

one marital or family case using a team model of intervention supervi sion in the school clinic. Prerequisite: SPY 650 and permi ssion of instructor. Elective. SLB 672 Marriage and Family Therapy II (3) Continuation of SLB 67 1. Major consid­ eration is given to experiential and psy­ chodynan1ic perspectives on in tervention within a structural framework. Applica­ tion of clinical techniques is continued from the first semester usingobservation, simulation, and therapy experience wilh supervision. Prerequisites: SLB 671 and permission of insm1ctor. SLB 681 Special Issues in Psychodynamic Therapy I (2-3) An advanced course in psychodynamic psychoth erapydealing wi th issues such as impairments of the therapeutic rela­ tionship, ac ting out, levels and timing of interpretations and psychotherapy wi th individuals suffe ring from distur­ bances in early object re lati onships. Pre requi sites : SLB 631, 632 and per­ mi ss ion of instructor. Elective. SLB 682 Special Issues in Psychadynamic Therapy II (2-3) Continuation of SLB 68 1. Prerequi­ sit e: SLB 68 1 and permi ssio n of instructor. Elective. SLB 702 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision I(2-3) A seminar in case supervision. Stu­ dents are responsible fo r supe1Yising the profess ional experiences of less adva nce d stude nt s. Pre req ui sites: admi ssion to doctoral studies and per­ mission of instructor. Elective. SLB 703 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision II (2-3) Continuation of SLB 702. Pre requi­ sites : SLB 70 2 and pe rmi ss ion of instructor. Elective. SLB 70S Briel Psychotherapies (3) Models and approaches in brief inter­ ventions ,vi th special attention to crisis intervention. Theo1ists include Mann, Sifneos, Malan and Davan loo. Prerequi­ site: pennission of insm1ctor. Elective. SLB 706 Clinical Biofeedback (3) This course is an introduction to con­ cepts and techniques of biofeedback as applied to stress management, anxiety di so rders, psychosomatic symp toms, and other psychological problems. For­ mal registration for credit is usually in the spring semester, but ac tual learning experiences begin in the fa ll semester to allowample time for mastering the technical equipment necessary for use

SLB 60S Behavior Therapy (3) The observa tion, assessment and mod­ ifi cation of human behavior, includ­ ing operant , respondent and soc ial lea rning models. Emphas is is on supervised cl ient interaction. Prereq­ ui site: SPY604 and permi ss ion of instructor. Elective. SLB 613 Psychotherapy with the AdaleS<ent (3) Techni ques and problems in psy­ chotherapy wi th adolescents. Special attention is focused on the implications of developmental processes of adol es­ cence on treatment approaches. Prereq­ uisite: permission of instructor. Elec tive. SLB 631 Psychodynamic Therapy I (3) An in-<lepth studyof the process of ther­ apy based on psychoanalytic deve lop­ mental theory and givi ng special atten­ tion to the concepts of transfe rence , counter-transference , resistance and interpretation. Adi scussion group is included for both 63 1 and 632 . Prereq­ uisite: SPY515, participation in individ­ ual training therapy and permi ssion of insm1ctor. Enrollment must be planned for botl1SLB 631and 632 . Elec tive. SLB 632 Psychodynamic Therapy II (3) Continuation of SLB 63 1. Prerequi­ sites : SLB 63 1 and permission of the instructor. Elec tive . SLB 641 Psychotherapy with Groups (3) The esse ntia ls of th e group ps y­ chotherapy process are examined and related to current modalities in psy­ chotherapy and general group phe­ nomena. Elective. SLB 642 Psychotherapy with Children (3) The na ture and treatment of common emotional and behavi oral problems of childh oo d fr om a psyc hoa nalyti c deve lopmental perspec ti ve . Spec ial attention is given to parent coun se l­ ing. Prerequisites: SPY 604, 64 I and permi ssion of instructor. Electi ve. SLB 643 Behavior Modification with Children and Parents (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and beha,~oral problems of childhood from a learning th eory per­ spective. Special attention to parent counseling. El ec ti ve . SLB 671 Marriage and Family Therapy I(3) Astudyof the literature and practi ce of marital and family therapy. The course provides an ove rview of va ri ous approaches to family therapy with a special emphasis on the structural fam­ ily therapy model. Application of clini­ cal techniques is accomplished through observation, simulations, and at least

