252 Human Anatomy (3) An introduction to the basic structure and function of the human body. Lab oratory emphasis varies from section to section to meet the needs of the dif ferent majors. Cadavers are used. Two hours lectures, one hour pre-lab, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $30.
301 Vertebrate Biology (4) The biology of vertebrates, stressing structure and function. Laboratory dis section of representative vertebrates (shark, mud puppy, cat) emphasizes comparative anatomy. Prerequisite: 112. Alternate years. Lab fee: $25. 310 Prosection (1-2) An introduction to the human body through dissection and demonstration of a se lected portion of a human cadaver. Thirty hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: consent. Dissection fee $30. (May be repeated for a maxi mum of two units credit. ) 311 Neurobiology (4) Analyzes synoptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction and between neutrons of the CNS. Emphasis on understanding cellular organization and neurophysiology of major subsystems of the vertebrate nervous system, with par ticular attention to the brain, visual sys tem, spinal cord, and autonomic nervous system. Laboratory (four hours) study of sheep and human brain anatomy, with directed experimentation in electrophys iology and phannacology of the periph eral nen•ous system. Alternate years. Prerequisite: 100 or II2. Lab fee : $30. 312 Cell and Molecular Biology (3) Discusses the molecular organization and function of cells and their organell es, with emphasis on chromo some structure, gene expression, mem brane structure and function , energy conversion, and experimental methods used to study subcellular components. Prerequisites: II2 and Chemistry 30 I. 322 Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology (2) Practical application of traditional and current laboratory techniques used in research, including microscopy, histol ogy, chromosomal analysis, isolation and purification of DNA, RNA, and enzymes, analytical biochemistry, and cell culturing. Six hours of laboratory, one hour discussion/ quiz. Prerequi si tes: I I2 and Chemistry 301. Must be taken concurrently with or subsequent to Biology 3I2. Lab fee: $45. 333 Natural History of Baja California (3) Systematics, disoibution, behavior and ecology of the common plants and ani mals of Baja. Emphasis on desert ecol ogy, and bird and whale migrations. The course is a three week field nip to Baja California, Mexico. Offered during interterm on ly. Prerequisites: One course in college Biology. Trip fee: $400.
342 Genetics (3) Integrates principles of Mendelian and molecular genetics toward under standing structure and function of the gene. Emphasizes quantitative analy sis of geneti c data and explores cu r rent issues of genetic engineering from technical and ethical viewpoints. Prerequisites: 312. Alternate years. 352 Marine Biology (4) Introduction to oceanography, marine plant and animal diversity, and ecolog ical re lationships. Research technol ogy emphasized through field trip observation and group experimenta tion. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 110 or 111 . Lab fee: $25. 401 General Ecology (4) An introduction to the general con cepts of the ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems, includ ing physiological ecology, speciation and evolutionary theory. Laboratory includes computer simulations, field work and a research project. Prereq uisite: 112 or 222. Lab fee: $20. 402 Parasitology (4) Taxonomy, li fe history, physiology, ecology, and morphology of animal parasites with emphasis on those affect ing man. Three hours lecture , four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 11 2. Alternate years. Lab fee: $20. 411 Biochemistry I (3) Structures and properties of biomole cular components of ce ll s: including proteins, carbohydrates , lipids , nucleotides, nucleic acids , vitamins and coenzymes, kinetics and mecha nism and regulation of enzyes action in biological systems. Prerequisite: Chemist,y 302. Alternate years. 412 Biochemistry II (3) Mathematical treatment of bioener get ics emphas izing major concepts and problem solving; principles of metabolic processes. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302 (Chemistry 402 recom mended). Alternate years. 422 Laboratory in Biochemistry (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany 411, 412. Modern tech niques in molecular genetics, meta bolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanism. Six hours labora tOiy: one hour discussion / quiz. Pre requisite: Chemistry 30 1 and Biology 411. Offered upon sufficient demand. Lab fee: $40.
431 Developmental Biology (4) Analyzes the molecular, genetic and ce llul ar mechanisms which control development of body form and spe cialized cell types from a single ferti l ized egg, and which maintain stable differentiated states in the adult. Lab oratory emphasizes gametogenesis, vertebrate embryology, histology and directed experimental manipulation of embryos. Prerequisite: 312. Alter nate years. Lab fee: $20. 440 Topics in Advanced Biology (2-3) One section offered each year upon suffi cient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title) . Topics are the following: Endocrinology. Discusses molecular mechanisms of hormone synthesis , release and action on target cells, with emphasis on mammalian neurosecre tory and endocrine systems, which coordinate specialized body function and in0uence behavior. Prerequisites: 11 2,281 and 312. Marine Ecology. Observation and field experimentation with marine organisms. Collection and analysis of ecological data using undenvater tech niques. Prerequisites: 352 and scuba certification. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Lab fee: $35. Immunology. A study of the struc tures and functions of the immun e system, humoral and cell mediated immunity and anal ysis of medically significant disorders of the immune system. Prerequisites: 282 or 312. Microscopy . Theory and applica tion of bright field, dark field, phase contrast , polarizing, scanning and transmission microscopes. Prepara tion techniques of biological materials for , and observation with electron microscopes emphasized. Prerequi sites: 112 or 312. Lab fee: $35. Ornithology. Systematics, distribu tion, physiology, behavior and ecology of birds. Field identification empha sized. Prerequisite: I 00, 110 or I I 2. Transportation fee: $35. 450 Directed Research (1-4) Literature and laboratory or field research of a specific subject or tech nique in biology; advanced students gain experience in experimental design, lab oratory investigation and technical writ ing. Requires a written report. Prereq uisite: junior or senior biological science major standing and consent one semes ter in advance. Lab fee: $30.
262 Natural History of Southern California (3)
A field-oriented course to study and identify the common plants and ani mals found within the major plant and animal communities of Southern Cali fornia. Two hours lecture , four hours laboratory/ field, including one or two extended field trips. Prerequisites: 100, 110 or 112. Transportation fee: $65. 281 Physiology (4) Astudy of the basic concepts of physi ological regulation from the level of the ce ll to the integrated intact organ ism including neural, muscular, and neuro-endocrine regulatory systems. Laboratory including human systems analysis and electrophysiology. Three hours lecture, one hour pre-lab, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Chem istry IO I or I 05. Lab fee: $30. 282 Microbiology (4) A study of microbial organi sms with emphasis on bacteria and viruses , including their morphology, physiol ogy, metabolism and genet ics; host parasite interactions; humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Laboratory practice in handling microorganisms, including identification and culture techn iques. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Chem
istry IOI or l05. Lab fee : $35. 290 Natural History of Marine Mammals (1)
Biology and natural history of marine mammals with special emphasis on the California gray whale . Teaching techniques for marine mammal con
servation and biology. 300 Health Science (3)
Fulfills the teacher certification require ment in health education. Proper nutrition and obesity; mental health and stress management; substance abuse (drugs, tobacco and alcohol); human sexuality; physical fitness and disease; first aid including CPR. Three hours lecture. The course is designed for majors in physical education and/ or teaching credential candidates. Not for general education requirement in the sciences.
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