(3) Applicants must normally have completed the following gradu- ate level courses or their equivalents: ■ Philosophy of Christian Education ■ Life Span Development and Educational Psychology ■ Educational Administration ■ Interpersonal Communication or Counseling ■ Curriculum Theory and Instructional Methods ■ Methods of Research Deficiencies in these pre-requi- sites must be completed in addition to the required 48 hours of course work in the Ed.D. program. (4) Applicants must have taken a total of 18 semester hours of approved graduate leve l Bible and theology courses by the time of graduation from the program (grade of C or higher). Graduate electives taken at any accred- ited institution, and courses taken as components of other degree programs may fulfill this requirement. Normally, these courses must be completed before enrollment in the Ed.D. pro- gram. Bible and theology courses may be included in an Ed.D. specialization only if they are compatible compo- nen ts of an approved specialization. (5) Applicants must document two years of vocational ministry expe- rience or its equivalent in volunteer ministry participation or leadership. (6) Applicants must submit scores from the Graduate Record Examina- tion (GRE) that are less than three years old. Testing dates and locations may be obtained from the Educa- tional Testing Service , Box 955, Princeton, NJ 08540. Information is also available at major colleges and universities. Applicants for whom English is a second language may replace the GRE with recent scores on the Test of Eng- lish as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - see the School of Theology admis- sion requirements for international students and resident aliens. (7) Applicants must submit a pro- file from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) taken at a testing service or under the super- vision of a licensed psychologist. Pro- files are kept in strict confidence. (8) Applicants must submit a writ- ten statement of approximately 750- l000 words describing personal voca- tional objectives and explaining rea- sons why participation in the Ed.D. program is desired.
(9) Applicant must submit a research paper (with citations and a bibliography) that demonstrates per- sonal ability to write well in a stan- dardized thesis format. A paper related to education is preferred. This may be a pmfously written document or one prepared for this purpose, and should be at least 20 pages in length . (IO) Applicants may be asked to interview with the director or the Ed.D. committee as a requirement for admission. CLASSIFICATION OF ADMITTED STUDENTS Each admitted student is classified in one of the following categories: Conditional Standing Conditional admission is desig- nated for students whose academic records contain deficiencies. These stu- dents must demonstrate ability to do graduate work at a high level of achieve- ment. After completing eit her two courses or a semester of work , the record of a conditional standing student is reviewed by the Ed .D . committee. The committee may then award gradu- ate standing, require that the student continue with conditional standing until specified requirements have been met, or require withdrawal from the pro- gram. Conditional admission may also be granted to sn1dents with deficiencies in educational or vocational admission requirements. Amaximum of 18 units can be taken with conditional standing. Graduate Standing Graduate standing is granted to applicants who intend to obtain a degree and are admitted without reservation . Only students with graduate standing may become degree candidates. Inactive Standing Inactive students are those who have been granted a leave of absence from the program by petition to the Ed.D. committee. A leave of absence is granted only if there is sufficient reason for interrupting the program and inten- lion to return to active enrollment. A leave of absence must be renewed each semester and may not exceed two con- secutive semesters. Students on leave are required to register for DE 892 Con- tinuous Enrollment. Afee is charged. One semester of DE 892 Continu- ous Enrollment may be elected with- out Ed.D. committee approval for the transition from graduate standing to candidacy.
gram) has been approved by the Ed.D. Committee, at least 24 units of a student's program must be completed within any consecutive 24 months. The Doctor of Education program is composed of a 15 unit "core" of five courses (DE 801, 803, 804, 805, and 807), a 30 unit specialization, and a 3 unit research component (DE 890 Dis- sertation Proposal and the dissertation). Every student must maintain a 3.0 grade point average to continue in the program. Students are placed on aca- demic probation if their grade point average falls below 3.0. If, after one semester on probation , the grade point average is not brought up to the required level , the student may be requested to withdraw from the Ed.D. program. A student cannot graduate while on probation. No grade lower than C (2.0) will be credited toward the Ed.D. degree. Stu- dents who receive more than two grades of C or lower will be reviewed by the Ed.D. committee, and are subject to pro- bation or dismissal from the program. Unless an extension has been granted by the Ed.D. Committee, all Ed.D. requirements must be completed within six years of initial enrollment. Program Agenda During the first I 2 units of doctoral studies, a written individual program agenda must be approved by the pro- gram director. This agenda will contain a proposed course sequence in accor- dance with an intended program special- ization. Research competency goals will also be identified during this process. Vocational Experience Due to the applied nature of the Ed.D. program, students are required to have completed four years of approved ministry experience before the degree will be awarded. Prior ministry experi- ence appl ies to this requirement. Research Competence Specific research skills appropriate for proposed dissertation study are to be demonstrated. The Ed.D. program director wi ll validate competence through review of examinations, com- pleted research, or course work. Appro- priate research tools and methods include biblical languages, modem Ian- guages, statistical analysis, and research methodologies applicable to educa- tional problems and issues. Deficiencies in research competence may result in additional program prerequisites and required specialization components.
Doctoral candidacy is awarded upon the completion of all required course work, successful completion of all qualifying examination require- ments, and committee approval of a dissertation proposal. Candidates must register for DE 891 Dissertation every fa ll and spring semester until the dissertation has been successfully defended. Registra- tion of candidates is continuous and automatic , unless a leave of absence has been approved. DE 892 Continu- ous Enrollment (no fee) will be granted to candidates during the semester of graduation only if the dis- sertation was approved too late for graduation in the preceding semester. Enrollment in the semester of gradua- lion is required . Withdrawn Student If a non-dissertation student fails to enroll during a fall or spring semes- ter without being granted a leave of absence, automatic continuous enroll- ment is initiated and the continuation fee is charged for the current semes- ter. Subsequently, if a student does not complete registration by the pub- lished dead line , or if a petition for leave is not received by the end of the twelfth week of classes, the student is withdrawn from the program, effec- tive at the end of that semester. Students who withdraw from the program must apply for re-admission to Biola University (short form), and petition the Ed.D. committee for rein- statement to the program. Applications for re-admission are subject to pro- gram enrollment limitations. Re-admit- ted students may be required to pay continuation fees for semesters during which they were not enrolled, and may be subject to Ed.D. curriculum changes and graduation requirements instated
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during their program inactivity. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Program Sequence
The Doctor of Education program requires completion of a minimum of 48 semester units of course work and successful defense of a dissertation. A maximum of 9 semester hours of doc- toral level courses may be transferred into th e program from accredited institutions unless a higher limit has been approved for a special ization. Unless a modified program sequence (such as a "summer attendance" pro-
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