

lntercultural Studies

therapist and his therapeutic conceprequisite: STP 500, 72 I or 722; STH 604

STP 731 Theologicol Contributions to the

Practice of Therapy (2)

tualizations and intervention are examined. (Course may be repeated

Students can apply up Lo six units of th e followin g courses toward the

and permission of instructor. Elective.

A consideration of scriptural passages and theological doctrines relating to a variety of clinical problems and issues. Includes a biblical discussion of topics such as identity, se lf esteem, guilt, anger, depr ess ion , anxiety, and assertiveness. Prerequisites: STP 500,

STP 749 Values in Psychotherapy (2)

with different emphasis.) Prerequipsychology graduation requirement. Aconsideration of the role of values in

Course descriptions are given under the School of lntercu ltural Studies

site: STP 500,721 or 722. Elective .

the psychotherapy process. Includes discussion of the presence and impact of the implicit and explicit va lues of

STP 745 Maturity: Psychological and

section of the catalog.

Theological Perspectives (2)

SCL 520

Interpersonal and

Various approaches to the concept of maturity are reviewed, including the psychological , biblical and devotional.

both therapist and client. Prerequiln tercultural Adjusunent

site: STP 500, 721or 722. Elective.

721 or 722. Elective.

SCL 622


Commun ication

STP 741 Guilt, Conscience and Sociahzation (2) Adiscussion of guiil and conscience, including both biblical and psychological

Amajor focus is placed on the similariSTP 750 Perspectives on Human Nature (2)

Social Organization SHM 550 Christianity and Culture

Acritical examination of various theoSCL 702

ties and differences between biblical and psychological maturity as seen by

logical and psychological anthropolo­ gies. Each student is expected to con­

SST 561

Topics in Applied

theories on the origins of guilt and consuch integration theorists as Caner,

Cultural Anthropology

science and the expressionsof these theoClines, Grounds and Oakland. Prereqduct an in-depth review of one theo­

SST 562 SST 563

Culture Change

ries in therapy. Prerequisite: STP 500, 72 I or 722; commencement of individual didactic and STH 603 and 604. Elective. STP 742 Anger, Aggression and Hostility (2) A consideration of anger and related emotions and behaviors, including the catharsis hypotheses and aggression in fantasy. Prerequisite: STP 500, 721 or

retical perspective. Prerequisite: STP

uisite: STP 500, 721 or 722. Elective.

Sex Roles in Socie ty

500, 721 or 722. Elective.

STP 746 Sele<ted Topics and Issues in

Integration (2)

STP 760 Independent Study (1-3)

Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation with

Individual study, directed readi ng or special problems in integration. Such

focus on some contemporary integrastudy must be done with the approval

tion issue, controversy or specia l research interest. Prerequisite: STP

and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The srudent is expected to sub­ mit a detailed course proposal and a bib­ liography on a learning contract form available from the registrar 's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective.

500, 721or 722. Elective.

722. Elective.

STP 7 48 Christian Community (2)

STP 744 Integration and Therapy (2)

The focus of this sem inar is on

Astudy of the potential impact of the

"explicit integration " in psychotherchurch as a social system upon the

apy. The distinctives of the Christian

growth and maturity of its members. Pre-

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