



106 Art of the Past (Historical Survey) (4) A survey of the development of West­ ern art and architec ture fr om its ancient origi ns through the Impres­ sionist movement. Basic characteristics and concepts of style, iconographyand technique are di scussed in relationship to religion , socioeconomic, intellectual and cultural trends. Three hours lec­ ture, one hour discussion. Fee: $20. 107 Basic Drawing (3) An introduction to drawing, perspec­ ti ve , line, shape, val ue texture and composition. Fee: $25. 108 Basic Figure Drawing (3) An introduction to fundamenta ls of drawing the human figure from ges­ ture to fini shed work. Emphas is on shape, form, value, structure and indi­ vidual expression. Fee: $50. 110 Basic Design (3) A basic founda tion course lo establi sh visual design concepts. This course examines elements and principles of two-dimensional design. Fee :$35. 111 Three-Dimensional Design (3) Basic techniques in three-dimensional form. Introduction includes prepara­ tion of drawings, models and con­ strnction. Fee: $35. 130 Introduction to Studio Arts (3) A study of the primary historical stylis­ tic periods of man's work in the visual arts. Classroom experience will allow for hands-on experience in working with a vari ety of materials in both 2-D and 3-D medi a. For non-art majors only. Fee: $50. 203 Illustration I (3) Exploration of various illustration materials and tech niques. For graphic design majors only. Fee: $25. 21 0 Sculpture I (3) Introduction to the methods, materi­ als, and tools of sculpture and general concepts of sculptural form. Fee: $50. 211 Ceramics I (3) An introduction to whee l techn ique and beginning throwing ski lls. Formu­ lation of basic glaze applications in the development of fire ceramics will be emphasized. Fee: $50. 212 Printmaking I (Intaglio/Relief) (3) An introduction to the language of etching and the wood block print, with emphasis on the development of ideas and experimentati on in black and white. Prerequisite: I07. Fee:$55.

213 Painting I (3) Basic color theory and painting tech­ niques. Traditional to contemporary styles will be explored. Prerequisite: 107 or consent. Fee: $25. 221 Photography I (3) Experience in fundamentals of black and whi te photography covering both creative and technical aspects. Fee: $45. (See also Communication 245) 304 Ceramics II (3) Continued individual development in al l areas of ce rami cs. Introducing vessel construction fromhand-built techniques, low fire glaze applications and introduc- tions in firing the kilns. Fee: $50. 305 Sculpture II (3) Emphasizes sculptural aesthetics and appropriate technology. Students will be involved with formulating a con­ ceptual and technical basis for ongo­ ingwork. Fee: $50. 306 Elementary Art Workshop (3) Developing and preparing art projects suitable for elementary school pupil s. For liberal studies majors. Fee: $50. 307 Intermediate Drawing (3) Explorati on of the overlapping rela­ tionships found in mi xed media draw­ ing. Experimenta tion is encouraged, with emphas is being placed on fin ­ ished works of art. Fee: $25. 308 Painting II (3) Concentration on developing imagina­ tive reso urces of the indi vidual through th e use of oils and acrylics . Color, shape, image, visual , ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisite: 213or consent. Fee: $25. 309 Figure Painting (3) An introduction to fundamentals of painting the human figure from ges­ ture to finished work. Color th eory and painting tec hn iques to be explored. lnterterm only. Fee: $50. 31 0 Printmaking II (Serigraphy/Monoprints) (3) An introduction to screen-printing techniques and other mixed medi a alternative printmak ing methods, including monoprinting. Prerequi­ site: 212. Fee: $55. 311 20th Century Art History (3) The history of painting, sculpture and architecture from 1890 to 1970. Major aesthetic issues that shaped 20th cen­ tury art will be examined. Fee: $20.

