
Social S cien c e

s idered . Pe rsonal gro\\'t h acti\' i­ tics inco rporated. Prerequisi tc: uppcr-d i\' ision standing. 420 Advanced Statisti cs (3) Co ncepts and techniques in, ·ol,ed in the ana l\'sis a nd interpretation of clin ical and research darn. Lccw rc and labo­ ratory clc,c ri pti\'C and infe rent ial stat istics. i\ lajor topics include corre lat ion and regression . rests of significa nce and inuoducr ion to analysis of \'ar iancc. 130t h paramcrric and no11-parn111ecr ic app roaches arc con; red . Instruc­ tio n assumes undc.; rgn1duatc backp: round in stat istics. 426 Seminar in Group Process (3) T echniques fo r fo rming grou ps, anah 1. ing processes. leade rs h ip focilirnrors, 111casurc111cm of hchal'­ ior and 111cthods ofsrnbi li zi np: ga ins o, er time. Prerequis ite: consent. 440 Hi story and Systems of Psychology (3) An o,cn ic" of the h istory of pS\cholog, and class ica l ,,sce111s in PS\'Cholog\'. The class also cons ide rs issues in the ph iloso­ pl1\ of science relel'anc w ps , ­ chologica l S\'stems . researc h, rhe­ orY, and practice . 450 Directed Field Work in Psychology (1-3) Su pen ised e~pcriencc in mental health . educationa l, co rrectional or relared facilit\'. Open only w upper d i, is ion students. Prereq­

is, ucs "irh in rhc American culture and worldwide. Prerequisite: 200. 32 0 Developmental Psychology : Li fespan (3) /\ studY of the.: rhet)(\ and research concerning lifespan dcn:lopment. Consideration will be gi, ·cn m rhc physica l. c111or iona l. cog n iti\'c.:, soc i,11 and 111 0m l aspects of hu111an deYclop111cnt across the ent ire span fro111 conccprion to deatl1 . Discus­ ,ion " ·ill include ci111eh issues of personal rcle, ance to the swdent \ O\\ n de\'clop111c nrnl path\\'ay. 325 Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adol escence (3) .\n in-depth stud, of theory and re,earch concerning the child and adolcscenc period. Issues t0 be considered "ill include ph" io­ log ical, psychological, social, beha, ioral, and sp iritual dcvclop- 111ent fro111 the period of concc.:p­ tion through adolescence. llorh pathogenic and adapti\'e parrerns "ill be addressed "ith a \'ic" to fociliratin.e: opti111a l de, clopment. 405 Social Psychology (3) Analysis of soc ial hc ha\'io r. includ­ ing social cognition. attitude for111a­ tio11 and change, conformit\. preju­ dice, group processes , etc. Roth rheon· and research lindings " ill he c~a111ined. Prerequisite: 30.'i. 411 Theori es of Personality (3) 1\n m er\'icw of personal it, rheorie, i ncluding chc prirnar~ rcprc:,,c..:nrn­ ti, cs of the major schoo ls: anal~ tic or dynamic, hu111anistic-c,istential and bcha, ioral. .\n inregr,ni"e 111odcl "ill also he presented. 412 Physiologica l Psychology (3) ,\ swdY of the ph\ siolof!:ical bases of bcha, ·ior includi ng neura l, "cn"o r), motor and chc111ical aspects \I ith an c111phasis on applicarion to human rather rhan anima l process. (Bioloro 311 :S:curnhiolog) 111,1) he taken as an ,dtcrnmi, ·c to this course.) Pre­ requisite: Biolog) I00 or 11 1. 414 Readings in Psychology (1-3) l{cading and bi-\\eekl) discussion "ith professor of record in a ropic of the student's choosing. The student is cxpccred to work out. "ith the prok,sor\ supcn·ision, a dcrnilcd cou rse proposal and bibl i­ ography and suh111it "ith a Learn­ inp: Contract form a,ailable from the dcpart111enrn l office. Prereq­ uisi te: upper di, ision srnws, 418 Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques (3) I-:111phasis on core facilitation skills. Supporci,c.,·e and rc.:constructi, e therapies con-

