

SCL 508 Introduction to Language in Social Context (3) In troduction to the study of language as a social phenomenon and the multi­ lingual norm of many societies; to the structural, historical and comparative dimensions of language; to second lan­ guage acquisitions; and to the relation­ ship between written and oral forms . SCL 510 General Linguistics (3) The studyof descriptive lingui stics and its relevancy in language learning and Bible translation. May be repeated with different content. SCL 511 Language Learning and Lin­ guistics (3) Applying linguistic techniques to learn how to speak another language. The theory and prac ti ce of the LAMP method of language learning. Fee: $125. SCL 512 Phonological Theory (3) Spec ial probl ems in phonological ana lys is from var ious languages including abstract phonology. Prereq­ uisite: 413 & 414. SCL 514 Grammatical Theory (3) An introduction to the theory of dis­ course linguist ics; consideration of various levels of smface grammar and semantic underlay, with application to differe nt languages. Prerequisite: 417 & 418. SCL 517 Field Methods in Linguistics (3) Extensive work ing with speakers of non Indo-European languages: special emphasis on collecting and analyz ing language data, and on developing a language-learning program. Require­ ment: Completion of/ or simultaneous enrollment in SCL 512 & 514. SCL 520 Interpersonal and lntercul­ lural Adjustment (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interper­ sonal adjustment with nationals and ot her missionar ies; language, va lue confli cts , status an d role, cult ur e shock, stereotypes, cultural limitations and related topics. SCL 531 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A study of non-caucasian et hni c groups in the light of their hi storical and socio-cultural background. Prac­ ti cal field exper ience in an ethnic communi ty. Fee: $35. SCL 532 Peoples of the World (3) Specific area studies with emph asis on customs, social structures, re ligi on, arts, history and intercultural commu­ nication. One or mor e sect ions offered every year in areas such as:

Afr ica, Asia, Native America, Middl e East, South Pac ific, Europe. May be repeated with different course content. SCL 601 Contemporary Anthropological Theory (3) Explores the key theoretical perspectives employed in ntltural anthropology today to criticallyevaluate their utility for cross­ culniral research. Topics include cul­ tural materiali sm, su-ucturalism, func­ tionalism, transaction and process, cul­ rural ecology, political economy, etc. SCL 606 Nature of Anthropological Inquiry (2) Exp lanation of the relationships between anthropological theory, prob­ lem defini tion, research strategy and methodology , data co ll ec ti on and analysis, and generalization and appli­ cation. Prerequisite: SCL 60 1. SCL 621 Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3) Study of the inter-relationships of lan­ guage and socie ty in areas such as fo lk­ lore, worl dview, bilingualism, personal­ ity, classifications and other topics. SCL 622 lntercultural Communication (3) Prin ciples and processes of commun i­ cati ng from one cu lture to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, val ues , non-verbal expres­ sion, language expression and sub­ groups wi thin a culture as they relate to

SHM 556 World Religions (2-3)

room interaction. Required of M.Div. Missions students. Prerequisites: PT 602; Completion of 64 hours of the M.Div. program for 791, 792. SCL 803 Qualitative Research (2) An advanced cou rse on th e ethno­ graph ic method , emphasizi ng rigor­ ous research design and quality con­ trol with specific reference to educa­ tional research. SCL 879 Research Design (3) Development and refinement of the docto ral dissertat ion proposal through preparation , presenta tion an d critique of proposal drafts and examination and discussion of issues related to dissertation research. SCL 897-898 Research Seminar (3, 2) Discussion and application of the central areas of Practical Theology research and re lated fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identificat ion of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the resuhs. Required fo r the first semester of the Th.M. Miss ions program. A seco nd semester may be taken to continue research in the area of in terest. History and Theology of Missions SHM 540 Principles of Church Planting (3) Astudy of the biblical mandate to estab­ lish local churches among all of the peoples making up mankind. Special emphasis on intercultural church plant­ ing among the unreached peoples of As ia, Africa, Latin America and the eth­ nic minorities of the western world. SHM 546 The Historical Development of the World Christian Movement (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Christian faith from the aposto li c period until today. Emphasis is given to the modern era, especiallycontemporary growth dynam­ ics in Africa,Asia and Latin America. SHM 550 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach to Chri st­ ian theologizing; interrelationships between supracu ltu ral Chri sti anity and human cultures. Focus on con­ version, reve lation, commun ica ti on, transformation of culture, contextual­

The distinctive features of the his­ torical ethnic religions , with special emphasis on their comparison and encoun ter with Ch ristiani ty and their bearings upon missionary strategies. SHM 640 Applied Anthropology for Christian Workers (3) Study of man , culture , and environ­ ment with special emphasis on th e manner in which their relationship with one anot her is affected by change agents such as mi ssionaries, educators and development workers. SHM 655 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3) An overview and critique of the differ­ ent theologies of mission advocated by various branches of the Church begin­ ning with Edinburgh 1910 to the liber­ ation theology debate of our day. SHM 691-692 Tutorial (3, 3) A se lf-study course for expe ri enced fi eld workers, under direction of a fac­ ul ty mentor, in the subject area of the D.Miss. core requirement. This course is limi ted to D.Miss. students who can demonstrate prior knowl­ edge and competence in the subject area of the required core. SHM 732 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A survey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various church planting st rategies used around the world . Identifies key factors which the church planter can impl ement in a context specifi c, phase-out oriented church planting strategy. SHM 742 The History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective (3) A review of missiological literature that traces the spread and development of Christiani ty as a world movement, from Pentecost to the modern era. Special attention is give to the kind(s) of Chris­ tianity that spread; the process(es) by which it spread; the effect Christiani ty had on the socio-cultural/political envi­ ronment(s); and the effect environ­ ment had on Christianity and its subse­ quent development. SHM 751 Theology of Mission (3) An examin ation of the theo logica l foundations of mission derived from a study of the history of salvation. This will encompass a study of the mission give n to Israel and to the Church including some interac tion with con­ temporary theologies of mission.

the media and the message. SCL 691-692 Tutorial (3, 3)

Aself-study course for experienced field workers, under direction of a facu lty mentor, in the subject area of the D.Miss. core requirement. This course is limi ted to D.Miss. students who can demonstrate prior knowledge and competence in the

subject area of the required core. SCL 702 Social Organization (3)

Cross-cultura l study of the basi c human groups of fami ly, kin and com­ munity, engaging the student in field methodology and research, and appli­ cation of principles and data of social organi za tion to mission strategy. SCL 705 Semantics (3) Studyof systems of symbols or "signs," examination of structures underlying cu ltural act ivity from fundamen tal level of individua l sign creat ion to more complex systems. SCL 791 -792 Field Internship (2 , 2) Integration of all the disciplines of ministry and seminary education. It provides supervised experience in vari­ ous phases of Christian ministry. One hundred hours of fi eld experience each semeste r are evaluated in class-

ization and other related topi cs. SHM 555 Introduction to World Missions (3)

The nature of Ch ristian outreach; a study of principles , history and methodology of worldwide missions.

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