 36-1 , 366. Fee: $ 1.'i. (C*). 451 Leadership/Management in Nursing: Team Leading - Clinical (3) C linica l application of leaders hip/ management chcor~ in gi\·ing and directing care for a gro up of clients. To be taken concurrentl y with Nll RS -I SO - Theory. Graded o n a cre dit / n o cre dit basis. i\lu s t earn ar leas t a "C" (2 .00) for credit. F ee: $30. (C") 452 Leadership/Management in Nursing: Elective Setting - Clinical (2) Clinical applicarion of leader­ ship/management theory in a clin­ ica l setti ng se lected by the sw­ dent in collaboration \\'ith facultv.

Course Descrip tion s · 89

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