328 Introduction to Public History (3) Asurvey of the applications of histori cal concepts and skills outside of acad emi c settings, including the areas of cultural resource managemen t, public policy, busin ess, information manage ment , museum stud ies, ed iting and community/ fam ily history. Prerequi sites: 100 and 200. 330 German Civilization and Culture (3) Typical aspects of German civilization and the significant hi storical events and major contributions of the Ge rman people. Readings in records of histori cal, literary and cultural importance. 331 Great Asian Civilizations (3) Survey of lndo-Arya n, Chinese and Japanese civil izations from ancie nt times to the present, stressing the reli gio-philosophical developments and their impact upon culture. 332 Studies in Asian Civilizations (3) In-depth study of spec ifi c regions of Asia; one or more sections offered every year in such areas as: Modern Indi a, Pacific Rim Nations, Mode rn Japan, and Modern China. May be repeated with a different focus. Pre requisite: 100. 340 French Civilization and Culture (3) Typical aspec ts of French civi lization and the significant histori cal events and major contributions of the French people. Reading in records of histori cal, literal)' and cultural importance. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) A study of selected political theorists. Emphasis on such writers as Pl ato, Aristotle, Church Fathers, Augustine, Aquinas, Machiavelli , Luther , Calvin, Hobbes, Lock e, Burke, Bentham , Marx, Niebuhr and others. Readings in primary sources. Prerequisite: HIS I00, 200 or POL 200. 360 Economic History of the United States (3) Growth and deve lopment of the American economy from the Colonial period to con temporary times. Emphasis on such dynamic factors as po li tical , social, legal , techno logical and international developments affecting changes in agriculture, u·ans po rta tion , commun ication, com merce, industry and finance . 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) Insti tu tion and practice in general and specific methods of teac hing as an assis tant to professors of large classes. Taught jointly by instructors from the Education and History Departments.
390 History of Mexico (3) Smvey of the history of Mexico from pre Colombian times to the present, empha sizing social, cultural, re ligious and politi cal developments, as well as relations between Mexico and the United States. 400 Studies in Developing Nations (3) Regional stud ies in the Third World; su·ess on indigenous culnires. European exploration and coloni zation; indepen dence movements in the post World War II era; contemporary problems including economicgrowth and cultural confli ct. 401 The Rise of Modern America , 1877-1920 (3) Post-Civil War eco nomi c growth, immigration , trans-Mississippi se ttl e ment, industrialization , urbanization; America's rise to world power , Pro gressive Era and World War I. 402 The United States Since 1920 (3) Shaping of American social, economic, political, religious and intellectual life and fo reign poli cy in the era of the twenties, New Deal , World War II , Cold War; emphasis on America's new role in aworld of global interdependence. 403 California History (3) Exploration and colonizat ion; th e Mexican period ; the comin g of th e Americans; statehood; the social, eco nomic and political developments in the 20th ce ntu1y 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and development of Ameri can fo reign relations from the Revolu tion to the present. Anal ys is of the conduct of foreign relations, its objec tives and limitations. 408 The Church in the American Experience (1-3) A religious history of the Unit ed States from the colonial to the con temporary period, emphas izi ng the Church's effect on and its response to Puritanism, the westward movement , social and intell ectual ferment, indus triali zation, immigration, urban ization and war. Offered alternate years. 41 0 American Constitutional Law (3) An examination of the p1inciples of the American consti tu tional system looking primarily at U.S. Supreme Court deci sions and the histmical development of constitutional law. Attention also given to the judicial branch and its role in American government and politics, par ticularlyits continuing interpretation of the U.S. Consti tution as the framework for American democracy.
470 Studies in History (1 -3) Topics in history including individual read ing in histori cal literature. May be repeated wi th a different topic. 480 Research Seminar (3) Special studi es in hi story for majors utilizing the techniques of problem solving, research and fo rmal writing. Non-majors may undertake spec ial study in specific geographical areas; Latin America, Europe , Asia, Un ited States, Near East and Africa. Prereq uisi te: 327 or conse nt. 490, 491 Honors Program (3, 3) A yea r-l ong independent research project for history majors cu lminating in an honors thesis. First semester: reading and research under supervi sion. Second semes ter: drafting and writing final paper.
420 History of Russia (3) Russia from the migin of the nation to the contemporary Sm~et state. Analysis of Czardom, the Revolution and inter national relations in the modern world. 422 Renaissance and Reformation (3) Europe from the late 14th to early 17th cen tuq•. Stress on changes inau gurated by the Renaissance and Refor mation; rise of nation-states and foun dations of modern European society. Offered alternate years. 424 Twentieth Century Europe (3) Europe in the era of World War I, the rise of Communism, Fascism and Hitler 's Nazi Party; World War II and the post-war period; the Cold War and the collapse of the communi st system. 430 History of the Jewish People (3) Post-biblical period to the present; social, political and cultural history of the Jew in the Middl e Eas t, Europe and the Americas; Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust , the State of Israel and Arab-Israeli tensions in the contempo rary world. Offered alternate years. 440 The Islamic World (3) Political, social and cultural histOI)' of th e Arab, Persian, Turkish and Afro Asian Islamic peoples from the 7th century to the present. Major empha _s is on post-World War II developments. 450 Introduction to Folklore and Mythology (3) Major o-aditional and recessive elements in Western ci,~liza tion and culn1re from the time of an Inda-European unity to tl1e present. Crosscultural influences; relationship of history, myth and Bible; universality of some mythological mani festations . Major schools of interpreta tion and tools of research. 460 Seminar in Religious Traditions (3) Signifi cant religious traditions offered with different focus and content, such as: Asian Religious Traditions, the E,rn1- gelicalTradition. May be repeated with a different focus. Prerequisite: I00,
GEOGRAPHY COURSES 301 Cultural Geography (3)
World cu ltural region s; study of cul tural forces and their interaction with the physical environment to produce the varieties of cultural landscape: pop ulation distribution, general land-use, settlement pattern , u·ansportation and communication; attention given to con temporary em~ronmental concerns. 310 Studies in Geography (3) Cont in ental areas studies by regions emphasizi ng ph ys ical , cultural, eco nomic and historical dimensions which give geograph ic personality to indi,~d ual regions and nations. One or more sections offered each year in areas such as Latin America, North American, Europe and Asia. May be repeated with differemcontent (section title).
200 or Pol itical Science 200. 462 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3)
The background, miginal development and spread of the Christ ian religion ; emphasis on the modem era, especially contemporary growth dynamics and church structure in Africa, As ia and Latin America. Offered spri ng semester. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Iss ues in the contemporary world addressed from an interdi sci plin ary social science and Biblical perspective. Prerequisites: Se nior standing.
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