

Computer Science


402 Database Management (3) Integrated database sys tems, logical orga ni zati on, data description lan­ guage (DDL), data manipulation lan­ guage (DML), of hierarchi cal net­ wo rks and relati onal databases, overvi ew of selected database manage­ ment sys tems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 201 or 202 . Fee: $25. Alternate years 415 Compiler Theory (3) Th e th eo ry of languages and th eir implementation. Topics include gram­ mars and language generation; lexical , syn tactical, and semantic analysis; code ge neration and optimiza tion. Prereq­ uisite: I 06. Fee: $25. Alternate years 425 Applied Software Devel opment (3) Integration of knowledge and abilities gained th rough other courses in the curriculum within a comprehensive system for development project. Pre­ requisite: 402 or consent. Fee: $25. Al ternate years 430 Computer Communications (3) Concepts of computer communi ca­ tions, local area networks, seven layers of communicati on pro tocols, global networks. Prerequisite: 106. Fee : $25. Alternate years. 440 Topics in Computer Science (3) Course may be repeated for credit with different content (section title) . Pre­ requisite: I 06. Fee $25. Alternate years. Topics are the fo llowing: Systems Programming. Design and implementation of language transla­ tors and systemutilities. Theory of Computation. Concepts from theo retical computer science , finite state conce pts, dec idability, computabili ty, and Turing machines. Computer Graphics. Computer inter­ ac ti ve graphics , software structures, screen display, graphical techniques. Artificial Intelligence. Concepts and techniques of artifi cial intelligence , representation , search strategies, con­ trol, communication and perception, and applications. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special studies in compute r science. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent.

MAJORS Computer Science (53 units)

202 Assembly Language Programming (3) Bas ic concepts of computer sys tems and computer architecture. Assembly language programming. Micros, pro­ gram segmentation and linkages. Pre­ requisite: l 06. Fee: $25. Spring. 206 Application Languages (3) An introduction to fourth generation languages. Procedural and nonproce­ dural languages. Database , graphical, hypertext, and spread shee t sys tems. Projects assigned in each area. Prereq­ uisite: I 06 or consent. Fee: $25. Spring. 230 Programming Languages (3) Organization and structure of progran1- ming languages. Run-time behavior and requirements of programs. Introduc­ tion to programming language specifica­ tions and analysis. Studyof variousalter­ native languages to include Ada and C.

Chair: Walter Stangl, Ph .D. FACULTY Professor: Thurber Associate Professor: Woo Instructors: Seitz, Shearer OBJECTIVES

This emphasis must complete: I 05, 106, 202, 206, 230, 302, 311 , 325, 400, 41 5, 430, and 440. Math 105, 106, I 12, 291 and one upper division elective. Information Systems (57 units) Thi s emph as is must compl ete: 105, I 06, 20 I, 206, 230, 302, 3 II, 325, 402 , 425 and 430. Business 202 , 211 , 212, 370, 415. Ma th 103, 11 2 and 210. Note: All concentratiom must include 24 upper division units. The general edu­ cation requirement for aJareign language Jar thosefollowing a computerscience major may be met /Jy two years of high school lan­ guagear thefirst four units of a college lan­ guage. The science/mathematics require­ ment may be met /Jy three units of science. MINOR A Computer Science Minor is offered with the completion of 21 uni ts. Stu­ dents pursuing a minor are requi red to take a core curriculum of I 05, I 06 and one of 201 or 202. The remaining requirements are fulfilled according to interest in consultati on with depart­ ment adviser. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 level. COURSES 100 Survey of Computers (3) Elementary concepts of computers and data processing. Simple problem solv­ ing te chniques using th e computer. Applicati on to statisti cs, life science , business and social science. BASIC pro­ gramming. Cannot be counted toward the major. Fee: $25. Fall, spring. 105 Introduction to Computer Science (3) Introduction to compu te r hardware and software. Problem solvi ng meth­ ods . El ementary co ncepts of algo­ rithm development. C programming. Three hours lec ture, one hour lab. Fee: $25. Fall. 106 Data Structures (3) Linear li sts , strings, arrays and orthog­ onal lists; graphs, trees, binary trees, multi-linked structures, searching and sorting techniques, dynami c storage allocation; applica tions. Prerequisite: 105. Fee: $25. Spring. 201 Systems Analysis and Design (3) Business computing systems. Systems deve lopment life cycl e. Techniques and tools of systemdocumentation and logical system specifi cations. Concepts and techniques of structuring data on bulk storage devices. File processing techniques . COBOL programming. Prerequisite: 106. Fee : $25. Spring.

Computer science studi es the rep­ rese ntation, storage and transforma­ tion of in fo rmation utilizing computer systems. The Departme nt of Com­ puter Science at Biola University pro­ vides two primary areas of concentra­ tion in addition to a basic core curri cu­ lum. These two areas are computer science and info rmation systems. The de partment al so offers a selection of courses fo r those majoring in other fie lds who wish a minor emphasis of computer science. Resources available to the department include two Digital Eq ui pment Co rporati on VAX 3100 work stati ons, three Hewlett Packard 9000 wor kstati ons, and a Di gital Equipment Co rpora tion Decstation 2I 00 all networked togeth er. We also have IBM, PC, PC-AT and Macin tosh microcomputers. Operating systems include VMS, UNIXand DOS. The department endeavors to pro­ vide each student with an understand­ ing of the organi zation and operation of modern computer systems. Funda­ menta l va lu es and kn owledge are emphas ized so th at students will be able to stay abreast of their fi eld . At the same time students are exposed to prac ti cal appli ca ti ons and cu rrent computer systems so th at they will have significant opportuniti es in the market place upon graduation. The pervas ive use of computers today allows the student to pursue a career in many di ffe ren t areas incl udin g aerospace , insurance, teaching, the computer industry, and banking, to name a few. Al so, the student is pre­ pared to pursue further studi es in graduate school, typically in computer science or business. There is a co n­ certed attempt by the department to integrate fa ith and learning in th e stu dy of computer sc ience and its

Prerequisi te: I 06. Fee: $25. Fall. 300 Advanced Data Structures (3)

Continued studyof graphs, trees, binary trees, multi-linked structures, searching and sor ting techniques, dynamic stor­ age allocation; applications. Prerequi­ site: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organizati on and structuring of the major hardware components of comput­ ers. Mechanics of information transfer and control within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Communications systems. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $25. Alternate years. 311 Operating Systems (3) Computer opera ting sys tems; topi cs include time sharing, process communi­ ca tion, memory management, storage allocation, interrelationships between the operating system and the architec­ ture of computer systems. Prerequisites:

I 06. Fee: $25. Alternate years 325 Management Science (3)

Application of quantitative techniques in business organi zations, linear pro­ grammin g, queuin g, and in ve ntory models, network analysis and dynami c programming and production sched­ uling and contro l. Cross listed with Math 333 . Pr erequisi te s: I 06 and Math I 03 or Business 223 or Math I 05. Fee: $25 400 Theory of Algorithms (3) Vari ous types of algorithms, analytic techniques fo r the determinati on of algorithmi c effi ciency, NP-complete probl ems , comp lex ity hierarchi es , intractabl e probl ems. Prerequisite: I 06. Fee: $25. Alternate years

impact upon our society. DEGREE PROGRAM

A Bache/.or of Science degree in Com­ puter Science is offered upon compl e­ tion of the uni ve rsity baccalaureate and the computer science major in one of the emphases.

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