

446 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3)

Field Internship

332 Peoples of the World (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on customs, social struc tures, re ligion, arts, history and intercultural commu­ nication. May be repeated with differ­ ent course content. 400 Comparative Folklore and Mythology (3) Major tradi ti onal and recessive ele­ ments in Western civi lization and cul­ ture from the time of an Inda-Euro­ pean unity to the present. Crosscul­ tural influences; relationship of his­ tory, myth and Bible; universality of some mythological manifestations. Major schools of interpretation and tools of research. (See History 450.) 401 Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery (3) A treatment of conceptions of the supernatural, the function of religion in society, re ligion and social conu·ol, the nature of re ligious ritual and para­ phernalia, sacred places and religious practitioners. Prerequisite: approval of teacher. 403 Economy, Society and Values (3) Exp loration of theory and me thods fo r the study of econom ic and social relations as they impact human values, . with emphasis on analytic tools for comparative research and crosscul­ tural ministry. Prerequisite: 300. 420 lntercultural Communication (3) P1inciples and processes of communicat­ ing from one culture to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of think­ ing, values, non-verbal expression , lan­ guage expression and sub-groups within a culrure as they relate to the media and the message. (See Communication 472.) linguistics and Translation 31 0 General Li nguistics (3) Descriptive and historical study of lan­ guage; linguistic analysis, language classifications, language and its cul­

413 Phonetics (3) The study of the articulat ion, classifi­ cation, reproduction and recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. (See Communication 3I2.) 414 Phonological Analysis (3) A study of the sound system of lan­ guages with emphasis on methods of reducing non- In da-European lan­ guages to writing. Prerequisite: 413. 417 Grammatical Analysis (3) Linguistic structure and patterning beyond the phonological level, con­ centration on analysis of grammatical and formal oppositions and their structural relationships. 41 8 Analysis of Meaning (3) The study of the semantic component of the grammar of human language. 422 Field Methods (3) Practical aspects of li nguist ics fie ld­ work with application to a non-Indo­ European language to develop skill in data elicitation and management, lan­ guage learning and the analysis of semantic, grammatical and phonologi­ cal structures of human languages. Prerequisite : 413, 414, 417. 471 Introduction to Bible Translation (3) An introduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communica­ tion with special emphasis on u·anslat­ ing the Bible into indigenous languages. History and Theology of Mission 333 Introduction to Church Planting (3) Asystematic study of effective crosscul­ tural church planting. Specific empha­ sis is given to the theological underpin­ nings of church planting, quali fications for church planters, teamwork, demo­ graphics, philosophy of ministf)', strat­ egy design, and turning over the lead­ ership to the local church. 334 Advanced Church Planting (3) A survey and analysis of the su-engths and weaknesses of various church planting strategies. Emphasizing key factors which the church planter can implement in a given crosscultural con­ text with strategy for turning over the leadership to the local church. Prereq­ uisites: 333 or consent of professor. 445 New Rel igious Movements (3) Examines the role of religion and belief systems as they affect the appearance and di rec tion of a va riety of revitali zation movements found in Africa , North America , Brazil, Asia and the Pacific.

Every lntercultural Studies major is required to take an approved over­ seas/ crosscu ltural assignment wh ich provides opportunity to use skills stud­ ied in the classroom.

The background, origin, development and spread of the Christian faith from

the apostolic period until today. 450 Introduction to the Theology of Mission (3)

lntercultural Studies Secondary Credential

A study of the centrality of God's redemptive acts in behalf of mankind from both the Old and New Testa­ ments, with emphasis on their applica­ tion to the mission of the Church in modern times. (See BBST 458). 453 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach to Christ­ ian theo logizing; interre lationships between supracultural Christianity

The lntercultural Studies Depart­ ment in connection with the Education .!!!J Department provides a program lead­ ing to a Single Subject Ca lifornia Teaching Credential in Social Studies. Required courses are: !NAN 300, 33 1, 332,420; INHM 446; INLT 310 or 313; POSC 200, 406; HGEO 301; and HIST 403. Nine units must be chosen from the fo ll owing: INST 44 1,442,457; INHM 456; SOC! 362; HIST 307, 320, 33 1, 401, 402, 440 and 450. The gen­ eral educa tion req uirement for the Behavioral Science requirement is Psy­ chology 200 and for the United States History requirement is HIST 200. Edu­ cation courses required are: 300, 330, 425, 435, 450 and 452. Student teach­ ing is generally done the semester fo l­ lowing graduation. Those interested in this teaching credential should consult with the lntercultural Studies and the Education Deparunents. MINOR An lnterwltural Studies Minor is

and human cultures. 456 World Religions (3)

The distinctive features of the histori­ cal ethnic religions , with special emphasis on the ir comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon missionary strategies. 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture (3) Issues in the contemporary wor ld addressed from a cross cultural and biblical perspective. Field experience and case studies used to demonstrate integrative skill s. Prerequisite: Sen ior standing . Required of all majors. Non-majors by permission only. Society, Technology and Mission 430 Seminar: Topics in lntercultural Health Care (3) May be repeated with different content. Cross Cultural Health Care Delivery. Theories and skills related to health teaching, physical assessment, prepa­ ration and util ization of indigenous health care. Personal Health Maintenance Abroad. Preparation for li ving overseas: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout, initial treatment where there is no doctor. Anthropolo!fj of CrossC1tlt.ural Health Care. The ant hropo logical study of problems of illness and health with emphasis on the cultural context of health care programs. Managtmenl Strategies in CrossC1tllural Health Care. Preparation for serving organizations involved in plan ni ng and implementing health care systems at the disuict and village level.

offered with the comp letion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper divi­ sion, including 300. The student is expected to take BBST 458 for Bible elective. Students must consult with department adviser. Anthropology 300 General Cultural Anthropology (3) The nature of people in culture; wor ldview and perceptio n; cul ture change; a study of the subsystems of cultures, including social organization, rel igion, language and related topics. 322 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Issues re lating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interpe r­ sonal adjustments with nationals and other missionaries. 331 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A study of non-caucasian ethnic groups in America in light of their hi s­ torical and socicxultural background. Practical field experience in an ethnic community. Fee: $35.

tural and social settings. 313 Language Learning (3)

How to learn to speak another lan­ guage using proven techniques and activities that can help assure success as a language learner. Practical expe­ rience in language learning in a fo r­ eign-speaking commun ity. Fee: $125. 412 Introduction to Language in Social Context (3) Introduction to the study of language as a social phenomenon and the mul­ ti lingual norm of many societies; to structural, historical and comparat ive dimensions of language to second lan­ guage acquisition; and to the relation­ ship between written and oral forms.

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