fff(trireme/1/) h,{off !al:i//g 11jJ/Jtr-dir:i­ sio11 co11rsts iH !tistr)l_1'. T he social science major requi res completion of 31 units, 2-1 of wh ich mmt be upper di,·ision and include: l'OSC ZOS, a three­ un it uppe r di, ision Polirical Sci­ L:ncc COI Jr "iC, .-1 concentration of 18 units in I listo,v, Political Scie nce, or Soc iolop:,. "hich must inc lu de (1-l iswrs· -180, Po li tical Scicnce -170, or Sociolog, +I.,) research course, and the re111aining six units in upper di, isinn coursewo rk chosen ,rich ad\'isor·s appro\'al. T he ,1 ppropri,1re researc h course to be determ ined in consultation with the academ ic ad, ·iso r. Public Administration Concentration Swdcnts interested in publ ic sen·ice at t hc municipal, co unty, scare or federal le, cl arc ad, ·ised co 111ajo r in social sc ience ,,-ich a concentration in public ad111inis­ mmo11. The 18-unit concentra­ t ion incl udes Public Administra­ tion 30 I , .,06. -170, and -188. lmcrns hip in Publ ic 1\ d111iniscra­ tio11 should be take n in the pu blic sector. Fo r ad, iscmem, scc rhc Politica l Science Department. Social Science California Secondary Teaching Credential T hc l l istory Departn1ent in cooperation "ich the 1•:ducacion Dcpanmenc prm ides a secondar) reaching program in Social Sc i­ ence. Thi, program prepares sw­ dcnrs to reach histon, go\'ern­ mcnr, gco~rnphy and econom ics in Ca lifornia high schools.

Cha ir: Judit h ,\l cndclsohn Rood, Ph.I) .

FACULTY Professors: l' ecer;, \\ .ilshire Associate Professor: Rood Ass istant Professors: R. Flo rv, Chr isterson. \ Jorgan, Rundle


The social science 111ajor is an imcrdeparc111cmal progra111 offered b) rhc dcparrn1enrs of h ist0 r\. political sciencc and sociolog\. l ' pon completion of the socia l sci­ ence major. it is inrcnded tlut the studem "ill ha, ea" icie r pc rspec­ ci, ·e on the nature of 111an: recog­ ni;,e that his present perspccri, e is based on the expe ricncc'> of hi,­ rnry; be ,l\\are that , ·alue s 1 stc111s h,n-e definitc implications for soc i­ ety as a " hole: be able rn t h ink analyt ica ll y and de, clop an unde r­ standing of, and a comm irn1em to. Chr isti an n1lucs: ha, e an a,rnrc­ ncss of hi , own soc ial and political respons ibil ities: hcl\'C an app recia­ t ion for the wort h of a free soc iety, and be.: prepared for graduate stud) or c,irc.:er opporwnitic, in cducation, ""', the sen·ice profes­ sions . research, bu, iness, go, crn­ mcm or Christ ian ser, ice.


A Barlrdor of Aris rle1;ra itt Social Scimff is offered upon com­ pletion of the uni, crsitY bacca lau­ reate and 111ajor requ irements. Note: '/'hr' slrrrlm! is !1'f/llill'rl 10 trile Hist,")' .!07 r111rl .!08 (o//e ~lru•lrirlr ru·ill met'/ !lrt•g{'//tml er/11m1io" lris101y

ui,ires: 309 and consent. 470 Current Topi cs in Psychology (3)

Readi ng, resea rch and disc uss ion of selected topics in the field of p,ycholog,. Prerequ isite: consent. 480 Research in Psychology (1-3) Rcsca rch acci, it, consisti ng of assis ti ng docroral Ic,·e l research under t he supcr \' is ion of the pri - 111ary resea rchc r o r self-directed research under t he supcn isioo of the professor of reco rd. Pre req ui ­ sites: 210 and consent. .\°ote: 'l'ht.fol/ov,·i"ggmr/11a/1' li"C'!'i m11rses 1/l{I_)' hr' lrilm h1' smiorp,yrhol­ ogv llffljot:r ru•itlr 1w1st'/// of tire rlepan­ ""'"ird ,hair. For 1m11:rt' dt'srriptirm

Sff Ro.ff1111 1 11rl Sf'f'tio11 of 1r111dog. 502 Advanced Statisti cs (3) 515 Personalit y and Psychopathology I (3) 530 History and Systems of Psychology (3)

Cou rse Descriptions · 97

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