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Professor: Rynd Associate Professor: Lin OBJECTIVES

105 General Chemistry I (4) Principles and theories of the struc­ ture and properties of matter includ­ ing atomic theory, stoichemistry, mol­ ecular structure, bonding and state of matter. Prerequisite : high school chemistry, intermediate algebra. Fall

Biochemistry is the study of the chem­ istry of living systems. This interdisciplinary program draws upon biow/!J and chemistry. OBJECTIVES The major is designed especially for those students planning a career in the health professions. The require­ ments for schools of medicine , phar­ macy, den tistry and medical technology are met within this major. This pro­ gram also prepares one for graduate school in a variety of bioscience pro­ grams. There are excellent opportuni­ ties for careers in biotechnical, pharma­ ceutical and environmental related businesses and governmental agencies. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science degree in Bio­ chernislly is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The biochemisu-ymajor requires the completion of 63 units consisti ng of the fo llowing: Chemistry 105, 106,301,302,350; Biology 111 , 281, 282,312,322 or 422,41 1, 412; Math 105; Computer Science 100 ; Physics 111 , 112, 460 or Biology 470. Note: The general educaiion requirement f /Jr mathematics and science is met within this ma;or. Theforeign language require­ ment is met /Jy two years in high school or four units ofcollegeforeign language. COURSES (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 100 The Material World (3) The basic principles of chemistry fo r the non-science major. Uses materials of modern society as a theme for exploring the properties and structure of matter as we ll as the methods and consequences of u·ansforming natural resources to consumer products. 101 Chemistry Survey I: Inorganic Chemistry (3) Principles of general and inorganic chem­ istry: atomic theory, bonding, stoichiome­ try, so lutions, chemical reaction , acid/ base theory and nuclear processes. Designed for the health professions, sports physiology and nutrition. Two hours lecture and three hours lab. Pre­ requisite: high school chemistry or passing grade on entrance exam. Lab fee: $20. 102 Chemistry Survey II: Organic and Biochemistry (3) Structure and reactivity of organic and biological compounds with specia l appli cation to medicine and health. Two hours lecture and three hours lab. Prerequisite: 101 or 105. Lab fee: $20.

350 Analytical Chemistry (5) Asurvey of classical chemical methods of analysis such as titrimetric and gravi­ metric along with various instrumental methods including electrochemical, spectroscopic and chromatographic. Three hours lecture, six hours labora­ tory. Prerequisite: 301. Lab fee: $20. 411, 412 Biochemistry I, II (3,3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302. 420 Special Topics in Chemistry (3) Short subjects in such areas as the chemical literature, various instrumen­ tal methods, polymers, organometallics and industrial chemis try. Prerequisite: departmental approval. 422 Laboratory in Biochemistry (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany 411. Modem techniques in molecular genet ics, metabolic processes , bioenergetics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. One hour discussion/ quiz. Prerequi­ site: Biology 312 and Chemistry 411. Alternate years. Lab fee: $40. 480 Special Project in Chemistry (1-3) Research or industrial internship. Requires a written report. Prerequi­ site: departmental approval.

While primarily providing service courses for other programs, the depart­ ment does offer two programs with chemistry as the major component. These are Biochemi stry and Physical Science with a chemistry emphasis. Sin ce chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes, sequences of courses are designed to meet the needs of students as they prepare for a variety of differ ent majors that require an understanding of the nature of matter. The objective of these courses is to provide the stu­ dent with a basic understanding of the laws of theories of chemistry such that the student will be able ( 1) to explain the basic phys ical and chemical prop­ erties of matter in terms of its struc­ ture, (2) to do quantitative problem solving, (3) to gain some level of pro­ ficiency in laboratory methodology, and ( 4) to be acquainted with basic resource material in chemistry. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science Degree in Physi­ cal Science with a Chemistry Emphasis is offered. The requirements for this major are given under the Physical Science Department. The Biochem­ istry Program is given below. MINOR A Chemistry Minor requires the com­ pletion of the following courses: Chem­ istry 105, 106, 301, 302, 350. Six distinct chemistry minor units apart from any other major or minor.

semester only. Lab fee: $25. 106 General Chemistry II (5)

The principles and theory of chemical reactivity including kinetics, equilibria and thermodynamics as applied to acid/ base , redox and other ionic sys-­ terns. Prerequisite: Chemistry 105. Spring semester only. Lab fee: $25. 110 Chemistry Topics (1-2) Various topics in introductory chemisuy. Prerequisite: department approval. 301, 302 Organic Chemistry (5,5) Structure and reactivity of carbon-con­ taining compounds; emphasis given to mechanisms of organic reactions. Second semester includes structural biochemisuy. Laboratory emphasizes analytical organic chemistry. Three hours lecture, six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 106. Lab fee: $35.

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