in \\'ashington , D.C. This prograrn provides work/s cudy opportunit ies fnr scudents each scrncster in all of t he di sciplin es offered at Biola , espcciall v pol it ical sci ence . Based on th e princip le of intcgrating faith , lea rning and li ving, stud e nts a re in,·ice d to s pe nd t im e in the nati on's ca pital sc n ·ing as inte rns, parti cipating in an academic semi nar program and li ving; in a unique cornm unity of Christians frorn dif fe ren t geog raphi ca l reg ion s and denominati onal backgrounds. The Ame rican Studi es Program is des igned for juniors and se ni ors wi t h a wid e ran ge o f aca d e mi c majors and voca ti ona l inte res ts. Scudcnts are im olved in the Ame r ican Studies Program for e ither th e fall or spring semeste r, ea rning 16 semeste r uni ts in the in te rn ship and scudv sc rninars. A student mav ea rn all 16 un its in Politica l Science or 13 uni ts in Politica l Science and three in Bible, if des ired. Pre requi site: Su rvev of Ame r ica n Govc rnrnent 20S. T o make appli cat ion to th e program , inter e ste d s tud e n t s s ho uld sec the chairman of th e Polit ical Scie nce De partme nt. wh o a lso se rves as d irecto r of th e fli o la/\\ 'ashington D.C. Ame ri ca n S tudi es Program. COURSES (POSC) 205 Survey of American Gov ernment (4) The history, organi za tion and func ti on of the legislati ve, jud icial and executi ve branches of the America n government. Includes one hour pe r week in vol ving students in a loca l governme nt c ivic se rvice or life ex pe ri ence ae ti vitv. Sati sfi es th e state requirement in institutions in Ame ri can hi s tor y . 1\ l ce t s th e requirement for United States Con stiur t ion for California teacher certi fi cat ion. 1\ lay be ta ken to sa ti sfy a porti on of th e e ight units hi story gene ral edu ca ti on requireme nt. Fee: $10. For spring and fall onl y. 21 5 Perspectives on American Government (1-2) Co nccmporary iss ues in Ame ri can gove rnme n t and po lit ics as see n from a C hri s tian pe rs pc:cti vc . Fee:$ 10. 301 Fundamentals of Public Administration (3) Fundame ntals of public admini s tration : m·ervicw of th e conce pts, nature and scope of the fi e ld. Role of gove rnme nt in mod e rn soc ie ty and th e narnre of public business.
303 Great Political Thinkers (3) Se lecti ve readin gs in major politi ca I think e rs from c lass ic al to mod e rn t imes: ana lys is of rec ur rin g t he mes in c ludin g : ju s ti ce. natural law, human nature, soc ial cl ass. ord e r. consent , communit\·, propcm·, constituti onal ism, soc ial c han ge , rc\'o luci on, an d ,,·a r. Offe red alte rn ate vca rs. 304 Organizat ional Theory and Behavior (3) "cy conce pts ce nt ra l to organ i;, ing and changing publi c age ncies to meet public soc ia l ncc:d s . Rev iew of th eori es , manage ri al approaches and me th odolog ies in publi c admini strato rs. 305 Comparative Government (3) Th e gove rnmc: nt svstcm, of E ng land , France. Wes t Gc rmam· and Ru ss ia compared to th e Amer ican sys tem of gove rnme nt. Offe red alternate ,ea rs. 306 Public Policy (3) An a na lys is o f publi c po li cv process and th e poli t ical contex t of it s forrn a ti u n. Sys t e mati c re v iew of the di ver se fin a nc ia l syste ms in makin g and impl e me nting publ ic policy. 307 International Relations (3) A sun·ey of nat ional -s tate svstcm: force s affec ting inte rnat ional re la tions: source, of conflict in worl d pol itics. and the ir solution b, · power pol itics and international cooperation . 310 Student Government Practi cum (1) The orga ni za ti on and fun cti on of stude nt governme nt at th e uni ve r s ity leve l: pa rli ame n tary procc: clu re, commi ttee work and simil ar ity to state and nati onal lcgislac i, c gove rnment. 1\ !av be re peated for a max imum of four units. (Lim ited to Bi ola Assoc iated Stud ents Co un ci l and Se na te me m be rs. Stud e nts \\·orking for A.S. fo r an hourl y \\ age: may not c nro ll. ) 320 The American Presidency (3) Hi s tori cal deve lopm e nt o f th e offi ce of th e prcsidencv; formal and informal powe rs of the president in cxccuci vt:, lcgi slaci vc, judi cial , mili tary, diplomat ic and politica l areas. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) A stud y of se lected politi ca l theo ri sts. Emphas is on such write rs as Pl ato . Ari sto tl e, Church Fathe rs. Augustine. Aquinas, 1\ lacl1 ia, ·c lli . Luth e r, Ca l\' in, 1lobbcs, Locke. Burke. Be ntham, 1\larx. 1'.° ic buh r and oth e rs. Readings in primary