107, 11 0, I l l , 210,3 11,315,325,348, 424, 425, 444, 445, Commun ications 251 , 352, 353, 356, 357, 358, 359, 452. Graphic Design (64 units) Graphi c Design emphasis majors must complete the fo llowing: 106, 107, 108, 110, 111 , 203, 213, 221 , 311, 312, 313, 315 or 332, 318,320 or 322, 32 1, 412, 4I9, 420, 424, 425, 435 or 460. Art Secondary Education (70 units) Art Education emph as is majors must comp lete th e following: I04 , 106, 107, 108, 110, I l l , 210, 21 1,212, 213, 22 1, 304, 310, 311 , 313, 315 or 332 , 325, 409 , 460 , Psycho logy 200 , Education 300, 330, 425 and 435. Pre-Art Therapy (64 units) Pre-Art Therapy emphasis majors must compl ete the following: I06 , 107, 108, 110, Ill , 210,2 11 ,212,213, 305,308,3 11 ,315 or 332,426, 430 , 435 , three credits of upper division art electives, Psychol ogy 200, 309, 411 , and either 320, 32 1, or 322; Biology 100 , Sociology 220 or lntercultural Studies 300. The pre-art th era py emphasis is part of an "Interdisciplinary Option " within the Art Department designed to prepare the undergraduate stude nt for later graduate study in art therapy at an accredited graduate program. Note: UJmpletion ofart majorfulfills the general eduauion rel/1tirement for fine arts. MINORS An Art Minor is offered with com­ pletion of lower division courses 100, 107, 11 0, plus 12 units of upper divi­ sion courses totaling 21units. A Graphic Design Art Minor is offered with the completion of lower division courses 107, 110 , 22 1, and upper division courses 312, 313, 419, and 420 for a total of 21 units. COURSES 100 Art Appreciation (3) An introduction to the history of art crit­ icism and aesthetics; a visual analysis of works of art; comparative studies on se lected paintings and scu lptures. Designed for non-majors. Fee: $25. 104 Crafts (3) Introductory studies on various forms of handicrafts, including wood , metal art and fibers. Fee: $50.

Chair: Barry Krammes, M.F.A. FACULTY Associate Professors: Callis, Feldman, Krammes OBJECTIVES The Art Department seeks to aid in th e deve lopment of men and women for the li fe and production of the artist; to provide guidance in the development of a biblicaJ ·philosophy of art that relates to the person , his Crea tor and in turn , to the wor ld. Upon compl eti on of th e art major , the student shou ld have begun to deve lop an adequate foun dat iona l understand in g of various areas of expression. Through development of skills, ph ilosophy and hi storical per­ spectives of art, the Biola graduate should be prepared for postgraduate study or a career in art in either secu­ lar or Christian related enterprises. DEGREE PROGRAMS A Bachelor of Arts degree in Art is offered upon completion of the univer­ sity baccalaureate and major require­ ments. The art major requires the com­ pletion of 52 units, consisting of the fol­ lowing: 106, 107, 108, 110, 111 , 210 , 21 1, 212, 213, 304, 305 , 308, 310, 311 , 315, and six units of 400 level electives. A Bachelar of Science degree in Art is offered upon completion of the univer­ sity baccalaureate and the art major in one of the following emphases: studio arts, graphic design , art educa tion, or pre-art therapy. Each of these four con­ centrations offer additional choices for focused study. MAJORS Studio Arts (64 units) Drawing and Painting emphasis majors must complete: I06, I07, 108, 110,1 11,210, 212,213,221, 307,308, 309 or 413, 310, 311 , 315 or 332, 318, 319,325,414,427,460. Drawing and Printmaking empha­ sis majors must complete the following: 106, 107, 108, 11 0, Il l , 210, 212,213, 221,307,310,311, 315 or 332,318,319, 322, 325,408 or 421, 417, 427, 460. Three Dimens iona l emphasis majors must complete the foll owing: 106,107,108,110, Ill, 210, 211 , 212, 213, 221, 304, 305, 310, 311 , 315 or 332, 3I8, 325, 427, 460 and six upper division electives in either ceramics or sculpture. Fi lm and Video emph asis majors must complete the following: I06 ,


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