GEORGE M. NISHIDA Professor of Sociology, I964 BA, Pasadena College; MA, California State University, Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Riverside. EDWARD H. NORMAN Professor of Phys ical Education, 1962 Dean of Continuing Studies B.S. , Springfield College; M.A., Ball State University; Ed.D., University of Southern California. ELIZABETH G. NORMAN Associate Professor of Phys ical Education, 1962 B.S. , Taylor University; M.A., Ball State University. MATTHEW C. ORR Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1973 BA, Biola College; M.A., California State University, Fullerton. MARLIN OWEN Associate Professor of Music, 1982 B.S., Mankato State University; M.A., University of California, San Diego. RAPHAEL PAYNE Professor of Biological Science, 1970 BA, Westmont College; M.S., Ph.D. , University of Nebraska. C. DAVID PETERS Professor of Political Science, 1966 BA, M.A., Ph.D., Uni versity of Oklahoma. RONALD W. PIERCE Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1976 B.A.,John Brown University; M.Div., Th.M. , Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Fuller Theological Seminary. PATRICIA L. PIKE Associate Professor of Psychology, 1983 Editor,Journal of Psychology and Theology BA, M.A., Ph.D. , Un iversity of Hawaii. PAULL. POELSTRA Professor of Psychology, 1963; Director of Summer Session and lnterterm, BA, Biola College; M.A., Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. KATHERINE B. PURGASON Associate Professor ofTESOL, 1991 BA, Oberlin College; M.A. , University of Pittsburgh, Ph .D., University of
A BOYD LUTER.JR. Associate Professor of Bible Exposition, I988 B.S., Mississippi State Unive rsi ty; Th.M. , Ph.D. , Dallas Theological Seminary. ROBERT LUTER Inmuctor of Physical Science, 1992 B.S., University ofTexas at Austin; M.S., Air Force Institute ofTechnology; M.Div., Biola University. GARY L. MCINTOSH Associate Professor of Practical Theology, I986; Director, Doctor of Ministry program BA, Rockmont College; M.Div., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary. WlLLlAM M. MCQUEEN,JR Associate Professor of Psychology, 1978. B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of South Carolina. PATRICIA MIERSMA Assistant Professor of Nursing, I992 R.N.,Tacoma General Hospital School of Nursing; B.S., Biola University; M.N. , University of California, Los Angeles. RICHARD J MOHLINE Associate Professor of Practical Theology, 1970; Dean ofAdministration, Rosemead School of Psychology BA,Wheaton College; M.Div., Gordon Conwell Seminary; M.Ed., Loyola University, Chicago. JAMES P. MORELAND Professor of Christian Thought, 1990 B.S. , University of Missouri; M.A., Universi ty of California, Riverside; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph .D. , University of Southern California. NANCY MURPHY Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1984 B.S. , Wheaton College; M.S.N., Califor- nia State University, Dominquez Hills.
PAUL KULD Associate Professor of Biological Science, I969 BA, M.A., California State University, Long Beach. NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1959 BA, Grace College; Th.B. B.D. , Th.M., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary. LLOYD E. KWAST Professor of Intercultural Studies, I972 BA, Cal ifornia Baptist Theological Seminary; M.R.E., B.D. , American Bap- tist Seminary of the West; M.A., D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary. TODD LEWlS Professor of Communication, 1974 BA, Biola College; MA, Ohio State Uni- versity; Ph.D. , Louisiana State University. RICHARD J LEYDA Assistant Professor of Christian Education, 1989 BA, University ofTexas; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminary. BARRY LIESCH Professor of Music, 1974 B.M., University of British Columbia; M.A., State University of New York, Binghamton; Ph.D. , University of California, San Diego. ALBERT CHIH-SHION LIN Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1977 B.P., Taipei Medical College; Ph.D. , State University of New York, Buffalo. MARYANN LIND Associate Professor of History, 1991 BA , M.A. , Colorado State College; Ph.D., University of Colorado. JUDITH E. LINGENFELTER Associate Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1983 BA Wheaton College; M.L.S., State University of New York at Geneseo; Ph .D., University of Pittsburgh. SHERWOOD LINGENFELTER Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1983 Provost and Senior Vice President BA, Wheaton College; Ph .D. , University of Pittsburgh. WlLLlAM LOCK Professor of Music, 1964 A.R.C.T., Royal Conservatory of Music; B.M. , M.M., MacPhail College of Music; D.M.A. , University of Southern California.
SANDRA HOLT Assistant Professor of English, 1991 BA, M.A., California State University, Fullerton. JOHN C. HUTCHISON Associate Professor ofBible Exposition, 1990 B.S. ,Washington State University; M.Div., Th.M., Western Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D. , Dallas Theological Seminary. BRIAN INGRAFFIA Assistant Professor of English, 1993 BA, UniversityofTexas,Austin; MA, Ph.D., University ofCalifornia, !Jvine. JOHN A. INGRAM Associate Professor of Psychology, 199 I BA, Oklahoma Baptist University; M.A., East Carolina University; Ph.D. , University of South Carolina. KLAUS ISSLER Associate Professor of Christian Education, I991 BA, California State University, Long Beach; Th.M. , Dallas Theological Seminary; M.A., University of California, Riverside ; Ph.D. , Michigan State University. DORIS YJOHNSON Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1991 R.N., St Luke's Hospital; BA, M.A., College of St Scholastica. REX E. JOHNSON Associate Professor of Practical Theo!- ogy, 1976; Director of Pastoral Care and Counseling programs, Director of Lifelong Learning Program BA, University of California, Los Angeles; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., Biola College. JOHN E. KELLEY Associate Professor of Psychology, 1980 Director ofBiola Counseling Center BA, MA, Ph.D., University of Arizona. JEFF KENNEDY Instructor of Music, 1989 BA, California State University, Fullerton. MARGUERITE G. KRAFT Associate Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1973 B.S., Wheaton College; M.A., Hartford Seminary Foundation; D.Miss. , Ph .D. , Fuller Theological Seminary. BARRY KRAMMES Associate Professor of Art, 1983 B.F.A., University ofWisconsin- Eau Claire; M.F.A. , University of Wisconsin-Madison.
S. BRUCE NARRAMORE Distinguished Professor of Psychology, 1970
BA, Westmont College; M.A., Pepperdine College; M.A. , Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Kentucky. THOMAS L. NASH
Associate Professor of Communication, 1977
B.S.,John Brown University; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University. E. LEROY NEAL Associate Professor of Physical Education, I988 AB., Occidental College; M.A., San Diego State University.
California, Los Angeles. HERBERT C. PURNELL Professor ofTESOL, 1991
AB., Wheaton College; M.A., Hartford Seminary; Ph.D. , Cornell University.
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