TS 571 The Ancient Church (3) Richard C. Gamble, Th.D.
Testament documen l. Special empha sis is given to the theological themes and over-all argument of the Epistle. This course assumes a basis skill in Greek exegesis and the ability to make grammatical and textual critical evalua tions and to do Greek word studies. TS 527 The Pastoral Epistles (3) John R. Stott, M.A., D.D. An exposition of I and II Timothy and Titus. Emphasis on the authority of Paul and his message and the need to guard that message, as well as the responsibilities of the local church and its leaders. TS 550 Church Leadership and Administrat ion (2) Kenneth 0. Gangel, Ph.D. Acourse designed to develop lead ership potential in students and to give them a famil iarity with the various ele ments of the administrative process, including: goal setting and achieving, organization, delegation, human rela tions, group dynamics, supervision and the training of other leaders. Though the principles are un iversal, in the focus of the course is the Christian organiza tion , particularlythe local church. TS 555 Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management in Churches and Christian Organizations (2)
TS 582 The History of Missions (3) j. Herbert Kane, L.H.D. This course traces the historic development of the Christian mission in chronological sequence from Pente cost to Will iam Carey ( I793 ). The modern period is developed along geo graph ical lin es: Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Europe. The course closes with an attempt to evaluate the achievements of the past and the prospects of the future.
ogy of both the Old and ew Testa ments. It also deals with the amount of continuity and discon tin uity between the Old and New Testaments. Incl uded are the topics of saving faith, the people of God, the role of the law of God, the worship of God, the doctrine of atone ment, relationship between the law and wisdom theology, kingdom of God, the Messiah, the inclusion of the Gentiles, the theology of the HolySpirit, and the
From the close of the New Testa ment in 95 A.O. to approximately 600 A.O.; the church and the Roman Empire ; ecclesiastical organization; development of theology and dogma; Christian life and worsh ip. TS 572 The History of the Church to the Reformation (3) Garth M. Rosell, Ph. D The course is designed to provide the student with a basic introduction to the development of the Christian church's doctrine , faith and practice from its found ing at Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation. TS 573 Reformation Church History (3) W Robert Godfrey, Ph.D. Astudy of the development of the theology, the piety and the churches of the Reformation against the backdrop of the social , poli tical and intellectual character of the sixteenth century. TS 574 The History of the Church Since
preparation of the new covenant TS 51 OMessianic Prophecy (2) Louis Goldberg, Th.D.
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TS 583 Urban Mission and Ministry (2)
Roger S. Greenway, Th.D.
A study of the themes of the Old Testament which find their fulfillment in the Messiah,Jesus Christ. The course emphasizes proper study methods in prophetic literature , identifies Mes sianic ideas, and surveys Old Testament passages which teach these themes. TS 51 5 The Post-Exilic Prophets (3) Richard 0. Rigs!,y, Ph.D. Asurvey of the historical context and Biblical context of the prophets Haggai, Zechariah , and Malachi, with and exposition of each of these three books. TS 520 The Sermon on the Mount (2) john R. Stott, M.A. , D.D. The course, originally presented at Trinity Evangeli cal Divi ni ty School, is a consecutive exposition ofJesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. The emphasis is upon the distinctive character that is expected of the Christian and upon the authority of the LordJesus Christ. For the student desiring seminary credit, a programmed syllabus requires an expos~ tory and ready smdy with emphasis on the practical and spiri tual application of the Sermon on the Mount and upon the the ological issues and historical interpreta tionsof that passage. TS 521 New Testament Survey: Gospels/life of Christ (3) Tmy C. Hulbert, Th.D. Achronological synthetic study of the fou r Gospel records, emphasizi ng the time, place, circumstances and persons involved in the events of our Lord's ministry, with a view to a fu ller understanding of the signi ficance of His words and works. TS 524 The Epistle to the Romans (3) Harold W Hoehne,, Th.D., Ph.D. An exegetical-theological study of Paul's epistle to the Romans in the Greek text. It involves the treatment of selected historical, grammatical , S!.f'.K tural, and lexical data which evaluate the meaning of this important New
Acourse that focuses on Christian Missions and ministry in the world 's growing cities. The Biblical basis for urban ministry is presented and case studi es of effective urban strategies worldwide are examined. Attention is give to urban issues such as ministry to the poor and homeless, pastoring and raising a famil y in the city, and plant ing urban churches. TS 584 Missionary Encounter wi th World Religions (3) HarvieM. Conn, Th.M., Litt.D. An introduction to the theology of religions. Abiblical theology of re li gions is developed against the back ground of extensive study of current models of approach. Using major reli gious systems as examples, five charac teristics of all religions are sketched. Some practical suggestions for evange listic approach are proposed. TS 585 Theologies of Liberation (2 ) Kenneth B. Mulholland, D. Th.P. A survey of liberation theologies with particular auention to their his torical development and thematic elaboration in the social and religious context of Latin America.
the Reformation (3) Garth M. Rosell, Ph.D.
The course is designed to provide the student with a basic introduction to the development of the Christian church since the time of the Protes tant Reformation to the present day. TS 575 The History of Christianity in America (3) john D. Hannah, 77!.D. , Ph.D. Astudy of the Protestant churches in An1erica from colonial beginnings to the present with emphasis on the numerous influences that have forged the current religious scene. TS 576 The Theology of Jonathan Edwards (3) John H. Gerstner, Ph,. D. An examination of the theology of Jonathan Edwards in detail. Taking a topical approach, the course covers Edwards ' teachings regarding all the major points of Systematic Theology with particular emphasis on Edward's unique theological contributions. TS 581 Introduction to World Christian Missions (2) William D. Taylm, Ph.D. An introductory sw,•ey of the the ology, history, cu lture, poli tics, and methods of th e Christian miss ion, with special emphasis on recent devel opments, crucial issues and future trends, ending with a study of mis sion·s in the local church.
Kenneth 0. Gangel, Ph.D. Samuel D. Canine, Ph.D.
An examination of the process of interpersonal commun ication and con flict management in human relation sh ips within Christian organizations, with attention given to communication models, self-concept, non-verbal mes sages, stress and other strategies that will assist the Christian leader in devel oping interpersonal communication skills and the productive use of confl ict. TS 565 Phenomenology of Emotional Disorders (2) BasilJackson, M.D., Ph.D. An introduction to the phenome nology of psychopathology for the pas tor, and the seminary or graduate stu dent. It is a descriptive overview of vari ous emotional disorders and their rela tionship to one another. (The series is also available on 6 VHS 120 video cas settes with four lectures per cassette.) TS 570 Survey of Church History (3) Garth M. Rosell, Ph.D. The course is designed to provide the student with a basic introduction to the development of the Christian church from its founding at Pentecost to the present day.
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