

202 Nursing of the Client/Family II - Clinical (4) Clini ca l app li ca ti on of the nursin g process with adult cli ents in acute medical-surgical and community set­ tings. To be taken concurren tly with NURS 202 - Theory. Graded on a cred it/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 204 Essentials of Clinical Nursing Pharmacology (2) Use of th e nursing process in th e administration of medication. To be taken concurrently with NU RS 202 - Theory. (C*) 300 Professional Nursing Seminar (1-3) A transi tion seminar designed to fac il­ itate social ization into baccalaurea te professional nursing. Designed for transfer-chall enge students. 303 Nursing Assessment of the Client - Theory (2) Implementation of nursing assessment to recognize problems affecting adap­ tive equilibrium in the client. (C*) 303 Nursing Assessment of the Client -- Clinical (1) Clinical application of nursing assess­ ment with adult cl ients in inpati ent and community settings. To be taken concurrentlywith NU RS 20 1and 303- Themy. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 320 Directed Individual Studies (1-3) Permits students to pursue spec ial interests related to the profession of nursing. Open to clinical nursin g majors only with written consent of instructor. May be repeated with dif­ ferent content. Maximum of six units may be taken for credit. 321 Clinical Enrichment (1-4) Opportunity fo r additi onal appli ca­ tion of the nursing process in selected health care settings. Offered In ter­ term and Summer School. May be repeated with different content and wri uen consent of instructor. Open to clinical nursing majors on ly. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2 .00) for credi t. Prereq­ uisite: Nursing 201. 340 Mental Health Nursing of the Client/Family - Theory (2) Concep ts re lated to family centered nursing of adults with mental health problems. Focus is on application of the nursing process to restore adaptive equi librium. Prerequisite: 202. (C*)

ti ce, regard less of GPA, is ground fo r dismi ssal from the nursing program . Students who wi thdraw from nursing in good standing wi ll be readmined on a space-ava il able basis. Transfer­ chall enge students have equal access for open spaces in nursing courses. I l is recommended that microbiol­ ogy (Biology 282) be taken prior to Nursing of the Client/ Family I and II. Students wi ll not be advanced to level II without microbiology. Ma nd atory NLN ach ievement exams 11ill be taken throughout and at the completion of the nursing program. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor ofScience degree in Nursing is offered upon completion of the uni­ versity baccalaureate and major require­ ments. The nursing major requires the completion of: Biological Science 252, 281, 282; Chemistry IOI, 102 (totaling 17science units); Nursing 20 I, 202, 204, 303, 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366, 44 1, 442, 450, 45 1, 452 and 460. Supporting courses: Three units of each of the fol­ lowing: intercultural studies, sociology, Psychology 200 and statisti cs. Note: The general education require­ ment for a foreign language for nursing majors is two years of the same high school language or four units ofa college language. Nursing majors are exempt from general education requirements of literature (3) and history (four ofeight units required). The annu al Commitment and Pinning Service is financed by assess­ ing each cl inical nursing student $15 per yea r. COURSES 201 Nursing of the Client/Family I - Theory (3) Implementation of the nursing process to faci litate adaptive equilibrium in the client/ family. Includes normal growth and deve lopment of the adolescent through the older adult. (C*) 201 Nursing of the Client/Family I - Clinical (4) Clini cal app li cation of the nursing process with adult clients in inpatienL and communi ty se ttings. To be taken concurrentlywith NURS 201 - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 202 Nursing of the Client/Family II - Theory (5) Continuation of NURS 20 I. Implemen­ tation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilibrium in the client/ fam­ ily. Prerequisites: 201,303. (C*)

scores, and work experience. Adepart­ mental application form is to be com­ pleted and filed in the department with an application fee of $20 by January 15. There is an additional late fee ofSIO for applications received after the estab­ lished deadline. Decisions regarding student acceptance into clinical nursing are made by the nursing faculty. Before starting clinical nursing, snidents will be required to submit completed health forms and proof of current certification in cardiopulmonary certifi cati on fo r health care professionals. Applicants whose educational and professional experiences qualify them for advanced standing are welcome . Those intending to chall enge nursing courses should make an appointment with th e Department of Nursing as soon as accepted by the University. After Being Accepted Into Bio/a 's Nursing Program Asn1dent is required to have, at his own expense, a yearly physical exan1ina­ tion and specific laboratory tests and immunizations byJune 15. Snidents wi ll not be permitted in the clinical agency without this. Each sn1dent isassessed for liability insurance through the Univer­ sity when participating in cl ini ca l courses. The University and cooperat­ ing agencies assume no responsibili ty for illness or accidents occurring during the schoo l program. A student must arrange fo r his own transportation to cl inical agenci es as the University does not provide transportation. The se ni or nu rsi ng student in communi ty health nursing must have a va lid driver's license and access to a car. Valid CPR ce rtification is required and must be renewed annu­ all y throughout the clinical nursing program. Theory and clinical must be taken concurrently in courses with a cl inical component. Due to the importance of course and cl inical orientation, attendance is mandatory to proceed in nursi ng courses. Astudent must earn a mini­ mum grade of 2.0 in mi crobiology, statisti cs and in each nursing course, and main tain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to progress in nursing. Co urses may be repeat ed one time only. Students withdrawing at a fa iling leve l will be permitted to repeat the course one time only. Stu­ dents are permitted to withdraw from courses at a failing level two times only during the total clinical nursing pro­ gram. Unsafe clinical nursing prac-

3. Ba se nursing practice on a form ulation of theoretical kn owledge incorporating communi cation/ collab­ orat ion , teaching / learni ng, critica l thinking/ problem solving, and leader­ ship/ management principles. 4. Collect relevant data systemat­ ically from all pertinent interactional sys tems, the environment , and the research knowledge base; utilize this data effectively to provide safe, com­ petent nursing care. 5. Demonstrate app li cation of synthesized concepts related to caring, stress / adaptati on, developmental , interactional and systems theories in the purposeful and systematic use of the nursing process to fac ilitate opti­ mal adaptation through appropriate use of the prevention, res toration , and conse rvation modes of interve ntion with the three client systems. 6. Identi fy and utilize knowledge of the rel evant cultural, economic, eth­ ical , political, social , and spiritual fac­ tors and the interactions between them that affect the practice of nursing and the delivery of health care services. 7. Demonstrate personal and professional development and Christ­ ian commitment consistent with the goals of Biola University and baccalau­ reate nursing education. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into clini­ cal nursing. Students desiring to be admitted to the Department of Bac­ ca laureate Nursing must mee t all requirements for admission to the uni­ versity. Before being accepted, snidents must complete the prerequisite college courses with a minimum grade of "C" (2.00). These courses include anatomy, inorganic and organic/ biochemistry, communication, English I JOA and 11 OB, physiology, and psychology. Stu­ dents also are required to earn a cwnu­ lative GPAof 2.80 on all prenursing col­ lege course work. Snidents with a cumu­ lative GPA of2.50 to 2.79 may be consid­ ered for admission on provisional stanis if space is available in the program and if there is reason to anticipate the snident will be able to complete the program successfully. Additional factors consid­ ered in the appl ication process include the following: total transcript evaluation, small group interviews, a brief written biographical sketch and a brief extem­ poraneous writing assignment, refer­ ences, pren ursing examination, SAT


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