

P sy chology A DIVISION OF ROSEMEAD SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Dean : Patricia L. Pike, Ph.D. Und e rgradu ate C hair: Pe te r C. H ill. Ph.D. FACULTY Professo rs: I !il l, lngra111. Poe lstra Associate Professors: Grace, L. Hall, Strauss Ass istan t Professo rs: C imbora. \ "a;,qu cL. \\"illia111 s

303 Human Sexuality (3) An exami nati on of hum ,1 n sexual fun c tioni ng, bch a , ·ior, re lat ion ­ shi ps, and fe e lings . Iss ues of scx­ ualitv a re di scussed "irhin spir i­ urn l, · psyc holog ica l, cu ltural, and med ical / hea It h rel ated pers pec­ t ive s. Prercqui sire : 200. 305 Experimental Psychology (4) Ph il oso p hy, mc rh odo log, a nd a nal\' s is of th e ex pc rim c nr a l me t l;od. Di scu ss io ns o f pr o b­ lems in conduct ing and e,·a luat- 1 ng psYc ho log ica l resea rc h. T h re e hours lec tur e, one ho ur laborarory. Pre requi site : 2 10. 306 Psychologica l Testing and Assessment (3) Thcor\' and principles of psycho­ log ica i ass e ss me nt and rest ing includ ing t he constru ct ion, re lia­ bi litY, ,·alidir, and appli ca ti on of asse~,mc nr met hods and de, ·ice;, in va rious profess ional se tti ngs . Pre requi s ite: 210. 309 Abnormal Psychology (3) l\:a rurc , cause, and t reatme nt o f abnorma l be ha\' ior, inc luding th e fu ll ra nge o f me n ta l d isorder s ide ntifi ed \\' ith in curre nt catego r­ ica l sys tem~. 310 Learning (4) r: mp irical findin gs and t heo reti ­ ca l de\'c lop me n r in t he are a o f lea rnin g and th e ir ap pli cati on to human be hav io r. T h ree ho u rs lec ture . t hree ho u rs la bora to ry . Prereq uisite: ., 05. Lab fee : $ 10. 313 Psychology of Religious Experience (3) An examinati on of th e n,rrure and scope of rel igious cxpcri cnce includ­ ing such issues as the de, elopmcnt of rc ligio u, concepts and , alues, con\'crsion , the experi ence of prayer and spi ritual maturity. Attenti on is al so given to iss ues in the integra­ tion of psYcholo~· and rheology. 315 Industrial/Organizati onal Psychology (3) A srud v of t he appli ca t io n of t he p rinc ip.l es o f ps\'chology in indus­ tri al and orga ni za ti onal se ttings. Pre requ is ite : 200 or conse nt. 319 Crosscultural/Ethni c Issues in Psychology (3) Th e psyc ho log ica l d y nami cs irwo h c d in th e for ma ti o n and redu ct ion of prejudi ces, di sc rimi ­ nat ion , a nd s rc rco rvpes " ·ill be expl ored . The course is designed to increase st ude nt aware ness of th e hi sro ri cal trea tme nt of cross­ cultu ral is.:, ucs with in a psychologi­ ca l co ntext, and ro sens iri1.c sru ­ de n rs ro e thni c m ino ri t ies a nd

Psychol ogy of Re ligio us Experi e nce (3 13) Psychology of FamilY(-t70 )

as a psyc hol ogy majo r, no r pe r­ mi ss ion to e n rol l in uppe r d ivi­ sion psvchol ogy courses. Special izations !~ru!t ,perializa1io11 req11iresfo11r ro 11nes, p/11s 011e 11ddi1iot/{/! ro11rs/' m•ltirlt rite s111dm1 selerr.r f rom upper lmd ro 111J·es. Pre-Graduate School ■ Lea rn ing (3 10) ■ Social Psyc hology (-+05) ■ Ph ys iologica l Psychology( -+ 12) ■ 11 isrorv and Svs rcms of Psych~logy (-t~O) ■ Cognit ive Psychology (-+ 70) ■ Llppe r- le \'c l e lect ive - PSYC Clinical/Counseling ■ Psychol ogical T est ing and Asse ssment (., 06) ■ Abnormal Psychology (309) ■ Soc ial PsvchologY (-t05 ) ■ Semi na r in Th e rapeuti c T echni ques( -+ 18) ■ Psycho logy of Familv (-+ 70) Cross Cultural ■ Abnormal Psvchology (309) ■ Psyc hology of Re lig io us l•:x pt: ri encc (3 13) ■ C ross Culr ural / Erhn ic Iss ues in Psychology (3 19) ■ Soc ial Psveho logy (-t 0S ) ■ l ' ppcr le \' e l e lec t ive - PSYC or INCS Family & Child ■ 1luman Scx ualitY(303) ■ Abno rmal Psyc h~logy (309) ■ Dt:\'e lopmc nra l Psyc hology: C h ild hood and Adolescence 025)

■ ■

l ipper le, c l e lccti, ·c - PSYC or C EED Graduate School Preparation 7'!tf fo llos>· i11[! ro11rses alt' rffo 111- 111e11dedJorgmd11f//1' sdtoo/ pffp11mtio11: Ex pe ri111 e n ra l PsYc h o logy (305), Psyc hological T est ing and Assess men t (., 06 ), Lca rnin g (3 10 ), Dc , ·c lo pm c nral Ps,·c hol­ ogy: Lifes pan (320) . Soc ial Psy­ cho logy (-+05). Th eo ri es of Pe r­ sonality (-+l l ), Ph ys io logica l Psy­ cho logv (4 1Z) . 11 is ror y and Sys­ tems of Psychology (-t-t0). Undergraduate Permiss ion to Take Graduate Courses Sen ior lc,·cl unde rgradu ate psY­ cho logy majo rs may cake ce rta in graduate courses (listed ar the end of th is sect ion) \\'ith permis,ion. A , pccial form mav Ix obtained in the Psychology De partme nt. Ir mu st be fil led o ur an d s igne d b, the de partme nt cha ir. dea n of Rose ­ mead. and insr rucror of the course.


