

Physical Science/Physics



COURSES Physical Science/Physics 101 Physical Science Survey - Lecture (4)

Chair:James Rynd, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Rynd Assistant Professor: Bloom OBJECTIVES

234 General Physics Ill: Waves , Optics and Modern Physics (4)

Biola University, in cooperation with the University of Southern Cali­ fo rnia, offers a five-year, dual-degree program in liberal arts/ sciences and engineering. Students attend Biola Univers ity for three years taking courses in physics, chemistry, biblical studi es and the liberal ans. The fin al two years are taken in the Uni versity of Southern Cali fornia School of Engi­ neering. Upon successful completion of the five-year program, a student receives a B.S. degree with a major in Physical Science from Biola University and a B.S. degree in Engineering from the University of Southern California. Asimilar agreement exists 1vith Boston University. Students interested in these programs must plan their course of study under the supervision of the engi neer in g adv isor and with the approval of the departments. Astudent who chooses to attend an accredited engineering school other than Un iversity of Southern California may also be awarded a degree from Biola University. The student should be aware that engineering schools often have a minimum GPA requirement. The program at USC currentlyrequires an overall GPA of 3.0 for transferring students. The minimum required pre­ engin ee1ing courses taken at Biola fo r most engineering programs are: Math 105, 106, 205, 435; Chemistry 105 ; Ph ys ics 132, 233, 234, 321 and one upper division elective. Other required courses depend on the specific engi­ neering program. Note: Students in the engineering 3 /2 fnogram sequence are exempt from general education requirements in literature /3) and history /4) West and the World. The student is also exempt from the last semes­ ter residency requirement. Note: Physical Science ma1ors auto­ matically meet the general education requirement of eight units of science and mathematics. The foreign language requirement is met fry two years in high school or first four units in college. MINORS A Physical Science Minor is offered 111th the completion of Chemistry I05, 106; Physics 132, 233 and six units of upper division Physical Science electives. A Physics Minor is offered with tJ1e completion of 20 units consisting of Physics 211 , 222, 331, 34 1and 6 upper division un its in Physics.

Wave theory, sound, geometric optics, interference and diffraction, relativity, wave properties of particles, and intro­ duction to quantum physics. Primarily for physical science and pre-engineer­ ing majors. Prerequisite: Physics 233. Lab fee: $20. Offered alternate years. 250 Science and Origins (3) A survey of basic scientific theories of origins, their crucial experimental evi­ dences, and background material in physics, chemistry, geology and astron­ omy. Particular attention will be given to comparison of scientific theories of origins and biblical revelation. 313 Statics (3) Statics of particles, rigid bodies in two and three dimensions, centroids and centers of gravity, structures friction, and inertia. Primarily for pre-engi­ neering majors. Three hours lecture each week. Prerequisite: Physics 132. Offered ocassionallyas needed. 318 Classical Mechanics (3) Newtonian mechanics of particles and systems of particles, rigid bodies, osci l­ lating systems, gravitation, moving coord inate systems, Lagrange 's and Hamilton 's equations. Primarily for physics emphasis majors. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite. 132. 321 Circuits and Instrumentation I (3) An introduction to electron ic circuit analysis and design. Three hours lec­ ture, three hours laboratory each week. Prerequisite: 233. Fee S25. 331 Thermodynamics (3) Introduction to energy, heat, work , entropy, temperature and states of matter. The first, second and third laws of thermo­ dynamics with an emphasis on appli ca­ tions. Prerequisite: 132. 420 Special Projects (1-3) Research or industrial internship. To provide practical experience in a field of the studen t's interest. Designed pri­ marily for students working off campus in a situation where special projects are possible. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing with consent. 450 Special Topics in Physical Science (3) Varying course content according to student and facu lty interest. Topics such as special relativity and nuclear physics routinelyoffered. 460 Physical Science Seminar (1) Acapstone course for all physical sci­ ence and biochemistry majors that includes: (I) presentation of a seminar, (2) service lea rnin g project and , (3) integration readings and discussion.

Acourse designed for the non science major. AsUJvey of the basic principles of physics, chemistry, geology, meteo­ rology and astronomy. Either semester. 102 Physical Science Survey - Laboratory (1) A labo ratory experience to accom­ pany the lecture course. Must be taken concurrently or subsequent to the lecture. Th ree hours lab. Either semester. Lab fee: $15. 103 Geology (3) An introduction to earth science including: processes that shape the earth's surface, oceans and atmos­ ph ere; plate tectonics, earth history and the fossi l record, natural resources and environmental concerns. 110 Astronomy (3) Descriptive general education course, designed to acquaint the student with the cu rr ent sta te of knowledge of the solar system, the Milky Way, galax­ ies, quasars and cosmology. Three hours lecture, one hour laboratory. Field trip fee: S5. 111, 112 Physics I (4) and II (4) A study of mechanics, heat, and sound (111) ; electricity, magnetism, elemen­ tary circuits, and optics.(1 12). In tended for non-majors.principles are treated quantitatively but without calculus. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory each week . Prerequisite: Math IO I or strong algebra/ trigonome­ try background. Lab fee S20. 132 General Physics I: Mechanics (4) Basic principles of physics emphasiz­ ing Newtoni an mechanics; conserva­ tion of energy and momentum; oscilla­ tions and nuids. Primarily for physical science and pre-engineering majors. Three hours lecture , three hours labo­ ratory each week. Prerequisite: Math I05. Lab fee: $20. Spring term only.

The physical science major is an interdisciplinary major designed to pro­ vide the student with a solid fou ndation in chemistry, physics and mathematics. The program offers four emphases. As well as providing the necessary prereq­ uisites for professional programs such as engineering, medicine and educa­ tion, the major al lows one to qualify for many graduate programs related to the physical sciences. The knowledge and skills provided in the program make the graduate much sought after by technically orientated business, indus­ try and government agencies. Upon completion of the physical science major, the student will be able to express an understanding of the basic laws and theories of physics and chem­ istry, demonstrate an abi li ty to do quan­ titative problem solving, demonstrate good laboratory tech nique, acquire sev­ eral techni cal sk ill s, apply scien tifi c methodology to a research problem and integrate scientific knowledge and theories 1vith the Christian faith. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Science is offered upon completion of the university baccalau­ reate requirements and the physical science departmental requirements in one of tJ1e fo llowing emphases. Chemistry (58 units) Chemistry I05, I06, 30 I, 302, 350; Computer Science I05; Ph ys ics 132, 233, 460; Math I05, I06, and 14 units of upper division courses in chemistry, physics or math. Physical Science Secondary Teaching Credential (64 units) Chemistry 105,106,301; Compu ter Science I00 or I05; Physics 132, 233, 234, 460; Math I05 , I06; Education 300, 330, 425 and 435; and 15 upper division units of physical science or math electives especially those needed to complete the waiver program. Physics (58 units) Ph ys ics 132, 233,234,331, 460; Chemistry I05, I06; Math I05, I06, 205; Computer Science I05; and 19 units of upper divis ion courses in physics and math .

233 General Physics II: Heart , Electricity and Magnetism (4)

Introduction to thermodynamics, elec­ trostatics , conductors and currents, magnetic fields , and Maxwell's equa­ tions. Primarily fo r physical science and pre-engineering majors. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Physics 132. Lab fee: $20. Fall term only.

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