



Advanced standing may be gained through placement examinations in the areas of music theory, keyboard skills, and indivi dual performance , however no units of credit will be allowed for waived courses. Waiver of courses on the basis of placement examination s without comparable prior course credit will increase elec­ tive units available. Credit for courses taken at a non­ accredited college or university will be granted only through placement or

The Bachelor of Music degree includes, a basic core of 31 units of music , and specific degree require­ ments of an additional 49 units. The core consists of the following: 11 3, 114 A and W, 200 (four semesters) , 213 Aand W, 214 Aand W, 300 (three semes ters), 307, 308, 309, 312, 315, 323, 410, 440. Specific additional requirements for the Bachelor of Music degrees are as follows: Music Education (49 units) 102C (except voice principal stu­ dents), 11 8 and 119 (except keyboard principals ), 161 ,162,263,264,3 11 and/ or 340 (6 units) , 320 A-F, 324, 334 , 365, 366, 420, 467, 468, 470, Ensemble - instrnmentalists (8 semes­ ters), Ensemble - pianists (4 semes­ ters ), Ensemble - organists (6 semes­ ters) Pianists must take 260 A/ B, 280, 360. Organists must take 260 A/ B, 280. Professional education courses: 12 units Education 300, 330, 435, 425. Nole: For credential requirements beyond the above, including student teach­ ing, see the Eduwlion Department . Performance (49 units) Piano I02C, 171 , 172, 260 A/ B, 273, 274, 280,311,340 (4 un its), 350 A, 360, 370,375,376,380,420,430,477,478, 490 , Chamber Music Ensemble (4 semesters) , music electives (5 units) Organ 102 C, 171,172, 180, 260 A/ B, 273,274,280, 311 , 340 (4 units), 350 A, 370, 375, 376, 380 (2 units), 430, 477 , 478, 490, Ensemble (8 semes­ ters), music electives (3 units) Instrumental 102 C, 118, 119 , 171 , 172 ,273, 274,3 11 or 340 (2 units ), 340 (4 units), 370, 375, 376, 420, 430, 477, 478, 490, Ensemble (8 semesters), music electives (6 units) Voice 118, 119, 151 , 152, 171 , 172,25 1, 252, 273, 274, 340 (6 units), 370, 375, 376, 430, 477, 478, 490 , Ensemble (8 semesters), music electives (5 units) Note: Voice performance studen/.J who plan further graduate study are encour­ aged to take courses in French, Gennan or Italian since proficiency in two of these is usually required for entrance inlo graduate

Chair: Jack Schwarz, D.M.A. FACULTY Professors: Childs, Liesch, Lock, Schwm, Unfreid, Wiebe, Wong Associate Professors:Johnson , Owen Assistant Professor: Feller Instructors: Kennedy, Payne OBJECTIVES (I) to provide opportunities for all students to study music as an essential part of a liberal education ; (2) to serve as a professional school preparing music specialists for teaching, graduate study, performance, the ministry of church music and other careers in music; and (3) to prepare all of our graduates for effective contribution to the musical life of the evangelical church. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All students seeking admission must demonstrate musical background and performance strengths necessary for successful completion of the stated curriculum. Admission into Biola Uni­ versity does not guarantee admission into the Music Department as a music major. A student will be admitted to the department of music after: I Meeting of requirements for university admission 2. Completing a Music Depart­ ment application with the required number of references supplied. 3. Completing a Music Depart­ ment audition, including a basic musi­ cianship examination designed to demonstrate university leve l music study readiness. After acceptance and upon entrance, students will be given place­ ment examinations and auditions in music theory, keyboard skills and per­ formance. These examinations are given for the purpose of validating prior study and determining proper placement in music courses. Specific information concerning the content of these examinations and suggestions for preparation are available by writ­ ing the Music Department office. Transfer of Credit /Advanced Standing With the exception of courses in music theory, keyboard skills, and in& vidual performance , courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities in the United States will be accepted on a comprable course basis. Prior study in the areas of music theory, keyboard skills, and individual performance wi ll be validated through placement examinations.

Applied Piano (8 units), Ensemble (8 semesters), music electives (2 units) Note: Completion of the music major fulfills the general education requirement for both degree programs in fine arts. Stu­ denl1 in both degree programs must main­ tain a 2. 00 GPA in the major and receive aminimum grade of "C-" in each wurse. Candidates for the Bachelor of Music degree are exempt from the general educa- tion requirement in foreign language, liter- ature and need take only five units in mathematics and/or science. Special Programs/Opportunities Ensembles The Music Department provides opportunities for experience in sev­ eral types of vocal and instrumental ensembl es, including the Biola Chorale, Chamber Music Ensembles, University Singers, Chamber Orches­ tra, Symphonic Winds, Jazz Ensem­ bl e, and Handbell Choir. All are open to non-music majors as well as music majors byaudition at the begin­ ning of each semester. Individual per­ formance opportunities are offered through weekly student recitals and junior and senior recitals. Concert Series The Music Department concert series features outstanding guest artists as well as its own widely-known faculty. Opportunities Off Campus The stature of Los Angeles as a mus ic center provides exceptional opportunities for hearing the world's leading artists, as well as outstanding college and church music organizations. Service Opportunities The Los Angeles metropolitan area furnishes many opportunities for remu­ nerative service in music. There are fre­ quent openings for competent organ­ ists, church choir directors, soloists, accompanists and instrumentalists. Scholarships Music awards in varying amounts are avai lable to qualified students. Complete information is available by writing: Chair, Music Scholarship Com­ mittee , Biola University, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639-0001.


challenge examinations. DEGREE PROGRAMS

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Music is offered upon completion of the uni­ versity bacca laur eate and maj or requirements . Major requirements include: 102C, 11 3, 11 4 A and W, 118, 119, 121, 122, 200 (four semes­ ters), 213 Aand W, 214 Aand W, 223, 224, 300 (three semesters), 307, 308, 309,312,323,325,326,427, 428,410, 440, Ensemble (s ix semesters ), Elec­ tives (B-10 units). Total units: 55. Nole: Voice principal sluden/s are exempt from I02C. Keyboard principal sluden/.J are exempt from I I8, II9. Note: Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Music are exempt from the FineArts requirement. An emphasis in church musi c is available within the B.A. degree in music wh ich is designed to specifically meet the needs of students for whom English is a second language. The emphasis is intended to address the needs of students preparing to work in the field of church music in multi­ ethnic or international contexts. It is also intended that this emphasis wi ll prepare such students for entrance into a graduate degree program in church music should th ey desire to pursue graduate work in the field. Students electi ng this emphasis are required, in addition to the courses listed above under B.A. requirement, to complete the following courses: 381, 382, 383 , 384. 440 is not required in this emphasis. Bachelor of Music degrees are also offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements in the following areas: perfonnance, compo­ sition, and music education. Students interested in pursuing one of these degrees must demon­ strate a high leve l of performance potential and commitment to music as a profession.

programs in vocal performance. Composition (49 units)

102 C, 131 , 132,233,234,311,324, 335, 336, 340 (8 un its) , 437, 438, 490,

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