

School ofBusiness


460 Practicum (1) ■

Marketing (60 units)

Acting Dean: Larry D. Su·and, M.B.A. FACULTY Associate Professors: Black, Buegler, Dill , Strand Assistant Professors: Harman , Woodward, Wong OBJECTIVES The School of Business offers five cunicular emphases leading to a Bache­ lor of Science degree in Business Admin­ isu-ation with concentrations in account­ ing, finance, marketing, management and computer information systems. Each program is structured to give the student broad understanding of the social and economic em1ronment in which Christian business persons function, and provides a common body of knowledge for students who elect this major. Students study economics, finance , management, business law, accounting, and marketing as the core of the major based upon quamitative managemem ski lls. The fi ve individual emphases prepare students through additional specified courses to en ter a career fi eld in those areas, or to select a graduate school upon graduation. It is the purpose of the School of Business to prepare highly skilled, techni­ ca lly competent business persons who have broad preparation in the liberal arts as we ll , and who can make significant comributions in the workplace or in Christian organizations they mayse,ve. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Adm ission into Biola University does not guarantee admission as a business administration major in the School of Business, nor permission to enroll in upper division business administration courses. (Intermediate Accounting excepted). The follm11ng requirements must be observed: A. Complete, with a minimum of a "C" (2.0) grade in each course, Business Statistics 190, Accounting 211 and 212, Economics 201 and 202, English I JOA and 11 OB, and Calculus for Manage­ ment Sciences 223 (24 semester hours), or the equival ent , with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5. Aminimum requirement of 30 hours of General Education (including Bible) must be completed with an overall GPA of2.5. B. Accomplish an overall cumu­ lative GPA of 2.5 in all college level course work completed at the time of formal application to the department baccalaureate programs.

C. File an app licat ion with the School of Business for admission, which shall include an essay, and affum that the above requirements have been achieved eith er at Biola University or another accredited institution. The application should be filed at the completion of the fourth semester 111th a fee of$20. D. Meet approval of the faculty of th e School of Business. The process will require an interview with faculty/ students. This requirement may be wa ived byac tion of the departrnen t. E. Prior to formal admission, stu­ dents shall continue to be advised as pre-business majors. DEGREE PROGRAM A &chelor ofScience Def!;ree in Business Administration is offered upon the com­ pletion of baccalaureate requirements and the business major in one of the fol­ lowing emphases: accounting, finance , marketing, management and computer information systems. Thirty of the required units must be upper di11sion. Other requirements include courses: 190,201 ,202,211,212, 223,230,321, 361,362,370, 415 , 470. The general education requirement for a foreign language for tJ1ose follow­ ing a business administration major may be met by two years of high school lan­ guage or tJ1e first four units of a college language. Business admi nistrat ion majors may use Business I90 and 223 for a math credit toward tJ1e science/mathe­ matics requirements for the general education requirements, but the units cannot be counted in both general edu­ cation and in the major. Philosophy215 is recommended for all business majors. MAJORS Requirements for tJ1e fi ve emphases are as follows: Accounting (60 units) Accounting emphasis majors must complete 311 , 312, 313,3 14,315,325, 407,4 11 , and 412. Computer Information Systems (60 units) Emphasis majors must complete: IO I, 275, 280, 302, 325, 402, 425 and six upper division business electives. Finance (60 units) Finance emphasi s majors must complete: 31 I, 312 or 460, 350, 407,

Marketing emphasis majors must compl ete: 33 1,332,334, 431 ,432, 433 , 435, and two of the fo ll owing: 336, 407, 430 , or 460 (with depart­ ment approval ). MINOR A Minor in Business Adminis­ tra.tion is offered 111th the completion of 18 units (201 ,2 11 ,212,230,370, 4)5) plus six units (190 and 32 1) of specified quant itative prerequisite courses. Business 190 also counts toward the general education require- ment for science/ math , but these units cannot be counted toward both gen- eral education and a business minor. COURSES 101 Introduction to Computer Science (3) Introducti on to computer hardware and software. Problem soil1ng meth­ ods. Elementary concep ts of algo­ rithm development. C programming. Fee: $25 (See also Computer Science 105) For computer information sys­ tems majors only. 111 Business Methods and Problems (3) An introduction to the various major areas of business activities , ways in which business are organized, oper­ ated and financed and types of prob­ lems th ey encounter. 190 Business Statistics (3) Collection and presentation of busi­ ness data , central tendency and dis­ persion measures for business analys is, sampling and inference for confi­ dence intervals and hypothesis testing, business forecast ing with simple and multiple regression , index numbers. Prerequisite: consent. 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) Macroeconomics: supply and demand analysis , fiscal and monetary policy, money and banking, int ern at ional trade and th e balance of payments. 202 Writings in Microeconomics (3) Integration of basic microeconomi c theory 111th research and composition on issues related to market efficiency. The course includes an analysis of the firm in the various market structures as well as studies in the resource mar­ kets and regulatory acti11ties. Apaper wi ll be a part of course requirement and wi ll double as pass/fail on writing competency requirement. May not be transferred 1vithout consent. Pr~requi­ site: 201 and English l l0A and I !OB.

Pre-Medical Practicum Pre-Dental Practicum Pre-Medical Technology

Pre-Veterinary Practicum Practicum. Professionall y super­

vised observation, demonstration and study in a local medical , dental or lab­ oratory facility. Introduction to health care philosophies, hospital and patient routines, personnel , instru­ mentation and specific treatment practices (phlebotomy credenti al with medical technology section). Case study an d research paper required. Thirty hours of observation. Prerequi­ site: junior standing and petition fi led with Pre-Medical Ad11sory Committee one semester prior to enro llment. Insurance fee: $20. 470 Seminar in Advanced Biology (1) Literature research followed by oral presentation , group discussion and evaluation; independent thought and study stressed. May be repeated for maximum of two units of credit. Sev­ eral courses in em1ronmental studi es, ava ilable through Au Sable Institute, may be used for upper division elective units. See an advisor in the Depart­ ment of Biological Sciences for further details. Prerequisite: junior or senior biological science major standing.

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430, 437, 462, 463 and 464. Management (60 units)

Management majors must complete: 111 ,318,325,407,421,431 ,464 and six units of upper division business elec tives.

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