* Un iversity of California, Los Angeles * Un iversity of Colorado , Health
original and four copies of his disserta* Institute of Living, The, CT
(4) Admission to Canaida<y
Official candidacy for the doctortion signed by his dissertation commit+ Irvine School District
* .Judge Baker Guidance Center, MA
Sciences Center, CO
ate signifies an advanced stage in the
tee. Detailed information is found in
* Kaiser-Permanente
* Un ive rsi ty of Illinoi sCounseling
student 's progress and is accompathe Student Dissertation Guidelines.
* Kent State University, OH + Loma Linda Psychiatric Medical
Center, IL
nied by a redefinition of full-time enrollment which enables the student to place a greater emphasis on formal course work. In order to be admitted to candidacy the student must have:
(9) Final Oral Examination
* University of South Carolina, SC * University ofTexas Medical
The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited
* Long Beach V.A. Hospital
School, TX
* Los Angeles V.A. Outpatient Clinic
* University ofWashington , School Dept. of Psychiau-y and Behavioral
professionals. (a) Successfully completed the Pre+ Los Nietos School District
* Manhattan Psychiatric Center, NY * Memphis Clinical Psychology
Sciences, WA
liminary Oral Interview
+ Upland School District * Vanderbilt University, TN
(b) Passed the Comprehensive ExamAGENCIES
Consortium, TN
* Albany Psychological Internship
+ Mid-Valley Commun ity Mental
* VA. Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH * V.A. Medical Center, Cleveland, OH * V.A. Medical Center, Perry Point,
(c) Received approval of dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Committee (d) Completed training therapy
Consortium, NY
* Alhambra's Psychological Clinic + Alpha Counseling Center * American Lake V.A. Medical
+ Minirth / Meier Clinic
* Newton Memorial Hospital, NJ * Norfolk Regional Center, NE * Northwestern University Medical + Norwalk/ La Mirada School District * O'GradyResidency in Pediatric School , IL
(5) Professional Ouarifying ham
* V.A. Medical Center, Sepulveda * V.A. Medical Center, Topeka, KS
All Ph.D. srudents must successfully complete an examination that evaluates the student's readiness for a full-time internship. It may be taken any time after the comprehensive examinations
Center, WA
* William Beaumont Army Medical
* DeDe Wallace Center, TN
Center, TX
Western State Hospital, WA Whittier City Elementary School
* BellefaireJewish Children 's
Bureau, OH
Psychology, OH
have been passed and must be com+
Bellwood Health Center Biola Counseling Center
* Olin S. Teague Veterans Center,TX * Orange County Mental Health
+ +
Whittier College
pleted six months prior to internship. The examining committee may require the student to complete additional
vVhittier Union High School
* California State University,
* Wright Patterson Air Force Base ,
Long Beach
* Pacific Clinics
coursework, practicum, or other profes*+ Camarillo State Hospital sional growth experiences prior to begin* Capistrano by the Sea
* Patton State Hospital
* Yale University School of Medicine
* Jerry L. Pettis V.A. Medical Center
ning the internship. See the Professional
* Child Guidance, IA
* Philhaven Hospital , PA
+ Practicum Agencies * Internsh ip Agencies
Qualifying Exam Guidelines in the sru* Ch ildren's Hospital of Orange
* Pine Rest Christian Hospital, Ml * Portland V.A. Hospital, OR
dent handbook for further details.
* Children's Hospital, The, CO All students are required to com* Walter Reed Army Medical Center (6) lntemship * Presbyterian Hospital , TX * Clinical Psychology Internship
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Rosemead seeks to admit app li cants whose background clearl y demonstrates scho larly aptitude, a commitment to the historic Christian faith , personal character and integrity, and a positive service-oriented motiva tion toward the field of clinical psychol ogy. As an evangelical Christian insti tution , Biola University requires that an applicant has been a Christian for at least one year prior to admission. Biola
+ College Hospital
* Richmond Maxi-Center
plete a one-year, full-time clinical internship prior to graduation. All internships are to be approved in mittee. For further details, refer to the Internship Guidelines in student handbook. Internship Fees are listed in the Psychology course section (STN
* Colorado State University, CO * Connecticu t Valley Hospital ,CT
* St. Elizabeth's Hospital National
Institute of Mental Health
* Convalescent Hospital for advance by the Clinical Training Com* St.John's Chi ld StudyCenter
Chi ldren , NY
* San Bernardino County Mental
+ County of Los Angeles
Department of Mental Health,
+ San Fernando Valley Child
Crisis Evaluation Un it
Gu idance Center
* Dallas Child Guidance, TX * Dutches County Department of
* San Marino School District * Shasta County Mental Health
73! Internship).
(7) Completion of Training Therapy
Mental Health , NY
Service, Institute of Mental Health All students must receive certificadoes not discriminate on the basis of * Elmcrest Psychiatric Institute, CT * Spokane Communi ty Mental tion of completion of training therapy * Fairfield Hills Hospital, CT Health, WA the applicant's race, color, sex, handi from the director of clinical training. cap, or national or ethnic origin. * Federal Correctional Instirution, NC * Spring Shadows Glen, TX A minimum of 50 hours of group * Foothill Community Psychiatric * State Of NewJersey Department Persons interested in attending therapy plus 50 hours of individual Rosemead should request application Center of Mental Health , NJ therapy is required. See Training * Fuller Psychological Center * Terrell State Hospital, forms from the Director of Admis Therapy Guidelines in student handsions ofBiola Un iversi ty. book for further details. + GarveySchool District Consortium, TX * Greater Long Beach Child * Torrance State Hospital , PA As in most graduate programs in psy (8) Dissertation Guidance Center * Tripler Army Medical Center, HI chology, competi tion is keen and enroll A dissertation evidencing high + Hacienda-La Puente Unified + UC! Medical Outpatient ment is limited. In order to be admitted attainment in original scholarship School District * Ulster County Mental Health Child to full graduate standing the applicant must be submitted by all Ph.D. candi* Hathaway Ch ildren 'sServices Adolescent Services, NY must complywith the follo111ng: dates. The dissertation topic and pro* Silas B. Hayes Army Community * United States Air Force ( I ) Possess a baccalaureate posal must be approved by the candiHospital * United States Army degree from an accredited college or date's advisory committee prior to the * H.E.L.P. Group, The * United States Navy university with an average grade of at beginning of the srudent's internship. * Didi Hirsch Community Mental * University Counseling Center/ least "B" for the junior and senior Three weeks prior to expected graduaHealth Center UC Santa Barbara years , i.e., 3.0 an a 4.0 scale. tion the candidate must submit to the * Hudson River Region, NY * Un iversity of Cal ifornia, Irvine (2) Present an undergraduate pro Rosemead dean of administration the Ingham Counseling Center, MI Counseling Center gram with ei ther a major in psychology
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