SPY 730 Directed Research (1-3) Students may take special courses of study and/ or pursue research projects that they design and carry out under the guidance of a resident facul ty member. Individual or small group participation in a research project in psychology must be under the supervision of a facu lty member. The suident must submit an arranged course permi ssion fo nn giving a detailed outline of the research and ot her learnin g ex peri ences of th e course . Requi red courses may not be taken thro ugh Directed Resea rch. Approval of fac ul ty advisor and acade­ mic Dean is required. (Elective) STN 731 Internship in Clinical Psychology (0) Professional experience of a one year internshi p in a facility approved by the Profess ional Training Committee. Prerequisites: Successful completion of compr ehensive exam in at ions, course requi reme nts , pro fess ional qua li fy ing exam in ation (Psy. D.) or profess ional interview (Ph.D .), an d approva l of a di sserta ti on proposal. Requi red of all doctoral programs. Internship fee: $1,000 per semes ter. SPY 733 The Self: Theological, Phi1osoplica~ Psychological and Crass-<uhural Perspectives (3) Thi s course looks at philosophi ca l, theo logical, psychological, and cross­ cul tural views of the nature of the self The course expl ores some of the bibli cal and philosophi cal termin ol­ ogy. It also expl ores th e hi sto rical emphasis on the self, with a focus on its current emphas is in psychoanalyti c psychology , and its deve lopmenta l aspect, and a psychological view of the true and fa lse self. The wes tern cu l­ ture pe rspective on the se lf is com­ pared with other cu ltures. Finally, a religious pe rspective on the true and false self is presented. Psychotherapy laboratory Thi s se ri es of elective courses is designed to effect a working in tegration of conceptual and experimental aspects of psyc hoth erapy. Ph.D. stude nts are required to take 12 units of SLBcourses and Psy .D. students, 21 uni ts . Eac h course includes both course work and supe1Yised clinical experience within the psychotherapy model fo ll owed in the specific course. Completion of SPY 501, 515 and 680 or 68 1 and 682 or their equivalent is required before enrollment in these courses is pe1mitted . All SLB co ur ses have limit ed enrollments and require permi ssion of the instructor.

SPY 724 Self Psychology: The Theory of Kohut (3)

This course focuses on the theory and cl inical work of Heinz Kohut as we ll as other contemporary se lf psychology theorists. In addition to discussing the place of self psychology in broader psy­ choanalyti c thin king, special emphasis is placed on the cl inical appl ication and prac ti ca l relevance of this approach. Prerequisites: SPY 515 and 615. These approaches to fami ly therapy are concerne d with the individual within the sys tem, with specific focus on the aspects of their in terpersonal fu ncti onin g th at represent attach­ ments to fi gures in the past that will be transm itted to future ge nerat ions. The course combines acqui sition of basic theo ri es with an exper ient ial application to the therapist's own fam­ ily-of-origi n. Clinical illustrations will be used to demonsu-ate how to use the family-of-origin of each of the spouses in marital therapy to help de termine multi-generational linkages to the atomic family. The specific 'how-to' of conducting u·ansgenerational sessions with cl ient famili es will be incl uded . SPY 726 Behavior Therapy with Children and Families (3) This course emph asizes the treatment of ch il dren and families from a behav­ iora l perspec tive including operant, res ponde nt, cogn itive and socia l learning theory models. Graduate students must ca rry at least three cl ients during the course of the semester and wi ll be afforded the opportunity to conduct parent wo rk­ shops in lieu of one cli ent. Pre requi­ sites: SPY64 1, 680, 604 (or equivalent) and completion of or current enro ll­ ment in a child practicum. Required of Psy.D. with Child/ Familyemphasis. SPY 729 Alcohol & Substance Abuse (3) Diagnos is, trea tment planning, and recovery process for the alcoholi c/ addict and family members will be the focus of the cl ass. The disease model of addictions treatment and the uti lization of 12-step support groups in the treat­ ment of the recovering person and the famil y members will be presented. Other compulsive diseases will be dis­ cussed such as sexual addiction, eating di sorders, etc. Class lec ture, special speakers, and assigned reading will be the p1imary methods of instruction.

R-10 I SPY 72S Multigenerational Therapy (3)

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