



Courses Required for All Professional Clear Credential Candidates Health Education: including, but not limited to, nutrition, the psycho­ logical and sociological effects of alco­ hol , narcotics and drugs, and the use of tobacco. Effective September I , 1992 , the requirement must also include ve rification of training in car­ diopulmina1y resusitation (CPR) which meets the standards set by the Ameri­ can Heart Associat ion in its B-level course or the commun ity CPR course provided by the Ame1ican Red Cross. Special Education: completion of a requirement in the needs of, and methods of, provid ing educational opportun iti es to individuals with exceptional needs (mainstreaming). Computer Education: completion of comp uter education cou rsework wh ich includes general and special­ ized skills in the use of computers in educational settings. All students must demonstrate competence in the U.S. Constitution, wri ting, speech and hearing. Multiple Subject Credenti al candidates must also demonsu-ate competence in ch il­ dren 's literature and elementary art, music , and mathematics. Ot her requirements va1y with the type of pro­ gram outlined, and may be obtained through the Education Department. Association of Christian Schools International Certificate The credential program at Biola University meets the requirements for the Association of Chri stian Schoo ls International Certificate. The program is tl1e same as for the California certifi­ cate except that BBST 465 CP Integra­ tion Seminar: "Christian Philosophy of Education" must also be completed. Application information may be obtained in tl1e Education Deparunent. COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2) The structure and fun ction of the school, fou nd at ion s of educa ti on , qualiti es required for teacher effec­ tiveness, and contempora1y issues in education. Aminimum of 35 hours of observation / participation in schools is required. Successful completion of this cou rse const itutes one of the req uirements for ad mi ss ion to the Preliminary Credential program. Pre­ requisite: standing.·

immediately upon transfer into the University if beyond that year. Amini­ mum grade point average of 2.5 is required . Other requirements of the Education Deparunent and competen­ cies to be met are stated in the Guide for Students Entering the Teaching Profession , wh ich may be obtain ed from the Education Deparunent office. All candidates for tl1e Preliminary Teaching Credential in Multiple Sub­ ject instruction must complete the fol­ lowing Education courses: 300, 330, 420, 430, 440, 442 as we ll as the follow­ ing competency courses: English 380, Math 111, Music 310, and Art 306. All candidates for the Preliminary Teaching Credential in Single Subject instruction must complete the follow­ ing education courses: 300, 330, 425 , 435, 450 and 452. In both programs, all education courses must be com­ pleted with grades at "C"or better prior to student teaching. Student Teaching must be completed with a grade of "B-'' or better for the student to be recom­ mended for a teaching credential.

5. Elementary school activities (Phys­ ical Education 20 I); and two phys­ ical educa ti on activities. Ot her programs / educational options are as fo ll ows: CREDENTIAL PROGRAMS Two leve ls of California teaching creden tials - the Preliminary creden­ tial and the Professional Clear creden­ tial - are available, as well as the Associ­ ation of Christian Schools In ternational credential. Each is outlined below: Preliminary Credential Programs In order to qualify for a Prelimi­ nary Teaching Credential 1vith the State of Californ ia, a student must complete (I) an approved waiver program in a major leading to a baccalaureate degree, or pass the Praxis Series Exami­ nation in the subject area prior to sub­ mitting their application for student teach ing, (2) Professional Education courses including student teaching, (3) passing scores on the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to submitting their application for stu­ dent teaching, and (4) a two-semester unit course in the provisions and prin­ ci ples of the United States Constitution or passage of an examination in the sub­ ject given by a regionally accredited junior college, college or university. Two types of credentials are avail ­ able: Single Subject and Multiple Sub­ jecL ASingle Subject Credential certifies the student to teach a single subject from kinderganen through I2tl1 grade, but is especially appropriate fo r grades 7-12. The Multiple Subject Credential certifies the studen t to teach in a self.<:ontained classroom from kindergarten through 6th grade, but is especially appropriate for kinderganen through 6th grade. Approved Majors for Single Subject Credential Art , biological science (life sci­ ence waiver program) , English (Eng­ lish-<:0mmunication waiver program), history, intercu ltural studies, mathe­ matics, music , physical education,

Chair: Claire Sibold , Ph.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Richardson, Sibold OBJECTIVES The major function of the Depart­ ment of Education is to provide pro­ fess ional preparation for teaching. Upon completion of the teac hing cre­ dential program, the student should have satisfactory subject matter knowl­ edge, understand pupil behavior, be competent in the skills of teaching, be able to develop and encourage critical judgment and creat ivity, and have developed strong social and personal traits, eth ical standards, and a Christ­ ian philosophy of education. DEGREE PROGRAM A &:he/nr of Arts degree in liberal Slud­ ies is offered upon completion of the un~ versity baccalaureate and major require-­ menis consisting of 45 uniis, of which 24 uniis must be upper division . The liberal arts major is designed to prepare ele­ mentary school teachers with a broad foundat ion in subject matte r. Core requirements consist of the following: Art 306, Biology 300, English 380, 350 or lntercu ltur al Studies 310, History 403, Intercultural Studies 33 1, Math I 11 , Music 310, Physical Science IOI, 102; three units from Business 201, Geography 30 1, Intercultural Studies 475, Psychology 321, Sociology 330,346 or 362; and Bible 121. In addition to the 33-unit core , each studen t must complete a special­ ization of 12 units in one of the sub­ jects areas. There are nine opti ons: Biology, Communication , English , lntercu ltu ral Studies, Mathematics, Physical Education, United States Hi s­ tory, Visual Arts and World History. Liberal Studies majors are unique and must complete the following Gen­ eral Education requirements: I. English I IOA and B; three units of Commun ication I IO, 170, 181 or 270; 2. Mathematics 21 0; Biology I00 and I10; 3. History I00 and 200; Psychology 200 and lntercultural Studies 331; 4. Three units of Art I00, I06, 130, Communi cation 160, or Music IOI ; three units in Philosophy 210,214 or 215; and a foreign lan­ guage as specified under the Gen­ eral Education section;

Professional Clear Credential Program

In order to qualify for a Profes­ sional Clear Teaching Credential, a stu­ dent must complete 30 units of course­ work past the bachelor degree in a pre­ approved program. The work must be complete within five years of receipt of the Preliminary Credential . The Profes­ sional Clear Credential can be earned in one year of full-time coursework. Undergraduate students who wish to become candidates for a Professional Clear Creden ti al must be enro ll ed in an approved waiver program or obtain passing scores on the appropriate Praxis Series Examination , must be accepted into the education program, and must outline a credential program wi th the credential analyst. Post-degree student must be accepted into tl1e School ofArts and Sci­ ences and into tl1e education program before outlining a program leading to a Professional Clear Credential. Admis­ sion to the Professional Clear Credential program requires a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in an approved waiver program or passing scores on the appropriate Prax is Series Examination in the subject area, and passing scores on the CBEST examination . A tran­ script analysis fee may be required.

physical science, social science. Approved Major for Multiple Subject Credential The Liberal Studies major. Professional Education Courses Required

Students who wish to become can­ didates for a teaching credential must apply for admission to the education program in their sophomore year or

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