




First Year Personal ity and Psychopathology I Introduction to Psychotherapy

Prepracticum I

Learning and Motivation, Cogni tion and Affect or

3 2 3 3 3

3 3 3 2 3

Learning, Cognition and A/feet Measurement and Assessment II

Advanced Statistics

Research Design Preprac ticum II

~kasuremcnt and Assessment I

Theology I


Theology II

Psychotherapy and Religion

I 15

Second Year Praclicum I

Cross-{;ultural Issues in Clinical Psychology•

Personalityand Psychopathology II ature and Scope or Systems of Integration

3 3 3 4 2

3 3 4 3 2 3 3 6 3 2

Advanced Resea rch Design

Practicum II Theology fV


Theology Ill

Psychotl1erapy Lab*' Research Apprenticeship

Research Apprenticeship



Third Year Hist01)' and Systems of Psychology

Neuropsychology' or Clinical Psychopharmacology


5 2 3 3

SPY/ SLB Electives Integra tion Elective

Theology V

SPY/ Sln Elective

Disse rtation Practicum IV

Practicum Il l

Integration Elective



FourthYear Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues

SPY Electives SLB Electives

6 3 3 4


3 3 6 3

Integration Elccti\'C

SLB elective Disse rtation

Integration Elective




Filth Year Internsh ip

Internsh ip No te: *For student w ;th undergraduate coursework in social and physiological psychology. Students w ithout undergraduate social psychology will take RSPY608. Socia l Psychology, instead ofR.SPY625 Cross Cultural Issues in Clinica l Psychology. Students without u11dergraduate physiological psychology will take R.SPY607, Psychophysiological Processes i11stead ofRSPY 670 Neuro{)sychology or RSPY 705 Clinical Psychopharmacology. These alternative courses will generalJy be taken during the spring of the second or third year. *'Seco11d year st11de11ts elect one of the following psychotherapy la/, courses: R.SLB6 /3 Psychotherapy with Adolescents, RSLB642 Psychotherapy with Children, R.SLB643 BehaviorModification with Childre11 a11d Pare11ts, or RSLB7 l 7 Gestalt Psychothera/Jy.

(6) Internship

research on a selec ted, clinically relePsychowgy: Ph.D. student.I must comtheir progress and potential for success­

All students are required LO comvant topic; and (c) a proficiency examiplete a minimum of 86 semesters hours

ful completion of the doctoral program. This intet:'iew is scheduled after the completion of three semesters in resi­ dence, including at least one practicum assignment. The result.I of this inter­ to al low the student (I) to continue, (2) to continue studies with a Prel iminary Oral Interview review the fo llowing year, or (3) not to all ow the student to con­

plete a one-year, full-time clinical internnation evaluating the student's ability to

in psychology in addition to a doctoral dissertation. These 86 unit.I include at least 12 unit.I selected from SLB elective psychotherapy courses, and 12 unit.I of

ship prior LO graduation. All internships are to be approved in advance by the

criti ca lly eva luate current clinical research papers. This proficiency exam

Clinical Training Committee. For furis taken at the end of the first semester

ther details, refer 1.0 the Internship

practicum (which must be taken in resiview are reported to faculty which votes

of the doctoral research seminar. Psy.D.

Guidelines in student handbook. Internstudents must either register for five

dence). Student.I may apply up to six unilS of graduate coursework from the School of Intercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement.

sh ip fee s are lis ted in the psychology course section (STN 731 Internship).

unilS of credit for dissertation proposal or for the doctoral research seminar.

(7) Completion of Training Therapy

(9) Final Oral Examination


All student.I must complete

All students must receive certificaThe final examination is an oral

tinue in the doctoral program.

a minor in theology which includes a

tion of completion of training therapy from the director of clin ical training.

defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited

(3) Comprehensive Examinations

minimum of 17 semester unit.I.

Al l student.I must pass a se t of doc­

Mas ter's Research: Ph .D. students

Aminimum of 50 hours of group therprofessionals. must complete a year-long M.A. level apy plus 50 hours on individual thertoral- level comprehensive examina­ Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology research project (SPY 600) involving tions covering the following areas: (I) apy is required. See Training Therapy li terature review, problem conceptualpsychologica l interve ntion and (2) Guidelines for further details. 1) Residence and Coursework ization , data gathering and anal ys is, psychology and theology. Nonnally, four years of residency are (8) Dissertation OR Research Consumership and report writi ng. These examinations are given two S"luence requ ired un less transfer of credit is Integration Seminars: Al l student.I partimes annually and serve as the major All Psy.D. students must demonbought in and advanced standing ticipate in a seri es of seminars (14 unit.I) strate doc toral-leve l mastery of a granted . While the doctorate is not means of evaluating a student's suitabi l­ devoted to the integration of a variety of research area in cl inical psychology. awarded simply for completion of stated ity to continue studi es toward the doc­ theological and psychological concept.I torate. The examinations may be taken Th is may be done either by a dissertacourse work, there are basic unit require­ tion or by a research consumership men ts for the degree (133 semester in research, theory and practice. any time after completion of 75% of the sequence. The research consumership hours). Each student is assigned a facDissertation Research: I6 units of course work and must be taken prior to dissertation research are required sequence is composed of: (a) a two ulty advisor who assislS in the planning of the Professional Qualifying Exam. prior to granting the Ph.D. semester, five credit doctoral research each semester's schedule of cow-ses and Only one retake of the examina­ seminar focusing on the critical evaluasupervises the sntdent's progress in the (2) Prehminary Oral Interview tion is allowed . The dates of the Com­ tion and uti lization of clin ical research; program. For transfer credit, see GenAll student.I have an oral interview prehensive Examinations are specified (b) a paper involving a cri tical review of eral Academic Infonnation. with a faculty committee to evaluate in the Academic Calendar.

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