

Hu111aniti es section for specifics .) le is ba s ica ll y a mino r in philoso­ ph y, but 111ore flex ibili ty is poss ibl e t hrough deparcmenc aclvise111e nr.

C ha ir: Greg T e n Elshof, Ph.D.

tion of a ll co111pone nc s of t h e c ha ll enge process . T he fol lowing co urses 111ay be chall e nged : 20 1, 202,204,303,340,342,344 ,362, 364, 366, 450, 451 and 452. Additional Policies : Licensed Vocational Nurse J. The appl icant 111u sr ho ld c urrent registration in th e U.S . Gradu ates of reg io nall y acc red ­ ited n ursing progra111s in the process of obtain ing li ce ns ure will be ad 111i cted on provis iona l sta tu s. 2. The appli can t 111ay take the 30 unit c urri cu lu111 or the trans­

8. It is reco111me nd ed t hat a ll tran sfe r-challenge stude nts cake Nursing 303 Assess 111ent of the Clie nt-T heory and C linica l; how­ ever, s tud ents 111a y cha ll enge these co u rses by exa111 in ation if th ey feel th ey ha ve a knowledge of the course content. Co111para­ ble courses wi ll be eva luated for tra nsfe r c red it. 9. Students receivi ng finan­ c ial assistance may need to cake 12 units whi le t hey are cha ll eng­ ing nurs ing courses. 10. Following notificat ion o f acceptance into t he Oeparc111ent of Nu rs ing, t he candidate ma y begi n che cha ll e nge process . The process co ns is ts of exa111 in ar ion with theory and cl ini cal co111po­ nencs . Co ncacc th e Ocpamnenc of Nursi ng fo r specific dera il s. 11. Prior to going to t he c lini­ cal age ncy, all cha ll enge students 111 usc have a current CP R cert ifi ­ cate. The Oepamne nc of Nursi ng hea lt h for111 requi red of a ll nurs ing majors muse be sub111icced pri or to clin ica l cha ll enge and ad111issio n co clinica l nursi ng courses. T hi s is necessary for Biola to meet age ncy cont ract req uire111e nt s. 12. Candidates for th e chall enge process have the op tion of schedul­ ing the examinations in such a way ch at if unsuccessful , subsequent enrollment in the course is possible. 13 . Course credi t will be granted upon successfu l completion of th e cha ll enge exa111. Cou rses may be cha ll e nged one ci111 e on ly. (C*) denote s t hat a c lass can be chal lenged fo r the units listed. 14. Specific po li cies related to R. .'s, L.V. 1 .'s or L.P.N.'s follow. Transfer challenge s tudents fro111 o ther nursing programs o r other hea lth p rofession backgrounds wi ll be eva luated indi vidually. Additional Policies: Registered Nurse and Students Transfer­ ring from RN Programs I. Appl icants must meet one o r more of t he follow ing cr ite ri a: a. Ho ld current li censure in the United States. b. Be a grad uate of a regionally accre dited progra111. c. Be a srude n c in a reg iona ll v acc red ited progra111. d . Prov ide proof of co111ple ted nurs i n g ed u cation from outside th e U nited States. 2. N ur s in g i n the Co 111mu­ nit y (460 ) a nd nu rsing researc h cou rses (44 1, 442) 111ust be taken. Ad111 ission to t h ese co ur ses is contingent on successful comp ie -

FACULTY Distinguished Professor: Moreland Professors: Geivett, Rae Associate Professor: C iocc hi Assistant Professo rs: Oe\Veese, G . TenE lshof


A Philosophy Mi11or is offered with the completion of 20 units be yo nd che ge n e ral education requirement, 17 of which 111u s c be upper di vis ion. The s tudent 111usc se lect rwo courses from 30 1, 302 and 303 and two courses fro111 41 1, 412 and 413. Nore: No s111rlm1 who has 1al.'e11 011e of the loru,er rlivisio11 his101y of philosophy co,mes (2 11. 2 12, 213) will be per111i11erl to enroll i11 its cor- 1-espo11rli11g 11pper rliv isio11 1111111ber (JOI , 302, 303). A11y s111rle111 who frdls i1110 this r111ego1y, a11rl ru>ho is also a philosophy major. 11 philoso­ phy mi11or, or a h111111111i1ies major with a philosophy emphasis - all of ru 1 ho111 !tr/' reljllirl'rl 10 tal.-e 11pper rliv isio11 ro 111 :,·es i11 1h11his101y of phi­ losophy - will be asked ro .wbs1i111/e r111otl1er philosophy co11n·e for t!,e his- 101y of philosopl,y ro111 :re. St!ec1io11 of 1111 appropriare s11bs1i1111e will be 111arle i11 co11s11/1a1io11 ru,i1h the s111- r!e111 's adv isor. Nor111ally, 011/y st urle11 1s ru•bo have co111ple1erl a ge11eral er/11mlio11 co111Je i11 philosophy will be pen11i11erl to e11roll i11 upper rlivisio11 phl!osoplty co111Jes (3OOs & 4OOs). Excep1io11s to this po!il)' may be pen11i11ed i11 special circ11 111 s1c111ces. All exreptiom ru 1 ill re1j11ire the approval the dtair of the Philosophy Depa11111e111. COURSES (PHIL) 210 Introduction to Logic (3) A ge nera l introduct ion to log ic cove rin g both dedu c ti ve and indu c tiv e infer e nc e . and th e ana lys is of argu111cnrs in ordinary language . 211 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (3) An introducti on co philosophy throug h a s tud y of ch c earl iest per iod of philosoph ic develop­ ment in the \ Vest, CO\'ering the Pre-Soc rati cs through t he Neo­ Pl ato ni scs. 212 Introduction to Medieval Philosophy (3) An introdu ction co philoso ph y throug h a study of the h is tory of philoso ph y. fro111 Augusti n e co Willia111 of Occam, w ith s pecia l c111phasis upon Augustine a nd Th o111as Aquinas .


