
Political Science

C h a ir: C. Da, ·id Peters, Ph.D.

s ite: Ph ys ics 233. Lab fee : $40. Offered a lte rnate yea rs . 250 Science and Origins (3) A s urvey of bas ic sc ientifi c th eo­ ri es of o ri g ins, th e ir c ru c ia l ex per i­ rnental evide n ces , and ba c k­ ground rnate rial in p hys ics, c he m­ istry, geology and as tronomy. Par­ cic u lar a tte nti on wil l be g ive n to compari so n o f sc ientific t h eor ies of origins and bibli ca l reve lati o n. 313 Statics (3) Stat ics o f particles, ri g id bodies in two and three dime nsion s, cen­ troid s and ce nt e rs o f g rav i ty, s tru c tures friction, a nd in c rria. Prirnaril y for pre-engin ee rin g maj o rs . Three ho urs lec ture eac h week. Pre requi s ite: Ph ys ics 132 . Offere d occas ion a ll y as ne e d e d. 318 Classical Mechanics (3) Newton ian m ec hanics of parti­ cles an d svste rn s of parti c les, ri g id bodies, osc illating syste rn s, g ra v itation. m ov in g coordinate sys t e m s, La g range's a nd H arn il ­ con 's eq u a tion s . Prim a ril y for ph ys ics e mphas is majors. Three hours lecture . Prere qui site. J 32 . 321 Circuits and Instrumentation I (5) An introd uction to el ectron ic c ircu it analysis a nd d es ig n. T hree ho urs lecture, s ix ho ur s labo raro ry eac h week. Pre requi site : 233. Fee: $60. 331 Thermodynamics (3) I ntr o du ct io n co cncrgy 1 h ear 1 wor k , e ntrop y, temperature and s tate s of mat te r. Th e fir st, sec­ o nd a nd third laws of thcnnody­ nam ics with a n c n1pha s is o n app li cati o ns. Prereq ui s ite : 132. 420 Special Projects (1-3) Resea rc h or indu s tr ial inte rn s hip. To provid e pra c ti ca l ex perience in a fi eld of t he stud e nt 's int e r­ es t. Des ig ne d prirn a ril y fo r st u­ dents wo rking o ff ca mpu s in a s ituation where s peci a l proj ects arc possible. Pre re qui s ite: junior or senior s tanding with consent. 450 Special Topics in Physical Science (1-3) Vary ing course content. Topics s uc h as optics, s pec ial re lat ivit y, nu c lea r a nd biophysics will b e offered. D e partme ntal apprornl required . 460 Physical Science Seminar (1) A capsrone course for all ph vs ica l scien ce and bi oc hem istry majors that includes: ( 1) presentation of a se minar , (2) se rv ice lea rnin g projec t a nd , (3) integ rat ion read­ ings and di sc uss ion.

A Pfn,sirs Jl!i11or is offered with the com j)lction of 18 units consist­ ing of Ph vs ics UZ, 233, 23 -t a nd s ix uppe r d ivision un its in Ph ys ics. COURSES (PHSC) Ph ys ical Science/Physics 101 Physical Science Survey - Lecture (4) A cou rse designed for the non sc ie nce major. A su rvev of th e basic princip les of ph,·sics, chcrn­ isrry, geo logy, rn eteorology a nd astronomy. E ither semester. 102 Physical Science Survey - Laboratory (1) A labornrory experience ro accorn­ pany the lecture co urse. i\ lu st be take n conc urrcntlv or su bsequcnc to t h e lecture . Three hours lab . Either serneste r. Lab fee: $-t0. 103 Geology (3) An int roduct ion co earth sc ience in cluding: proccsses tha t s hape t he earth's surface, oceans and atmosphe re; plate tccronics, earth hisrorv and t he fossil record, nat­ ural resources and en \·ironrnencal conce rn s . 105 Topics in Physical Science (1-2) A co urse d esigned to a ll ow stu­ dent s to se lect s pecific modules from PHSC 101 which include ph ys ics, chcmiscrv, geo logy o r asrronorny a nd weather. Prereq­ uisite: dcparrmcnc approv,i\ 1 s ig­ nature requ ired. 107 Physics of Sound (2) The b asic concepts of so und wave mechanics, the mechanism of to n e production in rnusica l in st ru me n ts, principle s of aco ust ics a nd an O\'ervicw of the technology used in the e lectronic recordin g . Lab acti1·ities in clud e the use of frcqu encv s peccru rn ana lyzers . Assume no sc ience

