

Qualifying Examinations

Level One: Core Studies

to the committee. Interested vis itors may attend this presentation. Members of the committee may request that appropriate corrections be made. When the revisions are com­ pleted and the dissertation 's form is approved, the candidate is nominated

in the development of a philosophical perspective. Emphasis is placed upon correct reason ing in the evaluation of

The first level of the Ed.D. cur­ riculum is a core of five courses required of all Ed.D. students (DE 801 , 803, 804, 805, and 807). These courses assume previous study on the master's level (see the program pre­ requisites) , and are intended to pro­ vide both perspective and breadth in regard to significant components of educational ministry. Though student research is required in these courses, facu lty content delivery and classroom activity are major course components. Level Two: Seminars In the Talbot Ed.D. curriculum, each core course is fo llowed by a variety of advanced seminars, selected topics seminars, and opportunities for directed readings, research, and internship: The character of these seminars is extensive student research with signifi­ cant faculty guidance and in-class discus­ sion. The selected topics seminars are often conducted by recognized authori­ ties in the field of Christian education who serve as adjunct professors for the Ed.D. program. This level of the Ed.D. curriculum also includes opportunity for directed research - independent inves­ tigation of an issue or specific aspects of educational ministry not covered in other courses and seminars. The option of electing directed research is also avail­ able when there is insufficient enroll­ ment to support a scheduled seminar. Program speciali zations are cre­ ated with these advanced seminars and directed research opportunities as well as with courses from ot her schoolswithin Biola University. Level Three: Research The third level of the Ed.D. pro­ gram includes two components. The first is a dissertation proposal (DE 890) that is designed to prepare the student for dissertation research. The second is the design, preparation, and defense of a doctoral dissertation (DE 891). This program component either completes the sequence of a narrow specialization or adds focus to a more general program design . COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Core Studies DE 801 Historical and Philosophical Thought in Education (3) Advanced study of the history and philos­ ophy of Christian education. Significant historical trends and topics are analyzed

Doctoral students are required to demonstrate a comprehensive knowl­ edge of educat ion in general and Christian education in particular. The content of the qualifying examina­ tions is drawn primarily from courses, semi nars, and individual stud ent research. The examinations call for slUdents to demonstrate bre~dth and depth of knowledge, relati onships between the five core areas of the Ed.D. curriculum, and theological integration of educational thought. It is recommended that these examin ations be taken in the last semester of residence after all core courses and most specialization compo­ nents have been completed. The exam­ inations are administered on scheduled dates near the beginning of the fal l and spring semesters, and may be arranged for selected summer terms. Dlssertafion Each candi date for the Ed .D. degree must conduct an ori ginal investigation of a pertinent issue or problem related to Christian educa­ tion, and present the results in a dis­ sertation within two years after com­ pleting the qualifying examinations. The dissertation should demonstrate familiarity with relevant resources, show mastery of the literature on the subjects included, and make a signifi­ cant contribution to Christian educa­ tion. Awide range of methods may be utilized in dissertation research. Meth­ ods may also be blended for appropri­ ate approaches to educational subjects and problems. Dissertation research requiring statistical analysis is entirely supported on campus. The Ed.D. program main­ tains a computer research center with resources that are sufficient for most dissertation requirements. Biola Uni­ versity maintains a linked network of computer resources that are available for research that demands advanced statistical analysis. Additional dissertation guidelines and requirements are published in the Talbot Ed.D. Handbook and Dis­

educational theory and contenL DE 803 Human Development and Learning (3)

Advanced study of the processes of learning, motivat ion , and life-span human development. Investigation cen­ ters on understanding of social science data within a Christian world view. Stu- dents are challenged to develop impli- I T-15

for graduation. CURRICULUM

The curriculum of the Doctor of Education Program is organ ized in a three-level system designed to provide foundational doctoral study, flexible program personalization, and in­ depth research experience. Courses and seminars at all three levels may be utilized to form a narrow specializa­ tion or a unique blend of emphases. Histarical and Philosophical Thuught in Education ■ Advanced Seminars in Historical and Philosophical Thought ■ Selected Topics in Historical and Philosophical Thought ■ Directed Research in Historical and Philosophical Thought Human Deuewpment and Learning ■ Advanced Seminars in Human Development and Learning ■ Selected Topics in Human Development and Learning ■ Directed Research in Human Development and Learning Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership ■ Advanced Seminars in Educa­ tional Leadersh ip ■ Selected Topics in Educational Leadership ■ Directed Research in Educational Leadership Curriculum Theory and the Practice ofTeaching ■ Advanced Seminars in Curricu­ lum and Teaching ■ Selected Topics in Curriculum and Teaching ■ Directed Research in Curriculum and Teaching Educational Research Design ■ Advanced Seminars in Educa­ tional Research ■ Selected Topics in Educational Research ■ Directed Research in Educational Research Dissertation Proposal Dissertation

cations for various teaching contexts. DE 804 Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership (3) Investigation of significant theories and principles of effective administra- tion. Emphasis is upon the in tegration of management theory and biblical concepts concerning relationships for appropriate local church and organi- zational ministry leadership in various cultural settings. DE 805 Curriculum Theory and the Practice ofTeaching (3) Advanced study of teaching within var­ ious educational settings. Students are challenged to enhance their personal repertoire of teaching skills and edu­ cational strategies through observa­ tion , discussion , and practice. Compe­ tencies in developing varied curricular materials are developed. Prerequisite: DE 803 or permission of instructor. DE 807 Educational Research Methods (3) Advanced study of methods for schol­ arly research within education in gen­ eral and Christian education in partic­ ular. The course includes analysis of research con tent and methodology, evaluation of research reports , and appropriate design of research. Advanced Seminars Seminars listed below have been offered in recent years or are planned for the near future. Additional seminars reflect­ ing student requests and faculty expertise wi ll be created continually. Advanced seminars are usually taught by resident faculty and normally require correspond­ ing core courses as prerequisites. DE 810 Advanced Seminars in Historical and Philosophical Thought (1-3) Integration of Faith and Learning: Investi­ gation of models for the integration of biblical truth and behavioral science theory, research, and the educational process. Student research involves the testing of integration models for \heo­ logical integrity and practical utility.

sertation Preparation Guide. Oral Defense of Dissertation

The final Ed.D. graduation requirement is a successful oral defense of the dissertation. The pri­ mary purpose of the dissertation defense is for the candidate to present the research findings and conclusions

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