The objecti ves of th e ph il oso­ ph y 111ajor cen ter on intellectual content and sk ills beco111ing part of the student 's life and characte r: ( ! ) development of the hab it of re fl ec­ t ive a nd eva luative chinkin g; (2) growth in t he abi li ty co read and und erstand phil oso phi c literature and to write well abo ut chis 111ate­ rial; (3) ga ini ng an acquaintance with the intell ectua l tradition of ch e West ; (4) acqu iring the abi lity co app ly philosophi ca l concepts co life's proble111 s; (5) 111aking seri ous progress in for111ulating one's own world and life view; and (6) advanc­ ing cowards full intel lectua l and personal integratio n of acade 111i c studies with Ch ri st ian reaching. The phi losophy 111 ajor 111ay be ta ke n as a li beral a rts 111ajor, as pre­ professiona l preparat ion for careers in such fie lds as the law, educat ion and the 111 iniscry, o r as preparat ion fo r graduate study in phi losophv.

fer-c hallenge curri c ulu111. Option/: Th irty Un it Curriculum

I. Thi s o pti on permits chc L.V.N. co take nursing and related scie nce cou rses in ord e r co qualify for the Ca liforni a registe red nu rse li ce nsing exa n1in atio n. Transfer into the degree prog ra111 is poss ib le. 2. Th e app li ca nt 's portfolio wi ll be eva luated on an individ­ ual basi s . Academic credit ea rn e d in reg iona ll y accred ited in s titu­ tions of hig h e r ed u cation for co111parable preli cens ure courses wi ll be acce p ted fo r transfer. 3. The following co ur ses must be co111p leced p rio r to taki ng the R. N. licensure exa minat ion: Bio logy 281 Physiology• ............ .4 Bio logy 282 Microbiology• .. 4 Nurs ing 300 Profess iona l Nursing Se111i nar ................... 3 N urs ing 340 1vlental Healcl1 Nurs­ ing of the C li enc/Fa111il y ....... .4 N ursing 344 N ursing of the Older Adu lt C lient/Fami ly ..4 N ursing 364 Advanced N u rsing: A Pathophys iological Approach .. .4 Nurs ing-tS0, 451,452 Leade rs hip/ Manage111ent in N urs ing ........ 7 TOTAL UN ITS 30 •Tra11sfer n-erlit will be gra111erl. Option II : Transfer-Challenge I. Ju st as AON stude nt s mu se demonstrate comparabi li ty of transfer course s. LYN stude nt s w ill be give n che same opportu­ nity . However, LVN's wi ll be a ll owed co c ha ll enge lower d ivi­ s ion courses if unable co de111o n­ st ratc co111pa rability from a regionall y accredited academic inst itution. Nursing 20 1 and 202 111ust be cha ll enged in sequ e nce. 2. Other courses required for licensure may be c h allenged based on individual portfo lio eva l­ uac,on. Nurs ing in t he Co111111u­ nity (460) a nd nurs ing re sea rch cou rses (441,442) must be taken .


A Bachelor of A11s degree i11 Phi­ losophy is offered upon comp let ion of the university bacca laureate and 111ajor requ irements. The ph il oso­ ph y 111ajor consists of 36 units beyond the genera l educat ion req ui re111ent. The scudenc mu se cake the three courses in th e his­ tory of philosophy sequence (30 1, 302, 303), the three cou rses in the 111ajor divis ions of philosophy (4 11 , 4 12,413), and se lect nine units fro111 co ur ses designated as "Advanced Scudics in Philosoph y." In addition, the student muse rake either 2 IO Incroducrion co Logic or 3 I2 Sy111bolic Logic. Those plan­ ning on graduate work in phil oso­ phy will be advised co rake Sym­ bo li c Logic. f'inally, each swde nt muse meet che depart111enca l se111i­ nar requ irement of six units, as fol­ lows: three uni cs of 350 Philosophy Se111inar and three unit s of 450 Adva nced Philosoph y Sc111inar. Humanities Major/Philoso­ phy Concentration The Oeparr111ent of Philoso ph y o ffers a ph il osop hy concentration fo r th e hu m anities maj or. (See

90 • Course Descriptions

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