GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION M.A. in lntercultural Studies
(3) Unofficial Withdrawal and Readmis sion Procedures A student who fails to register for one or more semesters is automati cally withdrawn from the D.Miss. pro gram. For reinstatement, and before any course or dissertation work can be resumed, the student must make for mal application fo r readmission to both the School of lntercultural Stud ies Admissions Committee and the Biola University Office of Admissions. (4) Oral Interview and Admission to Doctoral Study All students will have an interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for success ful completion of the doctoral pro gram. The interview is scheduled after one semester in residence and the com pletion of at least one significant piece of written work demonstrating the stu dent 's skill in research writing. The results of this interview are reported to the faculty, which votes either to admi~ admit with conditions, or not to admit the student to doctoral study. (5) Comprehensive Examinations All students must pass comprehen sive exams covering the following areas: I) lntercultural studies 2) History and theology of mission 3) Society, technology and missions 4) The student 's speciali zation. These exams are given once a year in Apri l and serve as a major means of evaluating a student 's suitabili ty to continue studies toward the doctorate. (6) Field Ministry and Language Requirement All students must complete a min imum of three continuous years of practical missionary experience in a crosscu ltural (or cross-subcu ltural) setting. It is assumed that the student wi ll acquire fluency in a second lan guage learned during this missionary service and that this language will be the language of field research . (7) Admission to Candidacy Official candidacy for the doctorate signifies an advanced stage in the stu dent's progress and is characterized by self-directed research and preparation of a dissertation under the direction of a faculty advisor. In order to be admit ted to candidacy the student must have: I) Successfullycompleted the Preliminary Faculty Interview 2) Passed the comprehensive examination
sis includes a 12 unit course sequence and a three-six unit field practicum requirement in a crosscultural setting. The course sequence involves four three unit courses al l listed under SST 530 Seminar: Topics in Intercultural Health Care. The four courses, offered consecutivelyover a two year period are: SST 530 (01 ) Crosscultural Health Care Delivery SST 530 (02) Personal Health Main tenance Abroad SST 530 (03) Anthropology of Cross cultural Health Care SST 530 (04) Management Strate gies in Crosscultural Health Care. The crosscultural health care practicum is arranged for ei ther three or six units credit and is designated as: SST 530 (05) lntercultural Cl inical Practicum. Cognate courses which are highly recommended for those pursuing the Crosscu ltural Health Care emphasis are: SCL 702 Social Organization, SCL 622 Intercultural Communication and SST 722 Spiritual Conflicts in Cross cultural Context. M.A. in Missions The M.A. in Missions is a 62-unit program. However, students with quali fied undergraduate strength may grad uate with fewer units, though in no case fewer than 32 units, of which at least 24 must be taken at Biola University. In order to graduate the student must do the following: A. Complete the required courses listed below: I. 16 units of core consisting of: SCL 500, 520; SHM 640 or 550; SST 560 or SCL 702; SST 562, 661. 2. 30 units of Bible/ theology including SHM 751, SST 722. 3. 16 units ofmissiology/ inter cultural studies electives. B. Successfullypass the comprehensive examination over coursework. Those who have two or more years of prior missionary service may select to submit an acceptable thesis chosen in consultation with their advisor in lieu of the comprehensive examination. Copies are to be sub mitted to the librarian, as per Uni versity and school requirements. C. Maintain a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The student must complete the program in no more than five years.
Exceptions may be made in cases where furlough time is not sufficient to complete the program in five years. TOEFL is required for interna tional applicants along with proof of their ability to support themselves. Summer Institute of Linguistics In cooperation with the Summer Institute of Linguistics and Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA, Biola offers an intensive 18 week program for students planning to work in cross-<:ultural mis sions combining five courses in descriptive linguistics (SCL 505, 508, 5I2, 514, 517) taught by SIL personnel, and two anthropology courses (SCL 520, SHM 640) taught by Biola faculty. The 21 unit program is offered during lnterterm and Spring term. Doctor of Missiology (1) Residence and Course Work Aminimum of one year (typically two semesters and a summer) of resi dence is required for the doctorate. Whi le the doctorate is not awarded simply for completion of stated course work, there are basic unit require ments for the degree (33 semester units beyond the M.A.). Afaculty advi sor will guide the student in planning a program of courses that will best serve his or her needs. Admission into the graduate program of the School of lntercultural Studies does not guaran tee completion of the doctoral degree. The D.Miss. student will complete a minimum of 33 semester hours in intercultural studies and missiology. This core will consist of: 9 units: SHM 550, SST 661 or SHM 540, SHM 742 6 units: Missiology or intercultural studies electives to be detem ined in consultation with the advisor. 5 units: Biblical/ theological studies, consisting of SST 722 and two units of elective. 13 units: Dissertation research and writing, consisting of: SCL 803, SCL 879, SOS 880. (2) Time Limit for Degree Completion All course and academic require ments for the D.Miss. degree must be completed within 10 years, beginning on the date of the student's first regis tration. Petitions for extension beyond IO years wi ll be considered on a case by case basis for students who may need extensive field experience or field research requirements.
The M.A. in lntercultural Studies is a 42- unit program for the qualified applicant; in cases of extensive under graduate work in intercultural stud ies / missions it may be reduced to a minimum of 32 units. Students with little or no academic or practical/field preparation in intercultural studies ....!lJ and/ or bibl ical and theological areas may, at the discretion of the academic advisor and in consultation with the student be required to take additional units, such as SCL 300 or SHM 640, SCL 310 or 413, BE 517, 519, 520 and bibli cal/theological electives. In order to graduate the student must do the following: A. Complete the required courses listed below: I. 16 units of core consisting of:
SCL 500, 501 , 503 or SST 560, SCL 520 or 622 , SST 562; and SHM 751 or SHM 550.
2. 6 units of Bible/ theology 3. 20 units of advisor-approved electives. Astudent may choose to focus electives in areas of specialization such as anthropology, missiology, Bible translation , linguistics, TESOL, etc. B. Successfully pass a comprehensive examination over coursework. C. Maintain a 3.0grade point aver age on a 4.0 scale. Crosscu/tura/ Education Emphasis The crosscultural education empha sis in the M.A. Intercultural Studies is designed to equip teachers, trainers, consultants, etc. in crosscultural aspects of the educational process, interna tional literacy, and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL). The Master of Arts in lntercultural Studies core is required with the addition of SST 575 and 765. Some electives may be selected, in consultation with the stu dent ' s advisor, from graduate leve l courses in the Departments of Educa tion and Christian Education. Crosscu/tural Health Care Emphasis The graduate emphasis in Cross cultural Health Care is designed for both professionals and non-profes sionals who expect to be engaged in various forms of health care educa tion, practice or community based development programs. The empha-
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