

ca l Assoc iati on's Co de of Et hi cs , guidelin es, and laws that gove rn the profess ion. Preparati on fo r the oral and written porti ons of the li censing exam in the state of Cali fo rni a is also give n emph as is. Th e chall enge LO in tegrate a pro fess ional, Christi an, and personal ethical code is discussed. Required of Psy.D, Ph .D. SPY 712 Independent Study (1-3) Individual work, directed read ing or special problems in psychology. Such wo rk must be done with the approval and supervi sion of a facul ty professor of record . The student is expected LO submi t a detail ed course proposal and a bibli ogra ph y with an arra nged course permi ssion fo rm ava il able from th e Reg istrar ' s Offi ce. Requir ed rnurses may 11 0 1 be taken thro ugh independent study. Elec ti ve. SPY 715 Training Therapy (Group) (0) For offi cial indica tion on the student's u-anscript of required personal growth experience ih rough group training iher­ apy. Requi red of all doctoral programs. SPY 716 Training Therapy (Individual) (0) For offi cial indi cation on the student 's transcript of required personal growth ex perience thro ugh an indi vidu al training th erapy. Required of all doc­ LOra l programs. SPY 718 D0<torol Research Seminar I(3) Thi s is th e first of a two co urse sequence which Psy. D. non-di sserta tion students can take as a partial fu lfillment of their docLOral research competency. This course includes an in-depth study of research methods in clinical psychol­ ogy and experience in cri ti cally re11ew­ ing current clinical research. SPY 719 Do<toral Research Seminar II (2) Building on SPY 71 8, thi s co urse invo lves writing and in-depth cr itical re1 ew of the research li terature on a selected topi c in cl inical psychology. SDS 721 Dissertation Research (1-10) Pl annin g and impl ementation of a research proj ec t including literature revi ew, probl em definiti on, hypo th esis fo rmation, design, and impl ementa­ ti on of fi eld research, data analysi s, and report wri ting. The student's dis­ sertation research is supervised by a fa culty chair and commitLee . Th e fin al stage req uires the student 10 successfull y sustain an Oral Defense of th e di sse rtati on. Required of all doc toral programs and permi ss ion of ins tructor.

opment of empaihic listening, interper­ sonal skills and basic therapeutic tech­ niques th rough group interac tion and closelysuper.ised on campus practi cum experiences. Required of all fi rst year sill­ dents LO be taken concurrentlywiih STP 500 Psychoiherapyand Religion. Fal l. SPY 681 Prepra<ticum I (1) Th e fir st of a two course sequence designed LO fac ili tate the development of empathi c listening, in te rpersonal skill s and bas ic therapeut ic tec h­ niques. This fi rst course emphasizes a small , interactive group fo rmat fo r the development of skill s. Interterm . SPY 682 Prepradicum 11 (2) The second of a two course sequence designed to facili tate the development of empathi c li stenin g, interpersonal skills and basic th erapeutic techniques. During this course , direct observation and videotaping of the student 's firs t clinical practicum in th e University 's on­ campus counseling center are utili zed to provide a closelysuper.ised introduc­ tion to ihe therapeutic process. Spring. SPY 691-696 Practkum I-VI (3) Sup ervised cl ini ca l ex per iences including diagnos tic and therapeuti c ac tivities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and pub­ li c clini cs, mental hea lth orga ni za­ tions, schools and college coun seling centers are mil ized. Prerequisite: suc­ cess fuI compl etion of SPY 680 , or approval of the Professional Training Committee. Requi red of all doctoral programs; Ph.D. and Psy.D. SPY 697-699 Pra<li<um Elective (1-3) For students desiring super.i sed clinical experiences beyond the requirements for their degree. These are used as elective practica. Prerequisite: approval of the director of clinical training. SPY 700 Clinical Case Conference (1) Small group supervision of ongo ing psychological cases. Elective. SPY 701 College Teaching of Psychology (2) A semin ar on teac hin g me th ods including the development of course objec tives, outlines, lectures and eva l­ uations. Major emph asis is placed on the examination of the va rious teach­ ing methods ava ilabl e LO the teacher of psychology. Elec ti ve. SPY 702 Social Psychology: Interpersonal Pr0<esses (3) Focuses on the soc ial psychology of in te rp erso nal relati onships with special emphasis on intimate rela­ tions . Prerequisite: a survey course

