

Christian Education


COURSES 150 Foundations of Ministry (3)


student to design a program that best sui ts his/ her vocational interests. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those majming in Chris­ tian education depmds upon the number of yem, that were compkted in high school of the same foreign language. specific requirements are listed under "general education require­ ments"forthe bachelor ofarts degme. All specialization courses are sub­ ject to departmen ta! approval. The specialization areas offered are: Elementary Teaching Credential Program The Christian education/ teaching emphasis majors must complete a core of 55 units, of which 24 must be upper division and include: 150, 251, 260, 26 1, 37 1, 372, 380, 382; Education 300, 330, 420, 430, 440, and 442 . Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. Education 440 maybe taken before graduation in lieu of CE 461 and 462. Certa in spec ifi c ge neral educat ion courses are also required which include: Psychology 200, Physical Education 201 , and Math 111. This opti on combin es th e C.E. major core 1vith liberal studies courses. This specialization requires more uni ts than the others do but some units in tl1e C.E. core are substituted for credential requirements. Students must pass the general knowledge section of th e National Teachers Examination (NTE) prior to student teaching. The sn1dent must consult 1vith the Departments of Christian Education and Education for specifics. Children Vocational opportunities with this option include children's director or minister in a local church, a staff member with organi za tions that mini s­ ter to children in the United States or on a mi ssion field , a writer of materi­ als for use with children. Youth Vocational opportunities for youth specialization would include a local church youth director or minister, a club director for youth parachurch agencies, ayouth camp director, aChristian educa­ tion director in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsibilities for youth. lntercultural Vocational opportunities with this option include service on a foreign mission fi eld or service in one of the manysubcultures in the United States.

A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty: Michael J Wilkins,Ph.D. Chair: Kenneth R. Garland, Ed.D. FACULTY Professor: Dirks Associate Professors: Anthony, Bechtle, Issler, Stevens Assistant Professors: Cunningham, Garl and, Leyda, Ten Elshoff OBJECTIVES The Chris ti an education major is designed to prepare its graduates fo r professional ministries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide a fo undati on for grad uate training. Therefore, at the completion of this major, students will have: realized their identity in relation to their position in Christ and their spiritual gifts and abili­ ties related to Christi an ministri es · demonstrated the essential knowledg~ and skills to study the Scriptures induc­ tively and to commun icate biblical truths effective ly; established a basic phil osophy of Chri sti an education which incorporates the biblical con­ cep ts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated their ability to be sensi­ tive to others as persons, understand­ ing howpeople function in both indi­ vidual and group learning experiences; deve loped and demonstrated their abili ty to function successfully in teach­ ing roles and/or in leadership roles. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Ans degree in Christian Education is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The Christian education major requires the comple­ tion of a core of 37 units, 24 of which must be upper division and include: 150,251,252,260,261 , 371 , 380,382, 415, 423, 46 I, 462 and one of the fol­ lmving: 372, 373, 374. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. In addition to th e 37-unit co re, each student is encouraged to select a specialization of IO units to be taken ei ther within or outside of the Christ­ ian Education and Biblical Studies Departments to fulfi ll his/ her elective requirements. There are eight spe­ cializations from which a student may choose that refl ect a broad variety of ministry options in this field . The diversified specialization allows the

This option is for those who wish to design a speciali za ti on unique to their interests, such as church-related camping, counseling, communica tion, business, music , computer science, etc. Pre-Seminary in Christian Education lf a student plans to pursue gradu­ ate work in Christian education , there are specialization courses appropriate to a broader foundation in specified areas. Pre-Seminary in Family Ministries This specialization is designed to prepare the student for graduate wo rk in marriage and fami lyministries. Pre-Seminary in Pastoral Ministry This specia li za ti on provid es a strong fou ndation in Christian educa­ tion upon whi ch to build a well­ rounded pastoral ministry. Note: Students wishing to do graduate work in the Judd of Christian education may wish to take advantage of the Master ofAns program offered at Ta/hot School of Theology. 71ie undergraduate and graduate programs have been designed to minimize overlap and to maximize continued development and growth of the student in the fie/ii. 77zm are Jour specializations designed forstudents who wish to plan for graduate work at Talbot School of Theology. One specialization is designed for theM.A. in Christian education at Ta/hot School of Theo!JJgy, another for the maniage and family minist1ies, the third is the M.Div. degree, and thefourth is the M.A. with an emphasis in youth min­ i.shy. Detaikd infomiation regarding these areas of specialization may be secured in the Ch1istian education office or from any Ch1is­ tian education facu/Jy member. MINOR A Christian Education Minor requires the completion of 18 units including the follmving courses: 252, 261 and one of the age level courses (372, 373,374). Nine additi onal upper division units are al so required which may be selected by the student from any C.E. depart­ mental offerings. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elec tive. SERVICE LEARNING COURSES Certain courses in the major will be des ignated and marked in the course schedule as "Servi ce Learning Courses," which meet the university's service learning requirement. These courses will include th e three prac ticum classes: 380, 461 and 462.

An ovm1ew of the discipline of Chris­ ti an educatio n. Topics of stu dy include the historical and theological nature of the church, prin cipl es of evangelism and edifi cation, spiritual gifts, training and equipping lay lead­ ership , and an examination of con­ temporary career opportunities and para-church ministries. 251 Foundations of Leadership (3) Basics of leadership for a Chri stian educa tion mini stry. Emph asis upon development of personal leade rship qualiti es including Bible study, wo r­ ship, prayer and interpersonal devel­ opment wh ich relate to spiri tual gifts and the church as an organism. 252 Foundations of Teaching Ministry (3) Major emphasis upon learning the­ ories and their application to teaching the Bible 111thin the context of the local


church and parachurch agencies. 260 Foundations of Interpersonal Relationships (3)

Essentials of th eo ry and experience necessa ry to initi ate, deve lop and maintain effective interpersonal com­ munication skill s, deve lopment and maintenance of trust , fellowship , co hes ive ness, effec ti ve communi ca­ tion styles, constructive confrontation and co nfli ct reso luti on skill s are applied to minisi,y situations. 261 Foundations of Development (3) Introduction to human development. Aspects of deve lopment will include the physical, intell ectual , social, per­ sonal, moral and spi ri tual , covering the whole lifespan as a base for a more holistic Christian education ministry. 319 Media in Ministry (2) Skill deve lopment in the design and use of audio-visual technology for use in ministry to all age levels and in a wid e var iety of teaching se ttin gs . Offered fall semester. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Essentials of inductive study applied to bibli cal narrative and ep isto lary literature.

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