· rl1 e psvchologv 111ajor prm ides opport un ities ro srud, a broad spec­ tru111 of iss ues conce rning hu 111 an nature and funct ioning fro111 a d is­ rincrh Chri stian wo rl d view. Since srudc.nrs se lect a psvchology major fo r a rn ri crv of reasons. cou rse offe r­ in gs ar t: rics ig nt: d to pro, id t: as much fl ex ibility as possibl e. T he re are sc \' cn co urses requi red of a ll students. and " e offe r a choice of e ight diffe rent spec iali ;,ar ions from a vari t: r,· of theore tica l, appli ed or professiona l areas. Stude nts preparing fo r graduate srudy in psychology rake a broad set of courses in tht: research and theory of psycho logv as we ll as founda ­ tional courses in app lied areas. Stu­ dents majoring in psycho lO!!;' as a terminal degree or those pre paring fo r the 111ini srrv or other profe ssional areas ma~ scl ~cr from the e ight d if­ fe ren t concc nrrac ions focu~i ng on those specialt ies mos t sui ted to the ir \'OCat ional and personal goals. :\ !311d1dor ,if.Im rll1{Ft'e i11 Ay­ r!tolof!J' is offered upon completion of the uni \'c rsiry bacca laureate and major req ui re 111 e nrs. The psychol ­ ogy major req uires the comp le tion of a 111 inimum of 3.'i units beyond Introduction ro Psychology (200 ), 2-+ of whic h mu st be upper di vi­ sion. Psvchologv 200 is prereq ui ­ site ro ali"orh c r p~ychology courses . Al l majo rs a rc re quired to ra ke seven core courses, which include Introduct ion ro Psychol ogy (200). Psychology and C hri st ian Thought (206). Sta ti s ti cs with Comp u ter t\ pp licari ons (2 10). Expe rime nta l Psychology (305). Deve lopmental Psychology: L ifespan (320), Theo­ ries of Pe rsonal ity( -+ 11 ) and Cogni­ t ive Psvehology. (-+ 70). Srud e nts then ch~osc from th e e ight special­ DEGREE PROGRAM


A P.~1•,!to/ogy ,l/i11or is offe red with t he compl et ion of 18 units, 12 of wh ich mu st be upper di\'i­ sio n. Ps\'cholog, ZOO is a prt: rcq­ ui sirc for th e mi no r. COURSES (PSYC) 200 Introduct ion to Psychology (3) A s un cy of JVi,c ho logv a, a n e mpi r ical / bc ha\' io ra l sc ie nce with a co ns id era t ion of underl y­ ing phi losophi cal bases in li ght of a C hri st ian" orld, ic"·· T opi cs ro be s un·eyc d in c lude de , e lo p­ menc, cogni t ion, lea rning, mot i­ \'a tion , ph ys io logy . , oc ializat ion, pe rsonality and psychoparholog, . 206 Psychology and Christ ian Thought (3) An introd uction to th e nature and process of the appli ca ti on of Chri s­ tian thought ro the srud, and prac­ t ice of psychology. Pre requisites: 200 and Bib li ca l Studies 105. 210 Statisti cs w ith Computer Appli cat ions (4) Bas ic stat ist ics for psyc ho log ica l rcscarch. Descript ive and infe ren­ tial sta t istics incl uding corre lat ion/ regress ion, stud ent's t, ana l\'s is of variance. and scn;rn l non-parame tri c res ts includ ing chi-squ are . Nor for ge nera l e du cat ion math /sc ience requirement. T hree hours lecture.

Psychology of Famih- (-+ 70) lippe r le ve l e lec ti ve - PSYC

■ ■

General Psychology ■ C hoose any 5 uppe r d ivision el ective PSYC courses Health Psychology ■ 1-1 uman Sex uality (303) ■ Abnorma l Psych~logy (309) ■ Plws iologica l Psychology (-t i 2) ■ I l~alrh Psyc hology (-t 70) ■ LI ppe r lev~ I c lccti\'e - PSYC or BIOS Industrial/Organizational Psychology ■ Psyc ho logica l T es t ing and Assessme nt (306) ■ Psycho logy of Re li giou;, Expe ri e nce (3 13) ■ lnd ustri al/Organi zat inna l Psych ology (3 15) ■ Soc ial Psyc hology (-t0S) ■ Lippe r lcYc l e lecri,·e - PSYC or BLISN

Psychology & Ministry

izat ions listed be low.

1luman Sex ua litv (303)

Admi ss ion into Biola Ll ni \'c r■

■ Abnorma l Psych~logy (309)

one hour compure r lab.

siry docs not guaran rc..:c admi s-, ion

96 • Course Desc rip tions

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