(undergraduate or graduate) in social psychology and permi ss ion of th e instructor. Required of Psy.D. , Ph .D. SPY 703 Organization and Administration of Psychological Services (2) Aseminar dealing with admini strative issues such as personnel, finances, commu­ ni ty relationsand supervision. Elective. SPY 704 Advanced Research Design (3) Acon tinuation of SPY 60 I for s1Udem1 intere ted in purs uing disse rtat ion research. The course includes advanced study of uni var iate and multivaria te analysis of variance, regression analysis, canonical and discriminant analysis and facto r analysis. Required , Ph .D. only. Prerequisite:SPY60 I. SPY 705 Clinical Psychopharmacology (3) A ge neral ove rview of current research on the use and effectiveness of psychotro pi c med ication in the trea tment of the psychoses, neuroses and other emotional di sorders. Con­ sultat ion and cl ass presentat ions by area psych iatr ists. Prerequis ite: SPY 607 or equi valent. Ei ther this course or SPY 607or 670 is requi red. SPY 706 The Professional Pra<litioner (3) Intensive consideration of the impact of psychotherapeutic prac ti ce on the personal li fe and relationship of the clini cian and the interac tion between the profess ional and pri vate li fe. Issues addressed incl ude career satis­ fact ion, professional decorum , inter­ disciplina1y relationships and th erapist impairment and burn ou t, and steps involved in developing and maintain­ ing a clinical prac tice. Elec tive. SPY 709 Current Issues in Psychology (1-2) Intensive focus is given LO a selec ted topic of contemporary interest such as gri ef th erapy, for ensic psyc hology, National Health Care and Psychologi­ cal service. Elec ti ve. SPY 710 Special Techniques in Clinical Practice (1-3) Intensive conside ration of a specifi c technique utilized in modern clini cal practi ce and requirin g specia li zed training. A single maj or technique, for exampl e th e Hal stead -Reitan Adul t Ne uropsyc holog ica l Bauery, clini ca l hypn os is, or mult i-genera­ tional therapy will be the focus each time thi s course is offered. Elective. SPY 711 Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues (3) Astudyand discussion of the ethi cs of profess ional ps yc hol ogy with an emph asis on the American Psychologi-

SPY 645 Measurement and Assess-men! V: Neuropsychological (3) This course provides an over.iewof the basic issues in neuropsyc hology, and examines ihe key cognitive-psychological ability areas th at are assessed in a neu­ ropsychological evaluation. Assessment from a fl ex ible, hypothesis-tes ting and clinical perspecti ve is emphasized. Spe­ cial attention 1,ill be given LO brief neu­ ropsyc hological screening procedures whi ch help Lo differenti ate betwee n organic and psychological disorders. Prerequisite SPY 607. Elective. Required of Psy. D. \\1Ul Family-Child emphasis. SPY 647 Advan<ed Assessment of the 0.1d (3) An advanced di agnostic course which focuses on the assessment and diagnosis of exceptional children as well as legal and advocacy issues required by Public Law 94-142. Specific diagnostic popula­ tions include mentally retarded, learn­ ing disabled, emotionallydisturbed and gifted children. Attention is also given LO low incidence handicaps such as vision impaired, hearing impaired, mul­ tiple handicapped, etc. Prerequisites: SPY 641 , 680 and completion of/or cur­ rent enrollment in a child practicum. SPY 650 Family Psychology and Psychopathology (3) Emphasizes the construction of a con­ ceptual framework for sys tem change as a fo undat ion fo r clin ical inter.•en­ tion. Surveys major approaches to sys­ tems-ori ent ed famil y th erapy and includes such related iss ues as the family li fe cycle, object relations inte­ grati on, famil y pathology/ dys fun c­ tion, family assessment, ethnicity and religious influences. Elec tive . SPY 663 Human Sexua5ty (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual fun ctioning, behavior, relation­ ships and feelings. Issues of sexuality are di scussed within spiritual, psycho­ logical, cultural and medical/ health perspec tives wiih implications for clini­ cal treatment of sexual issues. Elec tive. SPY 670 Neuropsychology (3) Consideration of beha,ioral and intel­ lectual di sorders of neurological origin. Clinical and experimental evidence is considered as they relate to the major syndromes. Prerequisite: Physiological Psychology. Either this course or SPY 607 or 705 is required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 680 Prepradicum (3) Acondensed version of Prepracticum I & I! for students 1vith significant previous graduate study in psyc hology . Thi s course is designed to facilitate ihe <level-


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