

Intercultural Studies


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ulty that each student in the program 11111 find in their particular career choice the means to effec tive crossculrur;~ personal minisu-y and evangelism. Toward that end the school 11111 pro11de an infonna­ tion center which 11111 answer inquiries concerning missions and encourage stu­ dents and facu lty to pursue academic excellence and spiritual marurity so that they can carry out with competence the Lord's program of discipling all peoples.

Total for major: 31 units, of which

Chair: Elizabeth L. Rambo , Ph.D.

24 must be upper division.



History (30 units)

Professors: D. Buss, R. Buss, Doland,

Amajor concentration of 18 units in History, and two minor concentra­ tions of six units in both English and Philosophy, for a total of 30 units. Of the 30 units, 24 must be upper divi­ sion. The student would seek his/ her

Dean: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. Undergraduate Coordinator:

Hanson, Peters, Wilshire

Associate Professors: Ciocchi, Gilman,

Marguerite G. Kraft, Ph.D.

Lind, W. Shanebeck, Smith

Ass istant Professors: Rambo, Ingraffia




interests and be guided by the faculty The Departments of English , Histo take most of their courses in one of tory and Philosophy offer an interdethe three areas of expertise with in the partmental major in humanities. It History Department: consists of an 18-unit concentration in A. History of the Americas, one area and two support areas of six B. Classical and European upper division uni ts each. The area of History, concentration is basically an emphasis C. History of Eastern Civilization. in the desired field but offers more The student is required to take flexibility through advisement of the either History 480, Research Seminar Humanities Committee. (three units), or History 490-49 1, The object ive of the humanities Senior Honor Program (six units), as major is to provide the student with a a "capstone" course in the concluding broader perspective in selected liberal years of his/ her program. Students arts disciplines than is possible with a who use this emphasis as a pre-semi­ single subject matter. Courses taken to nary program of study, may wish to satisfy the general education requireinclude History 321, History of the ment cannot be credited to the major. fore ign language requirement. A Bachelor ofArts Degree in HumaniTotal for major: 30 un its, of which ties is offered upon completion of the 24 must be upper di11sion. university baccalaureate and humani­ ties major in one of the following conPhilosophy (30 units) centrations. Amajor concentration of 18 units in philosoph y beyond the general English (31 units) education requirement, of which 15 Amajor concentration of I9 units units must be upper div isio n, and in English, of which 12 must be upper minor concentrations of six upper division. The English requirement division units each in literature and includes one unit of English 470, as history. For the major concentration, well as English 251 and 252. English the student must take Phi losophy 301 250 American Literature may be and either 302 or 303. For the minor counted for the general education concentration in literature, the stu­ requirement. Two areas of six upper dent will consu lt his advisor about division units each chosen from the wh ich courses wi ll most likely comple­ following minor concentration areas ment his studi es in philosophy. For of History and Philosophy, or 12 the minor concentration in history, upper division units in one of those the student will select one course minor concentration areas: from History 323 or 324, and one Minor concentration in Historycourse from History 313 or 422. European history: 305, 306, 313, 318, Total for major: 30 units, of wh ich 422. American history: 300, 307, 308, 24 must be upper division. 310, 401,402. Church history: 321, 408, 422, 460, 462. Minor concentrat ion in Philoso­ Christian Church (three units) and one of the biblical languages as their DEGREE PROGRAM

Professors: Cook, Douglas, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter Associate Professors: Dollar, Hayward,



Kraft,J. Lingenfelter

A Barhelor of Arts degree in /11/errul­ lural Studies is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The intercultural

Assistant Professor: Alexander, Steffen


The objectives of the Intercultu ral

studies major requires the completion Studies major are: (I) to enable stuof 36 units of wh ich 24 must be upper dents to demonstrate a knowledge division . The 18 unit core includes: and understanding of the theological, 300, 322, 446, either 3IOor 3I3, 451 or historical, sociological, anthropologi­ 333,457 or 458, with the remaining 18 cal and linguistic issues of the cross­ units chosen to support the particular cultural communication of the gospel; career interest of the student. (2) to enable students to demonstrate A personalized interdisciplinary

a personal responsibility to the man­ date given by the Lord Jesus Chri t to make disciples of every nation; to enabl e studen ts to understand man and cu lture , (3) to increase their

program may be designed by the stu­ dent and the student's adviser. The 18- unit core includes: 300, 322, 446, either

310 or 313,420 and 451. For the inter­ understanding of linguistic and cu ldisciplinary program, 12 upper di11sion tural diversity, to relate more meanunits are to be chosen from outside of ingfully to people with a differem linthe major in a discipline that supports guistic and cultural background and the student's career objectives. to be encou raged to ana lyze and All stu dents in th e major are understand intercu ltural problems required to take Biblical Studies 458 and develop Christian perspectives Theology of Mission as a Bible elec­ toward these problems. tive. BBST 465 Integration Seminar: The careers open to lntercultural Gospel and Culture is required in the Studies majors are diverse , and include senior year. Students with senior such areas as missions ouu·each, crossstanding may take 500 level courses cultural health services, development (see School of ln te rcultural Studies programs and agencies, social welfare, graduate offerings) by permission. translation work, information research, Not e: For the lnterrultural Studies bilingual and multicultural education, ma;ors only, lntercultural Studies 300 is crosscultural communications, and prerequisite lo all anthropology rowJework. public and foreign service. A TESOL (Teaching Engli sh to The lntercultural Studies major is Speakers of Other Languages) certifi­ designed to allow students to pursue cate can be earned by taking the follo11· options which wi ll best prepare them ing concentration in the In tercultural for their career objectives. The inter­ Studies major: INLT 310 or INAL 407, disciplinary concentration offers a !NAN 420, INTE 425, 427, 460, and 492. unique opportunity to combine Inter­ See TESOL and Applied Linguistics. cultural Studies with oth er disciplines in the University to prepare the stuThe Summer Institute of Linguis­ tics (SIL) at Biola, an intensive 18 week dent for careers such as bicultural edu­ program sponsored jointly by SIL and cation, crosscultural mass media com­ Biola, is offered during the interterm

phy - Prerequisite 214 for general education. Philosophy and Religion: 302,413 and six additional upper divi­ sion units in philosophy with approval of the Humanities Committee. Philos­ ophy and Literature: 301, 302, 303, and three additional upper division units in philosophy with approval of the Humanities Committee.

munications, social work, crosscultural counseling, missions political liaison , urban program administration, etc. Missions ou treach has been the major thrust and the spirirual strength of our program. It is the desire of the fac-

and spring terms. It includes the fol­ lowing: INLT 412, 413,414,417, and 422, !NAN 300 and 322. This also can be taken for a concentration in the

ln tercultural Studies major.

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