

SAL 648 Discourse Analysis (3) Exami nation of language in its com­ municative co ntexts. Covers th ree main areas : text analysis , discourse analysis proper (oral and written ),

Applied linguistics SAL 507 Introduction to Language and linguistics (3) In troduction to basic concepts in the sc ientific study of language, major areas of linguistic analysis, and several sub-fields of linguistics important for ESOL teac hers. Prerequisite for grad­ uate courses in Appli ed Linguistics. SAL 511 Applied linguistics (3) Introduction to theoretical and practi­ cal issues in applied linguistics, focusing on several important areas; e.g., bilin­ gual education , lexicography, literacy, orthography design , social dialects and education, and translation. SAL 574 Practicum in Second Lan­ guage and Culture Learning (3) Field experience in independent lan­ guage learn ing and cul tural investiga­ tion , using student-developed language texts and ethnographic inter.1ewing. SAL 584 Articulatory Phonetics (3) Discrimination , transc ripti on, and production of speech sounds. SAL 585-586 Topics in Applied linguis­ tics (1-3) Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Titles offered include: A. Contrasti ve Analysis B. ESL Dictionaries C. New Englishes in the Th ird World D. History of Engli sh SAL 614 Second language Acquisition (3) Examination of the various factors , especially indivi dual , sociological, and psychological, which enter into the process of acquiring a second lan­ guage. Includes discussion of learn­ ing stra tegies as we ll as autonomous learn in g inside an d ou tside of the classroom. SAL 646 Sociolinguistics (3) Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and culture, lan­ guage and socia l change , eth ni city, language co ntact, language policy, ethnography of communi ca tion, and social aspects of conversation.

and pedagogical appli cations. SAL 668 Seminar in Applied linguistics (2)

In-depth examination of some main areas of applied linguist ics . Top ics vary, depending on class interests. SAL 677 Research Design and Statistics (3) Introduction to principles and proce­ dures of research design and basic sta­ tistics used in social sciences, particu­ larly teacher-conducted research in second language classrooms. Prerequi­ site: basic computer li teracy. SAL 690 Independent Study (1-3) Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in appl ied li nguis­ tics. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a facu lty professor of record. SAL 695 Research Seminar (1) Guidance in the developme nt of a th esis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis state­ ment , proposal , outlin e, and working bibliography. Prerequisites: (a) permission of instructor (b) no more than six units of course- work remai nin g. SAL 696 Research Paper (1) A paper based on classroom research, literature re\1ew, or the design of a syl­ labus or approp,iate teaching mateiials. Prerequisite: 695. SAL 697 Comprehensive Examination (0) An examination cover in g the major knowledge areas of the field. Nor­ mally taken in the final semester. Stu­ dents choosi ng to write a thesis will not be required to take a comprehen­ sive examination. SAL 699 M.A. Thesis (3) Research for and writing of an M.A. the­ sis. Students choosing to write a thesis 1111! not be required to take a compre­ hensive examination. Prerequisite: 695 and consent of M.A. commi ttee.

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