sources. Pre requ isite: 111 ST 20.'i. I OS or POSC 20.'i. 391 Publi c Finance (3) T radit ional princi pl e, of pub li c finance, gm ern ment spend ing and fi sca l i m pace,; de, e lopmcnt of the pu b lic sector, budge ts, taxation, procu rement. pollution and ene rgv ince ntin:,: state and local expen d itu re pattc:rn,, propc:rc,· ca,-c, and rc:, ·enuc sharing. Pre rcq u isi cc, : .101: Bu, incss 201. ZOZ. ZI Z. 400 Political Parties (3) Analvs is of the hi srn rv, phil oso ph y, ion and fun ct ioning of t\mc ri ca·s po litica l pani cs . 405 Probl ems in American Diplomacy (3) Gro\\ th and de, e lopmc: n t of t\mcr ican foreign rela ti on from th e Revolu tion to the present. ,\nah sis of the conduct of fore ign re la t ion. its objccci, cs and limitat ions. 406 Legi slation (3) T he mec hanical ru le,, proce du re:, and customs in the maki ng o f Ll\\" in Ame ri can ~O\'Crnmc nt. O ffe red alternate ,·ears. 407 International Organization (3) Th e: hi stor ical. object ives. str uc t u rc. functions and po l i cies i,wohcd in the t ·n itcd :-,,:atiom. Offcrc:d alternate ~ cars. 41 0 American Constitutional Law (3) An c,-aminat ion of the: principles of the Ame rican constitut ional system looki ng prima rih at l ' .S. Su preme Cou rt decisions and the histori ca l dc:ve loprnc nt of const itut iona l Im\°. At tent io n also gi,en to the judicial branch and its role in Ame ri ca n gm c:rnmcnt and po li t ics. parti cu lar! , its continu ing interpreta tion of the l ' .S. Cons titut ion as the frame work for American democ racy. 465 Integration Seminar (3) lssuc:s in the contcmponu ,· world addressed from an intcrdi,cipli na ry social science and biblica l perspcc t i, ·e. Prc rcqu i,itc: Sen ior stand ing.
t ion, leg is lati on, state and local gove rnme nt, fore ign affairs, inte r nati onal re lati ons. politi cal th eory, co mpa rat ive go , ·c rnm e nt s, t he Ame ri can pres ide ncy, the citi ze n and th e law, poli t ical parti es, law and publi c admini st ra ti on. 1\ lav be re pea ted with d iffe rent section titl e for a ma,-i mum of e ight units. 485 Public Law (3) Functi on of hl\l in protec ting th e publi c's in teres t in preserving the c n, ·1ro nm c n r. En v ir onmental laws, atl min is t rati\' e ac tion , free dom of in fo rmati on, ai r and wate r qua li t y, noi se po llution , solid ,n1s tc, pest ic id es, land use, zon ing, e ne rgy and agc ncv deci s ion ma kin g. Prc rcq ui s itc : l3u s incss 36 I . .I uni or or se nior sta nd ing.
486 Personnel and Human Resou rces Management (3)
Gove rnme nt personnel systern s, me ri t co ncepts. c lass ifi ca ti o n , compc nsa ci on, tra ining, examina t i ons, o rga n i ons 1 labo r rela tio ns and co lkct ive ba rga inin g . Pre requi sites: 205,301 , 485 . 488 Internship and Research Project (9) Provid es an opportunity to com p lete an inte rn ship and a research p roject in a pub li c age ncy. Pro ject consis ts of ident ifi cat ion and analysis. with gu ida nce:, of a cho sen area in publ ic orga ni za ti on. 490 Internship in Political Science (1-8) In -service training and internship experi ence in va riou s government and nnn-gO\'Crnmc nt agencies and orga ni zat ions. 1\l ay be re peated wit h diffe re nt sec tion titl e for a max imum of e ight units.
470 Public Administration Research and Writ ing (3)
Research and writi ng fo r p ubli c ad m ini st ra tion majo rs. Spec ia l s rnd ies in pub! ic ad 111 in is trat ion fo r majors ut ili ,i ng the tec hni ques of p rob lem-so l\ ing, re,carch and c ffecti, c commun icat io n and wri ting. Prerequisite: .1 01. 480 Studies in Political Science (1-8) Spc:c ial in:d stmh in po litical sci ence i n "\ UCh art;as a,;; rncr ican g0\c rn 111cnt. the l ' .S. Const itu-
Course Des criptions · 95
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