P sy chology A DIVISION OF ROSEMEAD SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Dean : Patricia L. Pike, Ph.D. Und e rgradu ate C hair: Pe te r C. H ill. Ph.D. FACULTY Professo rs: I !il l, lngra111. Poe lstra Associate Professors: Grace, L. Hall, Strauss Ass istan t Professo rs: C imbora. \ "a;,qu cL. \\"illia111 s
303 Human Sexuality (3) An exami nati on of hum ,1 n sexual fun c tioni ng, bch a , ·ior, re lat ion shi ps, and fe e lings . Iss ues of scx ualitv a re di scussed "irhin spir i urn l, · psyc holog ica l, cu ltural, and med ical / hea It h rel ated pers pec t ive s. Prercqui sire : 200. 305 Experimental Psychology (4) Ph il oso p hy, mc rh odo log, a nd a nal\' s is of th e ex pc rim c nr a l me t l;od. Di scu ss io ns o f pr o b lems in conduct ing and e,·a luat- 1 ng psYc ho log ica l resea rc h. T h re e hours lec tur e, one ho ur laborarory. Pre requi site : 2 10. 306 Psychologica l Testing and Assessment (3) Thcor\' and principles of psycho log ica i ass e ss me nt and rest ing includ ing t he constru ct ion, re lia bi litY, ,·alidir, and appli ca ti on of asse~,mc nr met hods and de, ·ice;, in va rious profess ional se tti ngs . Pre requi s ite: 210. 309 Abnormal Psychology (3) l\:a rurc , cause, and t reatme nt o f abnorma l be ha\' ior, inc luding th e fu ll ra nge o f me n ta l d isorder s ide ntifi ed \\' ith in curre nt catego r ica l sys tem~. 310 Learning (4) r: mp irical findin gs and t heo reti ca l de\'c lop me n r in t he are a o f lea rnin g and th e ir ap pli cati on to human be hav io r. T h ree ho u rs lec ture . t hree ho u rs la bora to ry . Prereq uisite: ., 05. Lab fee : $ 10. 313 Psychology of Religious Experience (3) An examinati on of th e n,rrure and scope of rel igious cxpcri cnce includ ing such issues as the de, elopmcnt of rc ligio u, concepts and , alues, con\'crsion , the experi ence of prayer and spi ritual maturity. Attenti on is al so given to iss ues in the integra tion of psYcholo~· and rheology. 315 Industrial/Organizati onal Psychology (3) A srud v of t he appli ca t io n of t he p rinc ip.l es o f ps\'chology in indus tri al and orga ni za ti onal se ttings. Pre requ is ite : 200 or conse nt. 319 Crosscultural/Ethni c Issues in Psychology (3) Th e psyc ho log ica l d y nami cs irwo h c d in th e for ma ti o n and redu ct ion of prejudi ces, di sc rimi nat ion , a nd s rc rco rvpes " ·ill be expl ored . The course is designed to increase st ude nt aware ness of th e hi sro ri cal trea tme nt of cross cultu ral is.:, ucs with in a psychologi ca l co ntext, and ro sens iri1.c sru de n rs ro e thni c m ino ri t ies a nd
Psychol ogy of Re ligio us Experi e nce (3 13) Psychology of FamilY(-t70 )
as a psyc hol ogy majo r, no r pe r mi ss ion to e n rol l in uppe r d ivi sion psvchol ogy courses. Special izations !~ru!t ,perializa1io11 req11iresfo11r ro 11nes, p/11s 011e 11ddi1iot/{/! ro11rs/' m•ltirlt rite s111dm1 selerr.r f rom upper lmd ro 111J·es. Pre-Graduate School ■ Lea rn ing (3 10) ■ Social Psyc hology (-+05) ■ Ph ys iologica l Psychology( -+ 12) ■ 11 isrorv and Svs rcms of Psych~logy (-t~O) ■ Cognit ive Psychology (-+ 70) ■ Llppe r- le \'c l e lect ive - PSYC Clinical/Counseling ■ Psychol ogical T est ing and Asse ssment (., 06) ■ Abnormal Psychology (309) ■ Soc ial PsvchologY (-t05 ) ■ Semi na r in Th e rapeuti c T echni ques( -+ 18) ■ Psycho logy of Familv (-+ 70) Cross Cultural ■ Abnormal Psvchology (309) ■ Psyc hology of Re lig io us l•:x pt: ri encc (3 13) ■ C ross Culr ural / Erhn ic Iss ues in Psychology (3 19) ■ Soc ial Psveho logy (-t 0S ) ■ l ' ppcr le \' e l e lec t ive - PSYC or INCS Family & Child ■ 1luman Scx ualitY(303) ■ Abno rmal Psyc h~logy (309) ■ Dt:\'e lopmc nra l Psyc hology: C h ild hood and Adolescence 025)
■ ■
l ipper le, c l e lccti, ·c - PSYC or C EED Graduate School Preparation 7'!tf fo llos>· i11[! ro11rses alt' rffo 111- 111e11dedJorgmd11f//1' sdtoo/ pffp11mtio11: Ex pe ri111 e n ra l PsYc h o logy (305), Psyc hological T est ing and Assess men t (., 06 ), Lca rnin g (3 10 ), Dc , ·c lo pm c nral Ps,·c hol ogy: Lifes pan (320) . Soc ial Psy cho logy (-+05). Th eo ri es of Pe r sonality (-+l l ), Ph ys io logica l Psy cho logv (4 1Z) . 11 is ror y and Sys tems of Psychology (-t-t0). Undergraduate Permiss ion to Take Graduate Courses Sen ior lc,·cl unde rgradu ate psY cho logy majo rs may cake ce rta in graduate courses (listed ar the end of th is sect ion) \\'ith permis,ion. A , pccial form mav Ix obtained in the Psychology De partme nt. Ir mu st be fil led o ur an d s igne d b, the de partme nt cha ir. dea n of Rose mead. and insr rucror of the course.
