MIDDLE EAST STUDIES PROGRAM The Middle East Studies Program is sponsored by the Ch ristian Co llege Coalition , of which Biola University is a member. This program provides students with the opportu nity to live and study for four months in the Middle East. The students locate in Cairo, Egypt, studying the Arabic lan guage, Peoples of the Middles East, Islam, and the Middle East conflict. The last two weeks of the program will be spent in Israel, including a visit to the West Bank to explore the ongoing efforts for peace between Arabs and Israelis. For additional information and application, see Or. Marguerite Kraft, or make inquiry through the Department oflntercultural Studies. BIOLA-CHINA Biola in China is an Interterm educational program designed to give Biola students a comprehensive in troduc tion to modern Chinese society. Participants travel to Ch ina, usually via Hong Kong, for a three week tour to historic, archaeological and scenic sites. Lectures and discussions concerning China's historic development and emergence as a nation in the modern world are arranged utilizing Chinese professors as lecturers. Biola cred it is offered for completion of the course requirements associated with the study tour. Pre-tour preparation sessions are held in the fall semester for participants in the program. Second semester sophomore standing and a prerequisite course in Asian history or Chi nese society is normally required. For additional information and appli cations on the pro gram see Or. Donald E. Douglas, Dean, School of Intercul tural Studies. STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM IN KOREA The International Student Exchange Program provides Biola students with the opportunity to study at a Christian university in Korea. Presently, students can study in English at Yonsei University and Han Nam University in Korea. Stu dents can go for one or two semesters if they have finished their first year at Biola with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Korean and English speaking students are all welcome to apply. For additional information and an application, contact the Departmen t of International Student Education. AU SABLE INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Biola University is a participating member of Au Sable Institute, a Christian environmental stewardship institute, whose mission is to bring healing and wholeness to the bios phere and the whole of creation. In a setting of northern Michigan forests, wetlands, lakes and rivers, studen ts take courses, gain field experience, and develop practical tools for environmental stewardship. Several courses offered in the summer and intertermmay be used for upper division elective units in the biology major. Financial assistance is available from Au Sable. Interested students should obtain information and forms from the Department ofBiological Sciences.
AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM The American Studies Program is sponsored by the Chris tian College Coalition of which Biola University is a member. This semester-long program is based in Washington, D.C., and provides study/ internship opportunities for junior or senior level students in most of the majors. For additional information see the Political Science section, or make inquiry with Or. David Peters in the Department of Political Science. BIOLA·BAJA Biola-Baja is a three-week Interterm field trip to Baja Cali fornia, Mexico, to study the natural history of the Baja penin sula. The program uses the Vermilion Sea Field Station in Bahia de Los Angeles on the Sea of Cortez as a base of opera tions. Students receive three units of either general educa tion science credit (Bio 120 Current Topics - Plant and Ani mal Studies) or upper division biology elective credit (Bio 333 Natural History of Baja California) by studying the systemat ics, distribution, behavior and ecology of common plants and animals in a field setting. An emphasis is placed on desert ecology, bird and whale migrations and natural resource management. Enrollment is limited to 20 students who must be in good health and physical condition. The trip fee covers the cost of food, camping, boat use, field station rental, and transportation. For additional information and an applica tion see Dr. Rafe Payne, Department of Biological Science. LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM The Latin American Studies Program is sponsored by the Christian College Coalition, of which Biola University is a member. This program provides students the opportunity to live , study and work for four months in Central America, most of which is spent in Costa Rica. Students spend six-weeks in intense language study, and par ticipate in two three-week seminars on the history and problems of Central America and on the role of the church in the region. Three weeks are spent in travel through Central America. Students of biological sciences may participate in a tropical science curriculum during a portion of the program. Market ing students have a similar option in international marketing. For additional information and application see Or. David Dickson, or make inquiry through the Department of Foreign Languages. RUSSIAN STUDIES PROGRAM The Christian College Coalition's Russian Studies Program is offered each semester. The students spend two weeks in Moscow, approximately ten weeks in Nizhn}j Novgorod (the cen ter of the privatization and joint-venture experiment now taking place in Russia), and about three weeks in St. Petersburg. They receive ongoing intensive language instruction, as well as Russian history and culture. Full academic credit is available for comparable Biola courses. Information and applications are available from Or. JayShanor in the Foreign Language Department.
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