background but wi ll u se hi g h sc h oo l a lge bra. L ab fee : $ 10. Offe re d a lte rna te yea rs. 110 Astronomy (3) Descriptive ge n e ra l ed u ca tion course, designed co acquaint the s tud e nt wit h th e c urrent state of knowledge of t h e so la r system , the i\Jilkv Way, ga lax ies, qu asa rs and cosmo logy . Lab fee: $ 15. 111, 112 Physics I (4) and II (4) A s tud y of m echani cs, h ea t, a nd sou nd ( 111 ); e lect ri c ity, magnet­ is rn , e le rn e ntar y c ir c uit s, a nd o pti cs ( 11 2) . Intended for n o n­ majo rs,p rin c iplcs are treated quan­ titatively but without ca lc ulu s . Three hour s lec tur e and t hre e hours laborarory each week. Pre­ requisite: i\la th 10 1 or stro ng a lge­ b ra/t ri gono m e tr y b ac k gro und. Lab fee: $-t0. 121 Introduction to Engineering (1) A presentat io n of the op portu ni­ ties of t h e m a ny e ng ineer ing s pe­ c ia l ties, hi sto ri c al and c urr e nt trends, ethi ca l a nd soc ieta l facwrs in e n g in ee rin g projects a nd examples of e n g in ee rin g d es ig n probl erns from profess iona ls and t h rough field trips . 132 General Physics I: Mechanics (4) Basic princ iples of ph ys ics e mpha­ sizing Nev.rconian mechani cs: con­ se rva ti o n of e ne rgy a nd mornen­ curn ; osc ill a tion s and fluid s . Pri­ mari ly for p hys ica l scie nce and pre­ e ng inee rin g majors . Three hours lectu re, three hou rs laborarory each wee k. Prerequisite: Math 105. Lab fee : $40. S pring term onl y. 233 General Physics II: Heat, Electricity and Magnetism ( 4) int rod uct io n t0 thermod y nami cs, e lec t rostat ics, c nndu cro rs a nd c urr e nt s, m ag n et ic fields , a nd i\ laxwe ll 's e qu at ion s . Prirn a ril y for ph ys ica l scie nce a nd pre-engi­ neer ing rnaj o rs . Three ho urs lec ­ ture, three ho urs laboraro ry eac h week. Pre requisite: Phys ics 132 . L ab fee : $40. Fall term only. 234 General Physics 111: Waves, Optics and Modern Physics (4) Wave theory, so und , geo rn e tri c opt ics, interference a nd diffrac­ tion , re lat ivity, ,,va ve properties of p a rti c les, a nd introdu ct ion to quantum ph ys ics . Prirnaril y fo r ph vs ica l sc ie nce and pr e -e n g i­ nee ri ng majors. Th e opt ics sec­ ti o n may be taken fo r one unit of c red it ( Ph ys ics 450). Prc req ui-


Professor: Peters Assoc iate Professor: Rood


Th e Department of Po li t ical Science see ks tO equip students tO understand the fundarnc n ta l socio­ politi ca l in sticutions of soc iety, and the ir effect on contemporary li fe; to participate in and contribute co t he political process; t0 assess th e pro­ priety of poli tical iss ues and govcrn­ rnc nt policies; and co recogni ze and help rncct the need s of the local, srnrc . national and inrc...: rn :uional communi ty; a ll in a manne r cons is­ tent with bibli cal C hri st ian ity. Nole: '/ 'he s1iide111 is rer;11ired ro 1al:e H is10,,. 207 a11d 208 ( 011e ofw:/1id1 m•ill 111ee1 ihe gmem/ ,,d11m1io11 his101y rer;11i,e111ml) before 1r,J:i117 11pper-divi­ sio11 courses i11 his101y.


A !Jmhdor of1\11S rk:g,re i11 Soria! Sdenre with a l'olitim/ S,imre Co111rn­ tmtio11 is offered. Req uircrncnts in c lud e a l 8- unit co re of Po li t ical Science courses. Sec social science section fo r inforrnation on the major. Public Administration Concentration Sr.ucl cnts interested in publi c serv ice at t he municipal, co unt ':-\ s tate o r federal le,·el a re adv ised co major in soc ial sc icncc with a concentration in pub li c ad mini s­ tration. 'T' he 18-unit co nce n tra­ ti o n in c ludes Public Adrniniscra­ t io n 30 1, 306, 470, a nd -+88. Inte rn s hip in Publi c Admini stra­ tion s ho uld be taken in the public secto r. f-or adl'iscm cnt, sec t he Political Sc ience Department. Secondary Teaching Credential Th e Hi sto ry Dcparcmcnt in coope rat ion 11·ith the Edu cat ion D c p a rtrn e n t prov ides a prograrn leading tO the Socia l Science Sec­ ond a ry Teaching Credent ial. For specifi cs o n the Seconda ry Soc ia l Sc ie nce p rogram contact t he Edu­ cat ion and H iscory Dcpartrncnt for detail s . Thi s prngram pre­ pares s cud c nt5 co teac h hisrory , gove rnment, geography and eco­ nomi cs in Californ ia high sc hoo ls . SPECIAL PROGRAMS American Studies Program Bi o la Ll nil'ers it y coope rates with th e America n Stud ies Program

94 • Course Descr iptions

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