Practical Theology
PT 692 Field Education (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory compl etion of student's self-evaluation form, supe1visor 's eval uation form and sermon eval uati on form. Required of M.Div. students. PT 696 Internship (1) Directed experience in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in se lected ch ur ches. Required of M.A. P.C.C. majors in their first spring semester. PT 697 Internship (1) Directed experience in preparation , enrichment , equipping and remedial ministries in selected church es. Required of M.A. P.C.C. maj ors in their last fall semester. The prerequi- site is PT 696. PT 698 Advanced Internship (2) Directed experience in preparation , enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected ch ur ches. Required of M.A. P.C.C. majors in their last spring semester. The pre requisites are PT 696 and 697. PT 703 The Church and Society (3) A study of biblical ethi cs and the role the local church plays in the commu nity. Special attention will be given to major social problems such as sanctity of life, chemical abuse, domestic violence, social ill s, and the political process. Required of M.A. P.C.C. , all M.Div. except mission and urban ministries. PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry (2) Focused on the importance of se lf understanding for sp iritual and emo tional we ll-being as well as effective ministry to hurting people, an investi ga tion of the impact of personal and fami ly history on theological outlook, emotional congruence , relation al attract ion s and moral decisions. Required of M.Div. , and M.A. students. PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care & Counseling (2) The development of relationship ski lls as a foundation for helping ministries, and the setting of limits of abi li ty as a foundation for referrals. Secondly, exploration of a short-term structure model of pastoral counseling. Finally, an over.~ew of issues presented to pas tors and perspectives on ministry to people st ruggling with these issues. Required of M.Div. , and M.A. students. PT 708 Advanced Pastoral Counseling (3) Focused on developing counseling skills needed beyond relationships to assist helpees to deal with physical, relational , spiritual, emo tional and moral reality. Secondly, focused on developing sk'.lls
from the Hebrew text. May be repeated for credit with the study of different con tent. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 807 Old Testament Textual Criticism (2) Astudy of the Massoretic notes, the par allel passages and the versions with expla nation of the variations. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective for Th.M. students; oth ers by departmental permission.* OT 809 Advanced Exegetical Studies (2-4) Application of exegetical methodology to selected passages from the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Special attention given to the ancient versions and to current scholarship as it relates to text , language , history, and inter pretive issues . May be repeated for credit with the study of different con tent. Elective for Th.M. students; oth ers by deparunental permission.* OT 811 Seminar in Semitic Languages (2-4) Introductory grammatical studies in Ugaritic, Arabic, Akkadian, Syriac or Mod em Hebrew; readings in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions; or other ad vanced Semitic studies. Prerequisite: OT 705 and deparunental permission. Elec tive for Th.M. students; others by depart mental permission. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.* OT 812 Readings in the Septuagint (2) Asurvey of the origin, nature and value of the Greek Old Testament with a read ing of selected portions and comparison with the Hebrew text. Investigation of the methods of the translators. Prerequi site: OT 705, NT 502 and departmental permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by deparrrnental permission.* OT 880 Old Testament Seminar (2-4) Detailed research in some phase of the Old Testament field, such as spe cific topics in history and introduction or archaeology of selected geographi cal areas. Prerequisite: OT 705 and deparunental permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by deparunen tal permission. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.* OT 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and application of the cen tral areas of Old Testament research and related fields of study. Instruction in research , including the identifica tion of a problem, the steps under taken to resolve a problem, and writing the results. Required of the first semes ter of the Th.M. (O.T.) program. A second semester may be taken to con tinue research in the area of interest. * • Electives are offered iJy rotation and on request.
sermons. PT 609 is prerequisite to PT 610. Required of M.Div. students; PT 609 required for M.A. (Min .) students. PT 611 Practical Theology Seminar (1-2) Discussion of one or more facets of the ministry with an emphasis on serv ing in the local church. Elective. PT 617 The Pastor and Music (2) A study in the theory and practice of church music, an analysis of contem porary music and the development of basic skills in leading congregational
Chair: Michael Boersma, M.Div. FACULTY Associate Professor: Johnson , McIntosh Assistant Professor: Boersma OBJECTIVES The purpose of the Practical Theology deparunent is to prepare the student for three areas of service: to lead the body of Christ in worship; to lead and equ ip Ch ri sti ans to build up one another; and to train them to reach their commun ity for Ch ri st. COURSES PT 51 O Evangelism and Follow-Up (3) The biblical principles and practice of evangelism and discipleship. The class will seek to develop the ski lls of per sonal evangelism, determine strategies for a discipleship ministry, and explore the theory and practice of small group mini stries. Required of M.Div. , and M.A. (B/ T.S. emphasis) studen ts. PT 591 Introduction to Field Education (1) Introducti on into the practical ele ments of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on career planning, field expe rien ce and preparation for Field Edu cation Internship in the M.Div. pro gram. Required of M.Div. students. Lab fee: $40. PT 592 Field Education (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory completion of student's self-evaluation form, super.~sor's eval uation form and pastoral interview form. Required of M.Div. students. PT 602 Pastoral Ministry (3) Astudy of a pastor's call, purpose, and role in ministry. Special attention will be given to providing leadership in worship, music, ordinances, weddings, funerals , and hospital and home visita tion. The priority and care of ministe rial staff families will be addressed as well as communit y relatio ns. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and Gen eral Ministries, Christian Education). PT 604 Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy (3) Study of ministry to the physicall y, emo tionally or relationally sick, crisis ministry, and ministry to the dying and bereaved. The special nature and demands of hospital and military chap laincy will also be studied. Required of M.Div. P.C.C and M.A. P.C.C PT 609-610 Sermon Preparation (3, 3) Aconsideration of the fundamentals of speech as they relate to the pulpit min istry. A study of the techniques and fundamentals of sermon construction and persuasive delivery of expository
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singing and worship. Elective. PT 620 Principles and Practice of Worship (2)
Exploration of biblical , psychological , practical , historical and contemporary dimensions of Christian worship. Elective . PT 622 Church Planting in the USA (2) The study of the components, such as geography, demography, strategy and impl eme ntatio n, that goes int o church planting in the USA. Elective. PT 624 Principles of Church Grow1h in the USA (3) A study of church growth principles and practices as applied primarily to the North American context. Special emphas is will be placed on defining cur rent trends and contemporary models of ministry. Elective. PT 625 Issues in Asian Ministry (2) A research and discussion based sym posium addressing various issues related to pastoral ministry within the Asian American context. Among the many issues addressed are inter-gener ational, theological, and ministry phi losophy concerns. Recommended for all students interested in or currently involved with Asian American Min istries. Elective. PT 628 Marital Counseling (3) Explores the foundations of marriage and marital confl ict from Scriptural and psychological perspectives. Reviews approaches to counseli ng and explores change and growth proce dures and skill s. Required of M.Div. (P.C.C.) , (M.F.M.) and M.A. Min . (M.F.M.). PT 630 Discipleship (2) An examination of interperso nal relationships and character develop ment as applied to the process of dis cipleship. Elective. PT 691 Field Education (0) Weekly invo lvement in ministry with satisfactory comple tion of student 's self-evaluation form, supervisor's eval uation form and lay leader's inte1view form. Required of M.Div. students.
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