

Module A· Dissertalion Proposal Seminar (I) A compact seminar designed to intro­ duce the exact process of proposal prepa­ ration. Intended for enrollment near the mid-point of a student's program. Module B: Dissertation ResearchReview (1) Directed research, under the guidance of the sLUdent's approved di ssertation advise r, in which the student identi­ fi es, explains , modifies, and demon­ strates competence in the method of educational research selected for the dissertation. Prerequisite: Module A. Module C: Dissertation Proposal Preparation (1) Actual preparation of the student' s dis­ sertation proposal under the guidance of the student's approved di ssertation adviser. Prerequisite: Module B. DE 891 Dissertation (0) Registration is continuous and auto­ matic for degree candidates. Nor­ mally, di ssertation students are consid­ ered full-time fo r a maximum of four semesters. A fee equivalent to three uni ts of tuition is charged. DE 892 Continuous Enrollment (0) Continuous enrollment students are considered less than half-time status. Afee equivalent to one unit of tuition is normallycharged.

ics seminars are usually taught by,~siting facul ty and nonnally do not require cor­ responding core courses as prerequisites. DE 815 Selected Topics in Historical and Philosophical Thought (1-3) DE 835 Selected Topics in Human Development and Learning (1-3) DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership (1-3) DE 855 Selected Topics in Curriculum Theory and Teaching (1-3) DE 875 Selected Topics in Educational Research (1-3) Directed Research Direc ted research opportuniti es may be arranged with resident facul ty in the following areas of study: ■ Historical and Philosophical Thought in Education ■ Human Development and Learning ■ Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership ■ Curriculum Theory and Teaching ■ Educational Research DE 880 Directed Research (1-4) DE 881 Directed Readings (1 -4) DE 882 Professional Internship (1-4) Dissertation Research DE 890 Dissertation Proposal (1 , 1, 1) All students must complete three one-llllit dissertation proposal modules as follows:

DE 850 Advanced Seminars in Curriculum Theory and Teaching (1-3) Fonnation of Mora l Character and Con­ science: Analysis of oitical issues related to th e phil osoph y, psychology, and practi ce of moral education. Opportu­ ni ty for students to explore nurture of individual and corporate moral matu­ ri ty in minisuy contexts. Jesus, the Master Teacher: Detailed analysis of teaching strategies based upon a study of the ministry ofChrist in the Gospels. Simulation Games in Education: Astudyof the theory and practi ce of simulation gaming in educational contexts. Student participation in and design of a vari ety of models and exe rcises whi ch con­ tribute to holistic learning experiences. Educational Methods and Materia ls: Emphasis upon models of curriculum design and deve lopment of medi a that enrich the educati onal process . The relationship of design and deliv­ ery is in ves ti gated wi th a view to enhancement of teaching in varied educational se ttings . DE 870 Advanced Seminars in Educational Research (1 -3) These seminars are normally l unit emphases upon an educational issue or technique such as sampling, ques­ tionnaire design, historical research , action research, ethnographic inter­ vi ews, and journal report writing. lndi­ vid ual deve lopment in spec ifi c research techniques is often accom­ plished through directed research. Advanced Statistics: A course offered in the Rosemead School of Psychology that is available for students who have not had sufficient statistical training for specifi c research needs. See SPY 502 for a course description. Research Design: An advanced course in exper imental design and analys is of va rian ce offe red in the Roseme ad School of Psychology that is available for students who have not had suffi­ cient stati sti cal training fo r specific resea rch needs. See SPY 60 l fo r a

Analysis of Educationa l Ph ilosophy : Analysis of cl assical and contemporary app roaches to phil osophy of educa­ tion. Research results present signifi­ cant evaluation and impli cations fo r the prac ti ce of educa tional ministry. The Pauline Tliad and Integration: Analy­ sisof Paul 's triad of faith, hope, and love as a basis for applying biblical direc tives to educational thought in categories that are compati bl e with phil osophy and the behavioral sciences. The semi­ nar is conduc ted as a group research project with regular planning, report­ ing, and presentation sessions. DE 830 Advanced Seminars in Human Development and Learning (1-3) Integration of Developmental Research: Compr ehensive examin atio n of research li terature involving aspects of human development relevant to pro!}. !ems and issues within Christian edu­ ca ti on. Emphas is is placed upon the analysis of theory presuppositions and their impact upon research design and interpreta tion. Faith Development Pro1ect: Analysis of bi!}. li cal, th eo logical , and deve lopmental approaches to faith development. Par­ ticular investigation of the relationship of thi s literature to human develop­ ment th eo ry and rese arch. Gro up design of the studywith individual stu­ dent projects and reports. Intergenerational Learning: Analys is of lit eratur e and practic es rel ated to intergenerational educational dynam­ ics and se ttings. The effect of varying human development needs and expe­ riences is di scussed. Specific fie ld pro­ jects are developed.

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DE 840 Advanced Seminars in Educational Leadership (1-3)

Personnel and Programming: Mul ti­ face ted analys is of the role of interper­ so nal relati onships in leadership deve lopment and mini stry program­ min g. Emph as is is place d upon recruitment, training, maintenance, and reward of ministry team members in a range of local church and Christ­ ian organizational settings. Contemporary Management: Investigation of the value and effectiveness of current management trends. The appropri ate­ ness of parti cul ar tec hn iques for the administration of profit and non-profit ministry organizations characterized by paid and volunteer staff is evaluated. Par­ ticular attention is paid to the effect of specific management styles upon individ­ ual and corporate spiritual growth .

course description. Selected Topics

Visiting facul ty who have offered seminars in recent years include: Donald Brown ( l 985-91 ), Kenn eth Gan ge l (1988), Donald joy (1985, 1987), Gilbert Peterson (1985), John Reed (1992), Lawrence Richards (l989) , No rman Wakefield (1988-91) , Ted Ward (1993), and Campbell Wyckoff (1987) . Seminars in the areas listed beloware offered on a rotating basis. Selected top-

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