

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The Certificate in TESOL requires 16 semester units of prescribed course work, beyond the program prerequi­

Applied linguistics

STE 527 Materials Evaluation and


Preparation ......................... 3


Although language teaching is the most prominent area with in the field of applied linguistics, there are many other areas of importance which lems both in the United States and abroad. Among these are bilingual and multilingual education, language

STE 560 Communicating Values

Chair: HerberrC. Purnell, Ph.D..

through TESOL ................. 1

STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II ......3


sites, with at least nine units taken address language-related human probSAL 614 Second Language

whi le in residency. Practice teaching is required, but there is no compre­

Professor: Purnell

Acquisition ......................... 3

Associate Professors: Chastain,




hensive examination.

The Master of Arts in TESOL is

planning, lexicography, literacy, secM.A. in TESOL comprised of 33 ond language acquisition, testing, semester units of spe­


All the Certificate courses , plus

cific and elective course work, beyond the program prerequisites. The Mas­ ter of Arts in Applied Linguistics requires 31 units plus 12 units of pre­ requisites and intermediate proficiency in a foreign language. Both degrees require a comprehensive examination ,

TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other languages)

translation , and the development or

the following:

modification of writing systems.

STE 62 I Advanced Methods and

English has become the most widely

The Department of TESOL and

Techniques in TESOL... .. .. . 3

used language in the world today, particApplied Linguistics offers a Master's

STE 632 Language Testing and

ularly in the areas of science, commerce

degree in Applied Linguistics to provide

Assessment ..... .... ................. 3

and education. Tens of thousands of stua broad-based academic foundation as

STE or SAL Electives ... ... .... .... ... .......... 8 Bible or World Perspective Elective ... 3

den ts in developing countries are required to learn English in school. Thousands more study English in order

well as practical training in several of

the areas mentioned above. Also, by takbut students choosing to write a thesis

STE 697 Comprehensive

may be exempt from this requirement.

ing specified TESOL courses as one 's

Examination............. ..... . 0

to pursue careers or educational proelectives, it is possible to obtain the CerBoth the M.A. in TESOL, and the track grams demanding English language tificate in TESOL along with the MA in of the M.A. in Applied Linguistics Total


ski lls. Refugees and immigrants to the

which includes the Certificate in

Applied Linguistics.

M.A. in Applied linguistics

United States desire English both to surTESOL, also require practice teaching. vive and to establish themselves in their ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The M.A. program requirements new homeland. There is thus a considerApplicants must meet the qualifimay be reduced for students with a

Prerequisites: (May be taken concurrently

with program CQUrses.)

able demand for qualified teachers of

Bible or Theology ............................... 3

cations specified in the Admission to the School of lntercultural Studies section. In addition to these, foreign

background in TESOL, linguistics, or English , but the minimum number of graduate units required for the M.A. is 32 , of which 24 must be taken at Biola. A minimum of 12 units must be taken in coursework on campus. All students must successfully complete all required coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0

English both here and abroad.

....... 3

Introduction to Linguistics

To help meet the need for trained

Phonetics or Phonology ...................... 3

teachers of English as a Second Lanapplicants who are non-native English guage (ESL) or English as a Foreign Lanspeakers are required to submit their


.................. ....




guage (EFL), the Deparnnent of TESOL

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign

and Applied Linguistics offers two reguLanguage) results. The TOEFL must

Regular Program:

lar programs in TESOL: a Certificate in

STE 541 Intercultural Communication

have been taken within the past five

TESOL and an MA in TESOL. The proyears. A score of 550 or higher is

for Teachers ...... . ....... ... ...... 3

grams are academically rigorous, yet focus on the practical aspects of teaching in a variety of settings. The deparnnent also seeks to serve teachers desiring to continue their professional advancement

required for admission to the graduSAL 51 I Applied Linguistics ............3 to qualify for graduation.

ate programs in the department.

SAL 614 Second Language


Because ESOL teachers are

Acquisition ......................... 3

expected to have a high degree of comPROGRAM


SAL 648 Discourse Analysis ...... SAL 668 Seminar in Applied

petence in written Engl ish, all new

or upgrade their qualifications, and nonIn cooperation with the Education graduate students, both native and degree students interested in gaining non-n,ative English speakers , are basic teaching or tutoring skills, by offerguistics provides courses which can


Department, TESOL and Applied LinLinguistics....

SAL 677 Research Design and

required to take the department's Writ­ ing Proficiency Exam. If the results of

Statistics.. .

.... .. 3

ing a variety of separate courses, from

enable teachers who are working

introductory to advanced.

toward or who already hold a Cali forSTE 509 Structure of English the exam indicate that additional work The Certificate in TESOL is a onenia Teaching Credential to gain a sup(required for the Certificate in written grammar and composition is year full-time program designed to plementary authorization in "Introin TESOL) needed to enable a student to perform enable post-baccalaureate students to ductory English as a Second Lanor at the level expected for this field , he develop both a solid academic foundaguage." Those interested should conLinguistics Elective (500-600 level) ....3 or she will be expected to take and pass tion in second language pedagogy and sult with both departments for details. STE or SAL Electives.. ..................8 one of the special studies courses, SS practical ski ll s in teaching English in Bible or World Perspective Elective.......3 500 or SS 501, described below. cross-cultural situations. Pan-time stuCURRICULUM SAL 697 Comprehensive All graduate programs in the dents also may enroll in the program, Examination.......................0 department require as a prerequisite a The MA in TESOL, which takes up minimum of three semester units of Total 31 taking up to three years to complete it. Prerequisites: (May be taken concurrently with program CQUrses. ) to two years for completion of the course acceptable Bible or theology courseBible or Theology..... .........3 To obtain the Cert ificate in work, encompasses the goal of the certifiwork at the upper division or graduate Introduction to Language TESOL, the following courses must be cate program plus the additional goal of level in addition to specified programand Linguistics.. ...............3 taken in place of the above electives: broader academic training. based prerequisites. The M.A. in Intercultural Communication ....3 STE 525 Introduction to TESOL.. ....3 Emphases of the TESOL graduate Applied Linguistics also has a linguistics Total 9 STE 527 Materials Evaluation and programs are, in order of priority: appl iand a foreign language requirement as Certificate in TESOL Preparation ... ...3 cation of theory to teaching, language a program prerequisite. Prerequisites pedagogy, linguistic theory, cross-culmay be taken wncurrenlly with regular proSTE 509 Structure of English ...........3 STE 560 Communicating Values tural communication, materials design, gram cQUrses /mt shQUui nonnally be comSTE 525 Introduction to TESOL or through TESOL ..... .. ...... ..... ! program administration, and research. pleted /Jy the end of the first year. STE 55 I ESL Methods and Materials 3 STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II ......3

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