· rl1 e psvchologv 111ajor prm ides opport un ities ro srud, a broad spec tru111 of iss ues conce rning hu 111 an nature and funct ioning fro111 a d is rincrh Chri stian wo rl d view. Since srudc.nrs se lect a psvchology major fo r a rn ri crv of reasons. cou rse offe r in gs ar t: rics ig nt: d to pro, id t: as much fl ex ibility as possibl e. T he re are sc \' cn co urses requi red of a ll students. and " e offe r a choice of e ight diffe rent spec iali ;,ar ions from a vari t: r,· of theore tica l, appli ed or professiona l areas. Stude nts preparing fo r graduate srudy in psychology rake a broad set of courses in tht: research and theory of psycho logv as we ll as founda tional courses in app lied areas. Stu dents majoring in psycho lO!!;' as a terminal degree or those pre paring fo r the 111ini srrv or other profe ssional areas ma~ scl ~cr from the e ight d if fe ren t concc nrrac ions focu~i ng on those specialt ies mos t sui ted to the ir \'OCat ional and personal goals. :\ !311d1dor ,if.Im rll1{Ft'e i11 Ay r!tolof!J' is offered upon completion of the uni \'c rsiry bacca laureate and major req ui re 111 e nrs. The psychol ogy major req uires the comp le tion of a 111 inimum of 3.'i units beyond Introduction ro Psychology (200 ), 2-+ of whic h mu st be upper di vi sion. Psvchologv 200 is prereq ui site ro ali"orh c r p~ychology courses . Al l majo rs a rc re quired to ra ke seven core courses, which include Introduct ion ro Psychol ogy (200). Psychology and C hri st ian Thought (206). Sta ti s ti cs with Comp u ter t\ pp licari ons (2 10). Expe rime nta l Psychology (305). Deve lopmental Psychology: L ifespan (320), Theo ries of Pe rsonal ity( -+ 11 ) and Cogni t ive Psvehology. (-+ 70). Srud e nts then ch~osc from th e e ight special DEGREE PROGRAM
A P.~1•,!to/ogy ,l/i11or is offe red with t he compl et ion of 18 units, 12 of wh ich mu st be upper di\'i sio n. Ps\'cholog, ZOO is a prt: rcq ui sirc for th e mi no r. COURSES (PSYC) 200 Introduct ion to Psychology (3) A s un cy of JVi,c ho logv a, a n e mpi r ical / bc ha\' io ra l sc ie nce with a co ns id era t ion of underl y ing phi losophi cal bases in li ght of a C hri st ian" orld, ic"·· T opi cs ro be s un·eyc d in c lude de , e lo p menc, cogni t ion, lea rning, mot i \'a tion , ph ys io logy . , oc ializat ion, pe rsonality and psychoparholog, . 206 Psychology and Christ ian Thought (3) An introd uction to th e nature and process of the appli ca ti on of Chri s tian thought ro the srud, and prac t ice of psychology. Pre requisites: 200 and Bib li ca l Studies 105. 210 Statisti cs w ith Computer Appli cat ions (4) Bas ic stat ist ics for psyc ho log ica l rcscarch. Descript ive and infe ren tial sta t istics incl uding corre lat ion/ regress ion, stud ent's t, ana l\'s is of variance. and scn;rn l non-parame tri c res ts includ ing chi-squ are . Nor for ge nera l e du cat ion math /sc ience requirement. T hree hours lecture.
Psychology of Famih- (-+ 70) lippe r le ve l e lec ti ve - PSYC
■ ■
General Psychology ■ C hoose any 5 uppe r d ivision el ective PSYC courses Health Psychology ■ 1-1 uman Sex uality (303) ■ Abnorma l Psych~logy (309) ■ Plws iologica l Psychology (-t i 2) ■ I l~alrh Psyc hology (-t 70) ■ LI ppe r lev~ I c lccti\'e - PSYC or BIOS Industrial/Organizational Psychology ■ Psyc ho logica l T es t ing and Assessme nt (306) ■ Psycho logy of Re li giou;, Expe ri e nce (3 13) ■ lnd ustri al/Organi zat inna l Psych ology (3 15) ■ Soc ial Psyc hology (-t0S) ■ Lippe r lcYc l e lecri,·e - PSYC or BLISN
Psychology & Ministry
izat ions listed be low.
1luman Sex ua litv (303)
Admi ss ion into Biola Ll ni \'c r■
■ Abnorma l Psych~logy (309)
one hour compure r lab.
siry docs not guaran rc..:c admi s-, ion
96 • Course Desc rip tions
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