

••••••••••••••••••••••••• Christian Thought - Historical Theology


TH 827 The Doctrine of the Kingdom (2) An investigation into the meaning and purpose of the Kingdom of God and its progressive development within his­ tory. The course includes discus.sion of historical and contemporary theologi­ cal positions with emphasis upon the biblical teaching in its historical frame­ work. Elective for Th.M. students; other by departmental permission. TH 880 Directed Research (1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of theology. Elective for Th.M. students. TH 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and application of the cen­ tral areas of theology research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification ·of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it and writing the results. Required for the first semes­ ter of the Th.M. (TH) program. A second semester may be taken to con­ tinue research in the area of interest.

HT 558 Puritanism (2) A survey of the Puritan movement with emphasi s on its estab lishment and practice in New England. Theo­ logical, social, political, economic and cultural aspects considered, including analysis of the Puritan influence on American Evangelicalism. Elective . HT 702 The Church Fathers (2) An introduction to the Ante-Nicene , Nicene· and Post-Nicene Fathers with special emphasis upon the develop­ ment of doctrine and church. Elective. HT 704 Medieval Theology Seminar (2) A study in the development of scholastic theology from Anselm to Biel with emphasis on the contribu­ tion of the medieval doctors to the development of dogmatic theology in the West. Elective. HT 705 History of Revivals (2) The background, development and results of the great revivals in America. Elective. HT 706 Protestant Theology Seminar (2) An examination of significant develop­ ments in Reformation/ post-Reformation Protestant thought. May be repeated \vith different emphasis. Elective. HT 707 The Radical Reformation (2) An examination of the Anabaptist and Socinian movements. Consideration of the distinctive features of their theology and practice and the Reformed and Lutheran polemic against them. Elective. HT 709 Arminius and Arminianism (2) A study of the writings of James Arminius and his followers , including Limborch, Episcopius and Curcellaeus. Comparison of classical Arminianism with Reformed and Lutheran ortho­ doxy . Special attention given to Aiminian views of predestination, sin , grace, and atonement theory. Elective.

HT 710 Denominational Distinclives (2) The history, distinctives and polity of the student's denomination or church. Required for M.Div. students no, taking HT 506 in this seminary. HT 718 Research Seminar (2-4) Supervised research, with periodic reports to seminar members, in an approved area of special interest to the student. Elective. HT 72:1 The Theology of John Calvin (2) Treatment of the main issues in Calvin 's theology, as detailed in hi s Institutes of the Christi an Religion and other major writings. Calvin 's theology is compared wi th other sig­ nificant thinkers in the Reformed tra­ dition. Elective. HT 722 Culls of America (2) The distinctive features of the cults of America with their significance in the development of religious thought and with particular reference to their treatment of the central features of orthodox Chr isti an doctrine. Required of M.A. (T. H. ) students. Elective. (Same as PH 722) HT 725 Church History and Trends of Asian Immigrants (2) Examination of the Asian church in the United States in light of historical antecedents. Emphasis on Japanese, Korean , and Chinese Christianity in America. Explores modifications that have occurred historically when indigenous Asian Christianity has been imported into an American context. Considers also future trends. Elective. HT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of theology. Elective for Th.M. students.

The aims of this emphasis are to: acquaint the student with the doctri­ nal views of sign ificant movements, schools and individuals in church his­ tory; show the trajectory of thought in the development of doctrines as they are worked out historically; and give an appreciation for the srruggles and labors of the great saints of God who have gone before us in establishing and defending orthodoxy. COURSES HT 505 Patristic and Medieval Theology (3) History of the church from the Apos­ tolic Fathers to the eve of the Refor­ mation with an emphasis on the devel­ opment of doctrine. Discussion of key thinkers, such as Origen , Tertullian, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas and Sco­ tus. Required of M.Div. students. HT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology (3) History of the church from the Reforma­ tion to the present with an emphasis on the key Continental and English Reform­ ers, including Zwingli, Luther and Calvin. Discus.sion of the counter-Reformation, Protestant scholasticism, the Enlighten­ ment, and imponant theological develop­ ments in the modem era. Opportunity is given for students to study the polity and history of their own denomination. Required ofM.Div. students. HT 514 Historical Theology Survey (3) History of the church from the apos­ tolic Fathers to the modern era with an emphasis on the development of doctrine. High lights key thinkers in the patristic, medieval , Reformation and modern eras. Required for M.A. (BE, OT, NT, TH, B/ TS) , others by departmental permission.

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